Best gift ever (D.E 666 and me)

Zack looked at Hailey as she changed, she was very different. Before she had seemed to be the child, or younger teetn of the group. Lya had always been the older looking "sister", and with Viivi she was now the youngest of the three in appearence. He knew they would need to get some more cloths for Hailey for sure. "Um...well,"he said, in truth he was very much excited. However the feeling of Lya not participating made him feel strange. He however could not simply quit being a trainer, or giving his partners attention.
Hailey stretched with a sigh, her green hair falling out of her face and exposing both of her big, bright red eyes as she looked at him curiously, wondering whether he wanted to go straight to sleep or if he wanted to stay up. When he spoke, she tilted her head slightly. Viivi was looking at him curiously as well as she stood back. "Well?.... What?" she echoed. She slowly moved over to the bed and sat down. Hailey looked between them before speaking up. "If you want to get to know Viivi, I can sleep in my pokeball." she said to him.
Zack smiled, Hailey hadn't even needed to peak into his mind to figure that out, he guessed it didn't take a psychic-type to know what he was thinking all of the time. " could," he said to the Gardevoir. "But then you'd miss out on alot of fun," he said with a smile. True being alone with Viivi would be a rather new thing, but he also could not deny Hailey was now very much attractive, not that she hadn't been before, but her much more matured body was something to desire for sure. "Besides you know what to do," he said, Viivi, despite her seeming to be alot more level headed, he wasn't sure if she knew what she meant.
Hailey arched an eyebrow at him as he said that she'd miss out on all the fun. "But a pokegirls first time, whether it's their very first time or if it's their first time with a trainer, should be a special affair." she said to him. "I'll only stay if Viivi would like me to." She was showing that not only had she matured physically but mentally as well. She turned to Viivi who was standing there, a slightly embarrassed look on her normally calm face and she looked down at her feet while nibbling at her lip. "I would like for you to stay." she said gently.
Zack was a bit surprised, Lya probably wwould not have said such a thing, nor had Hailey minded when Lya did partake in her first time. However he was even more surprised when he turned to see what Viivi thought. Her normal cool collected face, was pink in the cheeks with a blush, it was actually very cute. "Well then..."?" he asked Hailey after Viivi said yes, he guessed Viivi knew what he meant at this point as well, so he began to undress.
Hailey smiled gently and nodded. "Mm, then I'll stay." she told them. As Zack began undressing, Viivi gasped and looked away, her cheeks turning an even deeper red. It seemed that even though Viivi acted tough, fought tough and was generally rather indifferent to things, she was internally rather bashful when it came to seeing others naked. Hailey watched the absol with a smile. She found the girls bashfullness rather endearing and cute and she chuckled before moving towards the girl. Reaching out, she gently grasped Viivi's hand and drew her towards the bed, sitting on the edge with her before caressing her arm.
"You....havent before have you?" he asked Viivi as Hailey took her over to the bed. He wondered if she would feel better if Hailey showed her the ropes, but even Hailey was not very experienced, it would have been a very good job for the vulpix, but Lya was still in her pokeball. Zack however knew how to be, for her first time he would be gentle and kind, later when she began to figure what she liked it would change.
Viivi slowly looked up at him before shaking her head. "No." she said. She was quiet for a bit before taking a deep breath and putting a determined look on her face, telling herself mentally that she wouldn't be nervous. This caused Hailey to chuckle again and lean in, kissing Viivi on the cheek. "It's okay to be nervous." she told her before looking up at Zack. "I'm sure Zack was nervous his first time. I knw I was. But... Zack took good care of me. As did Lya." She smiled at Viivi who smiled back. "Now, how about we get more comfortable? Hmm?" she asked and Viivi nodded. Reaching down, Viivi slowly peeled off her shirt and set it aside.
He had not fully undressed, simply because it took all the fun out of it if he did. He had learned very early that it was fun when there was some cloths, expecially with a partner like Lya who could make undressing so sexy. "I was," he admitted, maybe not simply because it was his first though, Lya had experience and that had intimidated him. He watched the absol undress, he would get peeks at her body as she did, and he was getting a little turned on already as well. Both girls where dominately white, though the lighter colors of Hailey contrasted the darker patched of Viivi alot.
(I'll be back in about twenty minutes or so. I have to go pick up my niece from the bus stop.)

Viivi relaxed as he admitted that he had been nervous and she smiled. Next to her, Hailey slid out of her night gown before holding out a hand to Zack. "Join us." she told him before leaning in and nuzzling Viivi's neck, making the girl giggle since it tickled a little. Using a little of her powers, Hailey made it feel like someone was slowly running their hands along Zacks stomach and chest in a teasing manner.
Zack joined the two onto the bed, as she nuzzled Viivi he felt the ghostly hands touching him. It was very strange, almost scary, but he soon enjoyed it simpply making it in his mind real as if she was touching him directly. He moved closer to also tease Viiv, softly running a hand over her thigh. He thought tonight he might sart things off differently.
Viivi closed her eyes with a soft whine as Hailey nuzzled her neck and she smiled, her hand moving up to caress her companions cheek. So far she was liking the new experiance. When he placed his hand on her thigh though, she jumped in surprise before looking at him as his hand ran over her jean covered thigh. Hailey soothed her with a soft sound similar to that of a purr, making the Viivi melt into her side with a soft sigh. She nuzzled the psychic pokegirl in return while a hand reached out and lightly stroked Zacks chest, unknowingly following the same path that the ghostly hands had gone moments before.
Zack let out a very small sigh of pleasure as she rubbed along his chest, the tingling trail left by Hailey's powers was followed perfectly, making it feel much better. "Don't get to frightened," he told her, as he moved his hand up to undo her jeans, he was rather good at this, using one hand to both unbutton her jeans and then unzip them, it exposed her inner thighs a little, though he did strugle to pull the clothing down a little bit. He moved to kiss her lips softly as he worked them down, letting Hailey tease her some more.
Viivi was murring softly as they both softly touched her. When he told her not to get too frightened, she opened her eyes and looked at him before looking down when he began to open her jeans. Because of how low they were, they exposed quite a bit of her as they were opened. As he tugged her pants down, she shifted her hips a little, making it a little easier for him. His kiss however took her by surprise but she timidly returned it. While Zack was opening Viivi's pants, Hailey moved behind the dark grey and white girl, wrapping her arms around her and stroking her stomach while the absol leaned back against her.
He smiled as they seemed to be double teaming the girl. He stroked her inner thighs, the fur was a tad shorter, making his finger tips tingle softly. "How is it?" he asked her breaking the kiss softly. He decided to also mess with Hailey as well. He opened up his mind, and began to mentally visualize doing all sorts of things with her and Viivi, things that seemed very naughty, dirty, things that would have made anyone blush. He knew he could not do the same thing she had done to him, but he could send all of his thoughts to her.
Opening her eyes, Viivi looked up at him through her thick eyelashes before smiling and looking away. "It... It feels good." she whispered to him before tilting her head as Hailey began nibbling and licking at her neck. Viivi could feel her body beginning to respond already and she breathed a little faster. Behind her though, Hailey began catching glimpses of Zacks thoughts and she gasped, her eyes widening as her nipples hardened and she shivered gently. Her face began to heat up, her snow white skin becoming red along the crest of her cheeks.
He smiled softly, still teasing her thighs a bit, gently letting his index finger brush against her nether lips. He rubbed the heated area softly, not to much just enough to give her a nice feeling. Zack however continued to mentally assault Hailey with his mind. She even began to slip herself, and he caught glimpses of her feelings, she was enjoying it, and a bit embaressed that she was. ' like that Hailey?' he asked her letting his thoughts communicate. He had not had alot of experience with her, but he was deeply surprised at how much she was enjoying his dirty thoughts. ' You want me to do that with you?'
She smiled in return before gasping as his finger brushed her nether lips and he began rubbing the area. It was a strange feeling and she parted her legs just a little more while biting her bottom lip. Her hand slowly moved down between then and she grasped the waist of his pants, slowly opening his belt and setting it aside before she opened his pants slowly. Behind her, Hailey was blushing and she swallowed softly as he continued showing her his dirty thoughts. 'Y-yes. I like it. I want you to do that with me... to me.' she said mentally. Opening her eyes she looked at him from over Viivi's shoulder while her hands moved to caress and cup the absols breasts. 'that's why I don't peek deep into your mind.' she said playfully.
Zack smiled as Viivi began to get a bit into it, he let her remove his belt, and start to remove his pants. He rubbed her slit a bit more, he could feel it getting heated down there, a good sign she was enjoying it quite a bit. He shifted a bit to kiss behind her, connecting his lips with a very hot and ready Hailey. ' How badly do you want me to Hailey?" he asked her, smiling a little as she said this was why she did not peak in deep into his mind, of course he was not like this all the time, but he still knew just how to press her buttons no matter what form she was in be it a Kirlia or a garcevoir. To give her a bit more though he gave her a nice fresh wave of dirty thoughts.
Viivi softly moaned while shivering again as he rubbed her slit some more, her body beginning to move a little as she breathed a little heavier. She felt Hailey's thumbs rub her nipples, the other girls smooth fingers caressing the sensitive nubs before groaning as the other pokegirl's nails brushed them. Hailey eagerly kissed him back with a moan, leaning in a little, causing Viivi to be caught between them. The pokegirl whimpered softly and shuddered as he sent another wave of dirty thoughts to her. 'Please Zack... I need you so bad... but... but Viivi.' she moaned in their mind while nipping at his lip again.
Zack let his tongue entwine with Hailey's, he could feel her arousal even more, it was actually starting to turn him on as well. His finger dipped into Viivi's warm depth a little bit as she moaned. ' you want her to see what it's like? Or perhaps help her along a little?" he suggested to the very hot Gardevoir.
Hailey reached up with her free hand and ran her fingers through his hair while kissing him passionately, the passion in their kiss arousing her even more as she closed her eyes and moaned again. Viivi felt him dip his finger into her and she leaned forward a little, nuzzling her face against his neck with a sigh, rubbing her face against his neck and jaw. 'Lets show her what it's like.' she replied, a soft moan escaping her.
He agreed with her, though he would let Hailey do most of the showing, after all he was fairly sure he had flipped a switch a bit to much with her. His finger dipped in and out slowly, and he broke the kiss with Hailey as hhe began to breath just a little unevenly. "Like it Viivi?' he asked, as Hailey continued to tease her breasts as well.
Viivi's eyes were closed as she moaned softly as his finger slowly moved in and out of her, her hands slowly caressing his chest and stomach as she gently moved her hips. As he asked if she liked it, she opened her eyes and looked up at him before nodding breathlessly. "Y-yes." she murmured while her hands moved to his open pants and she slowly began pushing them down. Hailey watched them with lust filled eyes as she slipped a hand down between Viivi's legs and began teasing the absols clit while she began nibbling at her shoulder and lightly pinched one of her nipples.
Zack smiled, kissing Viivi not just as passionetally as he had kissed Hailey. He felt her pull his pants down, his member already a little thick from simply teasing Hailey with all those dirrty thoughts, and the excess arousal she had let slip back into his mind. Slowly his finger moved a little faster, he reached to grasp Haileys breasy jusy behind Viivi and began to knead the large mound of flesh roughly. He pinched the pink nipple, teasing it roughly as he fingered the absol.
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