
She nodded to him "Thanks for talking with me Night, I'll be back shortly ok." she turned and ran with the plate back to the main house and gave it back telling Mr. Amane the food was good and that she looked forward to more chances to eat with him. She then took her time getting back and stood outside staring up at the moon "Its almost the new moon, my favorite night."
Night heard the neighing from his horse and slowly made his way down the long walkways between the different stall areas, collecting the large bucket which contained the cut up pieces of carrot, feeding several to him as eyes shot skywards. The morning would be tough work which he was partly scared about but not wanting to tell anyone that, it would show a weakness they may exploit.
Rina turned and said "We should go get some rest, tomorrow starts another day of work. Right Night?" she smiled at him as she stood in the moon light thinking 'he may not show this side around others but that means its our secret'
Night was barely aware of her presence until he heard her voice, smiling lightly he gave his horse one last pat before leaving the stables and laughing softly. "Yes I have to move that cow, you can attend to the horses for the morning until I return. Now you can sleep wherever you want for the night." he said softly leaving for his cabin, entering but not closing the door behind himself.
Rina followed him and stood in the door way asking "Do you have a couch I can sleep on, i don't like using other peoples beds if i can avoid it." she shifted slightly not sure what to do for a place to sleep since the only spots she would not be bugged was either here or the stables.
Night always had spare beds in his cabin, having insisted that be the case for new ranch hands to at least get a few days of good rest. Pointing to the larger one with fresh clean sheets on it he smiled. "That can be yours while you are here."
She smiled at him "Thanks." she made her way over to the bed and took her boots off before climbing ontop of it staying above the covers in her clothes "Its soft, thank you again for today Night." she layed facing himfrom her bed and felt her heart race again but didn't mind anymore.
Night had moved to the crib type structure, a light smile spreading across his face as eyes met hers briefly. As was with any other night he took the small journal from under his pillow to make a few notes in it. "Don't mention it Rina" he said while continuing to write for a few more minutes then closed up the journal sliding it back seemingly straight under his pillow.
Rina smiled as she slowly fell asleep her eyes being locked on him as she passed out. She slept for a few hours until she woke up from a nightmare and quietly moved over to his bed and slipped next to him and slept the rest of the night. Rina got up before day break and quickly moved out to the stables and took care of the horses with a smile.
By the first few rays of morning light Night felt like he had not really slept, something had troubled his mind slightly and should have put him off attempting to move that bull but it didn't and being stubborn might bring about his downfall. Entering the yard with the large stock whip in his right hand he made his way carefully towards the north western corner opening the large gates as he did so, trying to get the bull back towards it he was soon faced with the dilemma of trying to climb the nearby tree or outrunning the bull. Neither option would achieve what he had set out to do, corner of his eye he spotted his mare making a beeline for the bull which had sitting up a little more, disinterested in him now he made his move quickly throwing the large tether rope around its neck and dragging it through the open gates. Shutting them he took a few deep breaths before collapsing back at the base of the tree.
Rina stood in the stables brushing Black and sighed. Stepping outside she caught sight of Night and made her way over to him. Smiling at him she stood looking at him and held out a half bar of chocolate "Hungry Night?"
He had barely heard the footsteps, fatigue had set in to at least his lower body for now as breathing slowly returned to normal. Eyes meeting hers slowly before reaching for the bar and taking a small bite. "Thank You. How has your morning been?"
Rina smiled sitting next to him "Pretty good. I got your horse, Black and Yuki both brushed and fed. I even cleaned out the stables." she sighed from the hard work "Did you get the bull moved ok?"
Night listened intently to her words, the chocolate bar finished and helping to bring back some liveliness to his body as he cast his eyes towards the bull in the other paddock. "Yes but not before he gave me one big fright."
Rina leaned over and hugged him slightly resting her head on his shoulder "I hope you feel better after a while Night." She stood up and said "I need to go get water for the horses in the stable."
Night again caught offguard by the hug smiled warmly back into her eyes and gave a nod of his head. "I will be raring to face that bull again next week if need be." He teasingly said. "So you will join Mr Amane and self for a meal tonight I hope."
Rina looked at him smirking "You asking me to a meal date?" she began walking towards the stables calling back "I'd rather have a meal alone with you cowboy!" she waved her hand at him as she left and got the horses water before slumping down into on of the empty stalls and resting.
Night was not sure he had heard her correctly, glancing around briefly before shruggint it off for now and heading back to check on Mr Amane and some of his other stock that had another part of the property. It was towards late afternoon by the time he returned to the large homestead, the kitchen had everything and having full access to it he began to cook up a meal for them, leaving it on slow as he left for the stables hoping to find her. Standing outside the stalls he spoke. "Food will be ready and served in my cabin in about twenty minutes."
"Ok thanks Night." her voice was a bit harsh as she spoke but she stayed hidden in the stall. She was sitting a far corner and didn't move and she turned red hearing a low moan escape her lips "...Night..." was the one word that escaped with the moan and she prayed to god he didn't find her.
Night had strode back to check on the food cooking so would not have heard any moans, collecting all of the food onto two large plates and carrying it to his cabin he placed it down on the large circular table towards the western side of the room. He was keen to eat but would wait until she arrived as he glanced towards the sun for a few seconds, opening the small bottle of wine that had been chilling for the last few hours, poured them both a glass and decided to take a few sips of it hoping to ease some nerves and stomach butterflies.
After a few minutes Rina appeared in the doorway bending down and digging in her bag for some scented hand sanetinzer asking "What's for supper Night?" her face had only a slight blush to it as she pulled her brush out and ran it through her hair. She was nervous seeing the table and thought 'why is there wine? i'm so nervous around him now whats wrong with me?'
Night's dark eyes caught the light reddening complexion to her face and wondered if he had gone a little too far with the wine. "A steak with a huge salad combined with a glass of wine for us both as a way to properly celebrate you being here."
Rina stood turning red as she smiled slightly "W-wine?" she made her way to the table and sat down nervously 'damn it girl get a hold of yourself' "Thank you Night, but why do you have wine out? A simple drink like milk or water would wave been fine, no need to be romantic." she giggled lightly trying to seem her usual self but her eyes showed she truly was flattered.
Night's eyes had changed to a lighter color, the red showing more now as he felt at ease around her and would continue to do so the more time that could be arranged for them both. Placing the wine down for her he took his own and a sip. "Rina wine is the only way to celebrate your arrival, I could have it no other for a lady so beautiful as yourself."
Rina smiled and this time let her feelings show in her voice as she hid her eyes "Thank you Night, everything looks wonderful. I'm also glad that your here to welcome me like this and not one of the other guys who were calling at me the other day."
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