
Night had seen several ranch hands leave, only one of them had been meant to stay so he for the most part just did his job and did not care for socializing having learned the hard way that usually only ends in tragedy; at least for him. Taking an extra water he walked past the stables, looked up before gently throwing the bottle to her. "Drink up and food will be ready in 2 hours so hope you have an appetite."
She caught the water calling back "Come up here for a sec, I want to talk about something." she took a drink hoping he came up thinking 'let him know your mind then take the punishment'
Night paused mid stride, he still had some work to do but with it being light for several more hours he figured what the hell and climbed up to the roof. "Okay so spill."
"First could you not talk to me that way?" She sat up and looked at him "I just want you to know I'm not sure how long I'll be staying. I can't take all the cat calls, in my one day here i've gotten more then i have for the past four years combined." she sighed and looked towards the pasture with horses "I came here hoping to be left alone and work with my favorite animal not be hit on all the time, I'm gonna talk to Mr. A tomorrow about me leaving if shit don't stop.'
Night gave a little grin and listened to her words intently, black eyes turning a shade of red as she continued before turning his attention to the homestead for a few minutes. "Mr A will not let you go nor will I. Stay and I shall deal with the rest of them."

Rina glared at him "I don't want any fighting, I've dealt with things by just leaving. This time is no different, if I can't handle things I'm out of here got it Night!" she stood up and jumped down twisting her ankle when she landed and limped inside the stable and back to Yuki's stall.
Night could tell that she was as stubborn as he was, unfortunately orders had been given to him that she was not to leave under any circumstances so he would make sure that she didn't. Leaving the roof he paused on his travels to another area that he would need for tomorrow to have a little chat with three of the main troublemakers. His eyes told them what words did not and if they wanted to do some heavying take it out on the bull which they declined.
Rina sighed as she brushed Yuki asking softly "Do you think I should stay girl?" Yuki rested her head across her shoulder pressing on Rina's back to hug her. Rina smiled softly "I want to stay and get close but he wont let me...and I have being hit on." Yuki just continued to hug her before neighing to call Night back.
Night knew what was happening, it last happened many years ago and could not be forgotten as he recalled some of it easily. The neighs were only slightly heard by him as he made sure that everything was ready for the morning, daybreak he would tackle moving the bull on his own thus noone else could get hurt. Returning to the homestead he smiled and peeked into the stables. "Rina come lets eat then we can chat more.'
Night heard the low grumble from her stomach, his words left hanging in the air. "You want to know me but can't be honest to your own body." Striding into the homestead his eyes met the gaze of Mr A, softening slightly as he sat down preparing to eat. The door hung loosely ajar but would still be heard if anyone else entered, the male ranch hands always ate outside. It was Night's privilege to eat inside and now Rina could experience it.
Mr. Amane asked "Night where is Rina?" Rina walked passed the door to the small food self and grabbed a small apple and a tomato before going back to work for the night in the stable.
Night heard the movement, head turning slowly around before glancing over at Mr Amane. "Seems she is going to work herself to the ground. I will talk to her later okay." He ate some food followed by more water.
Mr. Amane sighed "Make sure she doesn't work herself sick like you did your first night here. I don't want to have a doctor come out and check on her in the morning." Meanwhile Rina got the entire stale cleaned top to bottom and sighed grabbing a single small carrot and moved to a empty stall and hid in a corner mumbling "I wounder how pissed he's gonna be at me for not eating properly."
Night nodded to his words remembering just how sick he had made himself the first night, it was not going to go down well later he mused to himself as he glanced briefly at the cook giving indications that a fair amount be set aside for him to take with him. It was about twenty minutes later that he strode into the stable area, found the stall where she was trying to hide and stood towering over her. "You will eat all that is on this plate."
Rina hung her head not looking at him "First we talk, then I'll eat." she had been staring at the carrot in her hand and refused to look at him til he talked with her. She sighed asking "Why do you act nice like this when no one is around?"
Night's eyes stayed dark barely showing a hint of the red as he merely nodded to her words. "Rina I have to stay sharp and abrupt with the other ranchers, I show softness and they will never fear me."
She looked up at him taking the plate of food and asked blushing "I know I just got here but I really like you and I hope you could let me know your real name someday. I bet its as great as you are cowboy." she took a few bites and said "Night, thanks for not doing cat calls at me."
Night smiled a little at her words, nodding to her words as he relaxed in the stall for a few minutes before glancing out of the stables towards his small cabin. "Rina it is childish of them to do it and will never actually earn them a girl. If you want to come rest in my cabin please follow me, I would feel better if you do."
Rina softly grabbed his hand setting a empty plate down "Could we sit here for just a bit longer?" she didn't want to get up just yet knowing it would mean he would hide the kind side she saw.
Night's dark eyes met hers as his body turned back slightly to hers, the gentle grasp of his hand having caught him off guard completely. "Are you scared to be seen near me." he said teasingly before sitting down on the small wooden crate.
She blushed shaking her head gently as she leaned against him "I don't want this kind side of you to be hidden just yet, and I know that once you get outside you'll probly put your mask on and not let people see this." she closed her eyes and added "I feel like nothing could hurt me right now, that's all."
Night knew that Mr Amane had been correct about wanting them to get closer, it was happening slowly as he felt her body resting against his. The words fully absorbed as he shook his head lightly. "Rina I can not change parts of me no matter where I am, you deserve the softer side most of the time although a kick in the ass never hurts occasionally." he said before laughing.
"I know." she soon stood and picked up the plate smiling at him not caring if she had a blush or not "Should i take this back to Mr. Amane?" Rina liked being around Night but really wanted to know what she could about him before she choose wheither she would stay or not.
Night's eyes followed her movements, nodding his head softly. "Yes that would be good and make sure you tell him that you ate it all. " He said softly relaxing a little more in the stall.
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