Best gift ever (D.E 666 and me)

Zack nodded and drew a little closer. He took an unused pokeball out of his pocket and pressed it making the device expand in his palm. He tossed it and it clicked once it struck the absols. It opened up and drew her in. It fell onto the ground and began to wiggle. He held his breath long enough to watch it suddenly stop and the red light turn off. He felt a rush of excitment go through him as he picked it up. "Nice...we caught Absol!" he shouted, smiling at Lya. He rummaged through his bag and took out a small spray bottle, it was a potion he'd boughten from the pokemart before leaving, he used it on Lya, spraying over her wounds and watching most of them vanish in seconds. "There...that should feel better until we get to a pokemon center and have Joy heal you up proper."
Lya looked on as he drew out the pokeball and expanded it before tossing it at the absols still body. As the absol was drawn into the ball, Lya held her breath, waiting to see if the absol would fight or not. But when it dinged and the red light went out, she sighed and released the breath she'd been holding. Pushing away from the tree, she smiled as Zack picked up the ball and shouted, causing her to laugh softly before wincing as her wounds smarted and she looked down at the deep scratches across her stomach. They stung and she could see that her fur was wet from her blood. "Damn." she muttered before looking up at Zack as he approached with a potion. As he sprayed her with the potion, she felt some of her wound disappear though the worse of them weren't completely healed. "Yeah, it feels a little better." she said. "But if you get my pack I can wrap these so they don't get infected." she said while tenderly touching the scratches still left on her stomach.
Zack went and got her pack. He waited fir her to patch herself up. He wondered if traveling in her pokeball might be safer then walking around. He wished he boughten more potions, thoughbtraveling light had seem the better option to him he had no idea an absol would have shown up. " Are you sure you can travel? It might be safer in your pokeball."
Upon getting her pack, Lya began applying bandages onto her stomach while he watched before wrapping a bandage around her middle and she swapped shirts so that the bandages were covered. "I'll be fine." she told him as she stood up once her bag was packed. "Don't worry about me, I can protect myself. I've traveled with worse before."
Zack was a bit scepticle about this, but he wouldn't argue. He however knew getting to town was the best thing now, he secretly wished he had gone the right way now. "Okay...but if it hurts or you get trued you let me know," he said not wanting her to get any worse. He made sure nithingbhad been lost in the struggle before they started again, he thought they'd have to set up camp soon as the night was getting closer, but he wanted to make some distance before they'd have to.
Lya sent him a lok as she stretched and smothed down her shirt. "Alright. I'll let you know." she said as she looked up at the incline they would have to climb to get back to the trail. Taking a deep breath, she started up the incline, climbing carefully yet as quickly as she could, her tails swaying with her movements. "We should try to get away from here as quickly as we can. Since that absol appeared, there's a possibility that somethings going to happen and I'd really rather not be in the area when it happens."
Zack agreed with her suggestion and tried to make as much progress as they could before they where forced to camp out for the night. He cooked and set things up, being firm and not letting her do anything being hurt. She may have been older or stronger but he had grown alot from the nervous little nebie he was so getting things set up on his own took him as much time as if the two had been working together. After they ate he went about there site, using a repelent he had boughten and spraying it, it wasn't very strong but he hoped it would give them a nice night of sleep before the morning.

The next morning he woke up a bit tired, he had actually stayed awake for most of the night, no that he could do anything if another wild pokemon attacked. He just thought he could at least see it coming this time and possibly use Hailey's help to fend them off, luckily nothing had come and it seems the repel he used had worked great. He cooked them a quick breakfast before they once more packed up and made there way down. It was sometime before they had cleared the mountain pass, nearly late afternoon the next day, but that would mean civilization was only an hours walk away.
At his side, Lya traveled with him, moving as quickly as she could. However, she was a little stiff from that fall off the cliff and her stomach kept smarting so she wasn't moving as fast as she normally would of been. When they decided to set up camp, she wanted to help set things up, arguing with him that she could still do small things but he put his foot down and said no. So she sat with a sigh and watched him as he set up the tent and cooked. As she watched, she noticed how much he'd changed from the first time they had camped out together and she smiled fondly.

That night, she slept deeply and when she woke, she was refreshed and she didn't hurt any more except for the occasional ache from her stomach. After breakfast, she helped pack up and she was eager to be off again. So she shouldered her bag and set off at his side again. "When are you going to talk to the absol?" she asked as they walked.
"I've been thinking about that," he said, though honestl;y his mind had not given very much thought to it. He was a little hesitant about the absol. yes she was strong that was certian, but she seemed so wild and untamed it was going to be a little of a challange to train her, or so he thought. "I guess since she was knocked out...she might not be in a very talktative move...I was thinking after we got into the center and got all healed up," he said, thinking maybe if she was healthy she might be a bit more talktative.
Lya slowly nodded as he spoke. She understood his reasoning but if she knew feral pokegirls the way she did and after traveling with his brother, she knew them quite well, that absol will be anything but talkative even after she was healed up. "We'll see." she said as she adjusted her pack on her shoulder with a sigh.
He had a strange sickly feeling in the way she said that, but he tried not to think to hard about it. In stead he tried to count numbers in his head, and would even imagine his next gym battle, even if that wasn't for a while now. He guessed at some point he should probably catch himself an eletric-type, he had fire, psychic, dark, so he thought it woul;d be a good addition, fighting types where good to have too, given if he had to fight a rock type or steel type or another dark type even. Sooner then he expected though they where back on the road towards town, his mind had wondered and sort of went on auto pilot he lost track. "Hmm....finally," he said as he could see the first building.
After her simple comment, Lya became silent as she walked at his side. She was thinking about how quickly there small group was growing and part of her was concerned that Zack would come to the same decision that his brother had. She wasn't going to get much stronger until she evolved and she knew that those fire stones were very expensive. Howevers, she tried to push the thought away, telling herself that he was different and he wouldn't do that. He wouldn't think that he needed to replace her. But there was a small voice in the back of her mind that seemed to whisper that she knew the truth. That at some point she would need to evolve. She was so deep in thought she didn't even notice that they had come into view of the city and she only looked up when he spoke up.
Zack noticed her silence after he spoke, he wondered if she was thinking about the absol, though strangely he thought it might be something else. He however decided not to ask, she would say if it was important, or when she felt like it. They walked in silence until they reached the center. The one thing he noticed most of all though was how quiet the town was. He was cvurious about it but he didn't ask Joy right away simply because he wanted Lya better.
As they entered the town, the very first thing she noticed was the silence and she frowned slightly while looking around. If it hadn't of been for the glowing lights in some of the buildings and the open pokecenter, she would of thought that the place was a ghst town and it gave her the creeps. Upon entering the pokecenter, she glanced around at the large empty lobby then at the nurse joy who was standing at the counter. Approaching her, Lya quickly explained what happened and the nurse smiled brightly at them before escorting the vulpix into the back to heal her quickly. As she followed the nurse joy, Lya pondered on the thought of how she seemed to always be going into the back with nurse joy to be healed.
Zack waited, thinking of what to ask. He however soon had his answer as he looked on one of the walls with a brightly colored poster. He went over to read it noticing the date for that day "Pokemon....contest.." he read the letters where bright he felt the need to squint looking at them. He guessed this was why the town was empty, there was some sort of contest going on in a bit, he guessed nurse joy would be going to once they where finished up. He wondered what happened if another trainer needed help if she was at the contest...most likely had a chansey or something on call.
For about twenty minutes Lya was in the back, nurse joy looking her over completely to make sure that there was nothing else wrong with her before letting her go. Tugging on her clothes, she head back out to where Zack was waiting. "What are you looking at?" she asked him as she adjusted her shorts and tugged her long hair out from beneath her t-shirt. Her fur was a little ruffled and stuck up in some places so he'd be able to tell that she'd recently been undressed.
Zack looked around as she came out. "Just this...probably why its so quiet here," he said showing her the poster. He guessed the town had a fondness for them, that or this was a very big event. "So how are you feeling?" he asked noticing her unkept fur, he found it a little funny, but he knew better then to show it. He needed nurse JAoy to also heal the newly caught absol of his before he could name her.
Lya moved to his side and looked up at the sign, pursing her lips a little while loking at the sign curiously. "Mm, that might be why." she told him with a nod. She lightly ran her claws thrugh her slightly ruffled fur before turning her gaze onto him as he asked how she felt. "I'm feeling much better." she said to him. "Fit as a fiddle." She smiled at him before brushing her bangs back with a sigh. As they stood there, Nurse Joy approached them with a smile. "Are there any other pokegirls that you'd like to have healed?" she asked Zack.
Zack nodded removing the pokeball from his belt. "Just caught her..we did," he said with a sense of pride. He marveled how the device felt no heavier despite it now having something inside. He handed it over to nurse joy so she could heal the absol within.
The nurse joy took the ball from him and smiled before looking down at it. She was about to open it when Lya took a step forward and put a paw on the womans hand, covering the pokeball. "I wouldn't open that." she said gently. "We'd just caught an absol and if she woke up.... she won't be happy." Nurse Joy looked surprised before smiling and nodded. "Of course. THank you dear." she said. Turning, she walked towards the back and she paused. "You both can come and watch if you want. Not many trainers choose to." she said before stepping through the doors. Grabbing Zacks hand, Lya smiled and gently tugged on his arm, leading him towards the back where Nurse Joy was getting ready to take care of the absol.
Zack didnt need any sort of guidance, the invitation had intrigued him so uch he was going to go regardless, but he let Lya tug him along, smiling softly. He'd always been curious how pokemon got healed up, he thought it was some sort of device, he knew at times they didnt even need to be out of there pokebballs to be restored to health. He was then worried as to how there new teammate would react to him. She had seemed very violent, maybe she was to strong and he couldn't control her?
Lya smiled up at him as she led the way into the back. Nurse joy was standing at a machine with a chancey at her side. The pink pokegirl had short pink hair and big brown eyes and she was dressed in a cute white nurse outfit. She was holding the pokeball when they entered and she smiled over at them before handing the pokeball to nurse joy who placed it into a machine and she pressed a couple of buttons. "When a pokemon is still wild or if I'm asked to heal several at once, we heal them with this as long as it's not a serious injury. If it is a serious injury, the machine will tell us and I'll have to heal it by hand."
Zack nodded, interested in the device. He wondered if going off a cliff was a serious injury, though the absol had not seemed to hurt by it just winded or knocked out. "Okay then...' he said unsure what to say, though it was appearent he was excited to get to see. He watched her place it on the machine and it did some sort of scanning like thing, it showed the outline of the absol in the pokeball on a screen, nothing really happened so he guessed the injuries where not to bad after all.
Nurse Joy looked at the screen that showed the outline of the pokemon before looking at a smaller screen. "The worst of the injuries on her is a burn and some bruises. Other then that she's fine." she said before pressing a couple more buttons on the machine and a made a soft sound as something in the machine lit up. A minute later the glass opened she she took out the pokeball and held it out to him. "All done." she said. "She's as good as new." she told them.
Zack took the ball from her "Thank you Nurse Joy," he said with a smile. He was eager to try and speak to the new partner. He was hoping Lya would have some idea as to how but he thought this would be good to figure out on his own. He left the back room going outside the center before he held the ball. "Okay...ready?" he asked both Lya and the pokegirl inside the ball, even if the latter could not hear. He tossed the ball and hoped for the best as the flash of light asppeared.
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