
Lily quickly spoke "Night, I'll be needing you to teach me to ride while the horse is going faster then a simply trot or walk." Rina bit her lip to keep her mouth shut knowing Lily was just trying to split the two and claim night for herself. Lily's tone proved that.
Lily glared at him "Excuse me but you work for me and I want you to teach me to ride. Your new toy can...." =SMACK= Everyone was frozen in shock as Lily's father struck his daughter. Mr. A. scolded her bad "You have three men to teach you. Night is directly under ME not you." he gave her a death glare "You are to leave him and his GIRLFRIEND alone. AM I UNDERSTOOD YOUNG LADY!!" Lily nodded and left it at that. He then turned "I'm sorry for whats shes been like Rina, you go enjoy your time with Night."
Night had expected Lily's barrage was but stunned by her father's reaction and glanced around the table, a few furtive looks here and there exchanged before he smiled at Rina and stood up slowly.He knew there would be food left and spoke in a soft tone. "Rina meet me at the stables in 5 minutes please."
Rina looked at him a bit confused and quickly packed a small amount of food for them to share and quickly left. She ran straight to the stables looking around a bit worried and it showed in her voice "Night?" she looked around and walked stopping at the stall that held his horse in it. She smiled petting him "Hey big guy, where's your owner Night huh?"
Night finished the meal and had watched her leave in a hurry, his own footsteps were much slower as he returned to his cabin and gathered up a things before walking casually to the stables. His voice echoed around the stables "Rina you ready to go."
Night smiled softly and leaned close to kiss her cheek before placing one arm around her waist and speaking softly as he bridled his horse. "Never felt better."
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