
Night's own release quickly followed hers as cheeks heated to the words spoken by those sultry lips, kissing her softly he held her close as the afterglow sank in for them both.
Night's whole body absorbed the words, sleep coming quickly and soon he was up and moving slowly from beneath her body to get dressed and check on the new foal, it had only been born two days ago and needed to be checked on regularly.
Rina slept soundly and was up before the sun to get dressed. She made her way to the stables to the colt and said "Hey Cobolt, you won't believe what happened to me last night." At that moment Lily, the ranch owners daughter walked up "Oh and just what did happen to you last night?" she instantly got an angry look "You had best not have done something to 'my' Night!" Rina froze thinking 'Shit now what?'
Night had done what he needed to with the foal and was attending to some of the cattle, eyes drawing back towards his place and the stables catching sight of Lily, what a bitch she could be thought. In her mind every guy on the property wanted her at least, if they weren't dating her. Not Night and never would as he shook his head and began to slowly hum and whistle walking casually back to the main homestead.
Rina smirked at her "Oh he's yours, thats funny cause the meal he shared with me last night gave me the impression he was single." Lily snapped "What?!" Mr. Amane was walking towards the stables when he saw night and said "Night, come with me. I have a feeling my daughter is harrassing your new girl." Rina turned back and began brushing the colt "We had steak and even split a bottle of wine." Lily glared at her pissed off."
Night was both happy and unhappy to see his boss, the words cutting the air around them like a knife through soft butter as his eyes flared a dark red, both men walking off towards the stable area at a very fast pace. His own words almost shouted into the air. "Rina come give me a hand with the cattle and bull, Lily go see your mother."
Rina happily turned to leave "See you later Cobolt." the colt whineyed to her. Lily quickly blocked the door "Hold it newbie, your not going anywhere!" Rina stood there "Why don't you go chase the other men, the true cowboy is mine." Lily punched her "You stay away from MY Night!" MR. Amane walked in and grabbed his daughter while Rina stood with a hand over her eye.
Night watched his Boss enter, the words having slowly filtered out of the stable area. He was not at all impressed, taking several large strides he looked into the stables and glared at Lily for a few seconds before speaking. "Rina come with me and I will get some ice for that eye. "
Rina walked past him grabbing a pair of gloves "I'll be fine, its not the first time I've been hit." she walked out and looked around "So what work has to be done today, Night?" she wanted to show she was not some weak girl and she wanted to prove she was the strong one to Lily. Lily glared at her "Just keep your lips off my man and we'll be fine." with that she went back to the house. Rina just stood there waiting to know what work had to be done.
Night knew that he would be concerned about her for some time, his eyes showed a darkened side of red as they briefly met then watched Lily walk away. Under his breath the words were cursed, shaking his head he walked casually off towards the larger paddocks. "The cattle and bull need to be put together." He said not looking over his shoulder until he reached the large gate and had taken hold of the shotgun placed against the railing from earlier. A quick warning shot in the air would set the bull away from them if it decided to give chase.
Rina walked over and sighed looking at him "Don't worry ok, I'm perfectly fine." she gave him a smile and set her hand on his shoulder "I can handle little miss thing if she picks a fight over you, I'm pretty sure her dad wont stop us and I'm more then capable of putting her in her place if need be. You just worry about how your gonna top the wine." she winked and sighed "So who's taking the gun?"
Night could only smile at her words knowing the full extent of them, never before had he felt like he did as he bent down and kissed her cheek. "I have the gun, you take the shorter path through the two yards for now." He said.
Rina smiled and kissed him back but on the lips and said "Alright cowboy, just keep the big bad bull away." she winked at him and climbed over the gate and stood on the other side looking around.
Night chuckled at her words and strode down towards the top of the paddocks, eyes staying on the bull as he opened the large metal gates. The cows had all moved towards the lower paddocks and he was hoping the bull would follow without giving him any trouble.
(sorry been gone so long, hope we can pick up our rps again)

Rina walked carefully helping to guide the cattle and kept a eye on the bull too. She moved and her gaze left the bull as she tried to get a calf back to the group and heard the sound of the bull behind her starting it way to charge her "Oh sh....NIGHT!" she bolted to the side barely doging out of the way and having to keep dodging as she made her way towards him and the gun.
Night had barely caught the words in the air, his ears absorbing the crunching of the dirt and head snapped around to watch the bull just miss her. One quick warning shot above its head had it sitting back for several minutes before slowly moving further back down the paddock. With them all separated now he knew that their day would become a little easier.
She ran and hugged him tightly "Thank you.....that had me so scared." Lily had been watching and laughing from the gate on the safe side but seeing Rina hug Night was to much "HEY LET GO OF MY MAN!" Rina glared at her "He's not yours!"
Night returned the hug and heard the brief exchange between the two ladies before casting a glare in Lily's direction before turning his attention to the house. "Ignore her Rina, it will pass soon enough." he said.
Rina smiled and kissed him partly to piss off lily but mostly because she loved kissing the cowboy "What's next to be done?" Lily growled but fell silent as the owner waved at them "Hey you two lunch time come eat!" he then left dragging his daughter telling her to leave them alone and find someone else to harrass.
Night was a little stunned at the openness of Rina's actions but smiled widely at the Boss's words and caught him berating Lily. It delighted him no end to see it as he spoke while walking to the house. "Lunch first then some work on the horses."
Rina smiled taking his hand "Well then we should eat quickly and get back to work." she gave him an evil look "Then a break by the pond so we can just sit, relax and i can kiss you with out anyone tormenting us. I actually like being with you Night."
Night smiled at her words as they walked back towards the house, holding the door open he gave a chuckle and spoke. "Know the perfect spot for later. Will let you organize some wine too if you want."
Night chuckled at the reaction they seemed to be causing among several of the workers. He leaned close after she was sitting and spoke. "Last part of that sounds so good."
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