
Night felt his cheeks heat up a little at her words, strange for someone to have this effect on him and he knew it had to be something special. Ushering her to sit at the table he began to serve up the food before sitting down at the table and taking two sips of his wine. "They usually do that to newcomers, just got to show them who is boss is all." He said.
She smiled "I like you best Night, first time I meet you you act as though I've been here for a long time." Rina's eyes softened as she ate speaking to him "No cat calls or whistleing, just telling me what work had to be done. It was better then dealing with being hit on all day by every guy who saw me. So I must say...." she smiled very warm and lovingly at him "Thank you for making my first few days here great Night."
Night listened intently to her words, it had been far easier for him to act the way he had because it was her, something about the whole situation yesterday while reflecting back on the first few days had changed his mind and could see where the boss had thought they would become good friends at least, were feelings of a greater level rising just below the surface of his skin slowly. Only they would both know as he took a few sips of his wine and ate some of the food. "I am glad you are here, days seem easier with you around."
Rina froze mid sip and looked at him blushing "There's still no chance of me knowing your true name is there Night?" she sighed and went to quietly eating. About half way done she stopped and downed her wine asking "What's the real reason you pulled out this kind of meal? I doubt its for a simple thank you. No offense night but this is way to romantic for a thank you meal."
Night gave a smirk to her words and light shrug of his shoulders before feeling his own cheeks heating up a little, was it really that over the top for a guest he wondered as the last morsel of food on his plate was eaten, washing it down with some of the wine and making sure he had wiped his mouth he spoke softly. "No other reason, you are the first lady here for awhile so perhaps I did overdo it."
Rina smiled feeling her self blush while looking at him and eating "What about Mr. Amane's girl, she seemed to like you. Though his son did stare at me today while I was brushing Yuki." she shivered at the thought and said "Who own yuki anyway?"
Night held the laughter in, appearances could certainly be deceiving and he knew it. Ultimately it was better to be honest. "She don't like me, heard her tell one of the other ranch hands I should go but that will not happen. The horse is Mr Amane's mostly but it will take to anyone who shows it attention."
"Guess that means Yuki would be mine for now, right?" She asked smiling hoping to go horseback riding with him sometime since he owned Black. She then laughed "And if Lily doesn't like you do you think she would be mad if I flirted? Not only to test her but to see what Luke, Mr. Amane's son would do?"
Night's eyes watched her and listened intently to her words, nodding sagely to them before moving to stand up from the large round table to begin clearing away his dishes at least for now. Topping up both of their glasses he spoke in a softer tone. "He should not do anything but the male species can be weird at times."
Rina smiled and stood as well getting her dishes together and brought them to the sink "I'll wash them if you put them away Night. I need to help out since you went through the trouble of getting the meal together." She had a very noticeable blush on her cheeks as she started to wash the dishes. She glanced at him while she began to wash and said "the meal was very good and the wine did taste great with it. Thank you Night."
Night's eyes had changed to the lighter shade of red right now, it was obvious the more time they spent together the more he was relaxed in her presence, who could not be he thought as their eyes met slowly. Drying off the dishes and placing them in their rightful spot he moved closer and softly kissed her cheek, teasingly close to the corner of her mouth as he spoke in a whispered tone. "My pleasure as long as you stay here."
Rina turned red as she rinsed off the last dish right as he kissed her. She instantly got nervous and said "Y-you best....." She ran to the door "You best make it worth staying or I'm gone in a week." with that she ran straight to the stable and climbed up to the roof to calm down and pull herself together "He kissed me, nearly on the lips. God why did I have to run like that?" she hung her head "He probly thinks I hate him now."
Night's eyes noticed the reddening of her cheeks before his ears absorbed the briefly stammered out words, the running away from his abode had him slightly perplexed as he finished tidying up. With the glass of wine resting lightly on the small bedside table he took a few sips of it and whistled softly hoping that she would return soon.
After about an hour of arguing with herself Rina went back and stood at the door "Night, um sorry for running out like that." she walked over to the table and sat down looking at him "Your not upset or anything are you?"
Night had almost given up hope of seeing her again for the rest of the day and was pleasantly surprised to see her return, laughing softly he shook his head and offered the glass of wine to her. "Told you already I could not be upset with you, obviously it was a little quick on my part to do what I did so I shall apologize."
She walked over and sat next to him taking the glass and sipping it "You did nothing wrong. I've never had a guy do something like this before so I was scared it would end badly." She smiled at him "I'm happy you did it though, see thing is....I really like you Night and I'd be happy to do this again sometime." she took another sip and then leaned against him blushing "I'd like stay here with you a bit longer if you'll let me."
Night's blood red eyes followed the slow movements of her body as she shortened the distance between them, the light contact of fingers as she took the glass had a few light sparks flying though his body as he listened to her words. Head turned slowly and moved lips agains the soft skin of her cheek, words barely above a whisper. "I want you to stay here permanently."
Rina's blushed and nodded slightly "I'll stay, but I'll want to know your true name at some point. Mr. Amane asked if i had found that out yet." She sat up and looked at him "My exact words to him were 'Even if I did know I wouldn't tell anyone. Night's name would be my personal keepsake in my heart if I were to leave.', he seemed upset that i wouldn't tell him."
Night listened intently to her words and chuckled softly before finishing his glass of wine setting it down near the half empty bottle and relaxing in the rather large chair that he had constructed. "I can imagine the look on his face, you would be the only one I will tell in time." He said barely above a whisper.
Moving to stand in front of him she smiled and kissed his cheek "Thank you for everything Night." she took the glass and the bottle to the kitchen. Cleaning the glass and other things that were still dirty she finished off the bottle and was starting to feel tipsy as her cheeks now held a blush showing she was slightly drunk.
Night's eyes followed her moving to stand up, the light touch from her lips against the skin of his cheeks had them along with the rest of his body slowly heating up. He had not felt this way before and was unsure of how fast to go as he removed his upper shirt to reveal barely a singlet top covering his broad muscular toned chest with plenty of scars easily visible as he relaxed on the chair for a few before pulling out the bed part of it.
Rina looked at him and said "So what now? We finished supper and the bottle of wine...." she held up the empty bottle smiling at him "So what did you have planned next?"
Night gave a low chuckle and took the empty bottle from her hands pulling her body slowly down onto his lap, encircling her waist with long thick outstretched fingers of his large strong right hand as lips sought out hers softly and slowly.
Rena blushed but didn't pull away or fight him despite everything her body was telling her. She slowly closed her eyes and let their lips touch in a kiss as she thought to herself 'i hope this is not just due to the wine'
Night was never influenced by wine, his body had seen too much of that and other spirits for it to affect him, knowledge was there it could affect others though so he was wary of pushing her too far as he felt her body respond. His words spoken softly. "Are you sure you are ready."
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