DBZ roleplay

Jugger82 said:
Feeling his emotions come back, he gasped from the rush of what was going on. It was all to much for him, his cum meter shot up and he began to shoot his load heavily inside of her, harder than before. As he sat there shooting it in, he could see his power begin to drain from the overdrive mode until it was near depletion. He fell over and seemed to be in an off-like mode.

She sighed heavily as his cum filled her ass, feeling him spasm, then almost immediately fall over. She laughed to herself, then became annoyed. How was she going to play with her fuck toy if he was going to power down after each session?

She rolled her eyes, readjusting her blood soaked bodysuit and putting his pants to rights before picking him up and jetting back to their commandeered house.
She took another shower, with her suit on, soaking it thoroughly before scrubbing the blood out. Still sopping wet, she picked him up and padded down to the pod. It was a curious thing and she wondered if it wouldn't be big enough for two. She decided she wanted to find out.
She opened the door, setting in him the seat before turning and sitting on his lap, the opening snapping closed. She looked around the pod, wondering what all the lights were for.
The lights within the pod began to glow and mechanical tubings came out and began to plug into Nathan, charging him. Little mechanical arms came out and began to repair all that would be messed up, though it didn't touch her at all as they went to work on the minor scratches that he had on his body. Soon it was all done and now he was just laying there to recharge, though, a button within the machine said "On".
Jugger82 said:
The lights within the pod began to glow and mechanical tubings came out and began to plug into Nathan, charging him. Little mechanical arms came out and began to repair all that would be messed up, though it didn't touch her at all as they went to work on the minor scratches that he had on his body. Soon it was all done and now he was just laying there to recharge, though, a button within the machine said "On".

She watched at the machine repaired him, but he didn't seem to be charging. She noticed the on switch and decided to press it to see what would happen.
Nathan awoke slowly, though he was still charging. He looked around and noticed he was still in his pod, and that he was still connected to it. "What the..." His vision began to focus better and he noticed a figure sitting on him. He moved his head so he could see the face and saw it was the girl who had enslaved him. "Master...? What're you doin in here...?" If he were fully charged and 'awake' he would've went batshit crazy on her for the murders she committed.
Nazera shrugged. "I just wanted to know what it looked like in here. This whole charging process is kind of boring, you know?"
"Well...its not like its supposed to be made for my entertainment...I'm shut off during the whole thing, I'm not supposed to do anything...well...I'm gonna shut off now...if I'm on, then it'll just slow down the charging."
He sighed and shrugged. "Fine...if thats what you want...murderer..." He said as he turned his head to look away from her. He stayed silent, unable to even speak or look at her anymore as the memories from earlier flowed into him.
She sighed. "Oh shut up with that bullshit, already. You're a fuckin' robot. A FUCK bot. Why should you even care if this planet lives or dies?"
"Because this place is my home! What gives you the right to come to this planet and destroy it!? You're worst than that last pile of trash that came to this planet...that freak with the long hair." He said as he shifted a bit so that she was sliding down his legs some more, causing them to gain a few centimeters of distance.
She shifted on his lap, wrapping her calves around his so she wouldn't slip back down. "Boohoo. This is my mission, my life. I do what I'm told and so should you. This planet is just a pile of dog shit in an otherwise beautiful and useful galaxy. My Lord Freeza deemed it unnecessary, so I am here to smash it to bits. Any more questions, my pet?"
He growled before turning to look away from her. "Yes...a request...just kill me now...for if you continue...I will no longer hold back, I will fight you though I wish not to...For some reason, I don't want to harm you, yet I know I must...I know not what it is I'm feeling..."
"You want to hurt me. You don't want to hurt me." She smiled, laughing. "Why do you feel that way? What makes you tick?" She squirmed on his lap. "I really wish you wouldn't hold back, in some areas."

(going to take a break for a while, hopefully i catch you when I get back on)
(Alrighty see ya. In that case I'll be back in half an hour.)

Nathan squirmed a bit as he kept looking away. "Just kill me...I do not wish to harm you if I am able to...right now, I can barely move until these tubings come out. Do it Master...I would only be an obstacle for you in the future."
She pouted. "Oh, but I like you sooo much!" She smiled, eyes darkening. "Do you really think I'd let you off that lightly?"
"I'm beginning to think so." He said as he shrugged, still not looking at her. "Well...I'm not much of company so, I guess I'll be shutting off now. You are free to leave the pod when you want, just push the door open."
She stamped her foot on his. "I told you to stay on. Listen to me when I give you a fucking order, metal boy!" She tried turning on his lap, but there wasn't enough room in the pod for her to freely move.
"Why? I've no reason to fear you anymore, you've overdone your little tyrant ruler bit. If I defy you, you won't kill me yet the innocents will die. Yet, if you do kill me, I'll at least die along with the innocents. You've already told me you weren't going to kill me, though either way wouldn't matter to me seeing as how I'll still make due with what I have."
"And yet your sacrifice would mean nothing. You would bullshit and make believe you were a martyr. Wouldn't it be better for me to slowly torture you, making you wish you were dead? Your attitude certainly doesn't help. It just makes me want to play with you some more. You truly piss me off."

Nazera glared at him over her shoulder. "There's really nothing you can do and I doubt you'd find a way to make me kill you outright, regardless."
"Ha, try as you might but I cannot feel pain. It was a design that my brain would never feel pain, so try as you might. And I bet I could figure out a way to turn you to hate me, you fucked up alien slut."
She frowned. "Pain...It's nice, but not necessary. I could injure you to the point of shut down, over and over." She laughed to herself until she heard his comment. "Me? I'm fucked up? Have you looked at yourself lately? What kind of being with no ties goes around, caring about a planet and a species he knows nothing about? If I turned off your emotions, I could even order you to help me destroy this pitiful shit hole and you would do so gladly."
"Might as well take away what humanity I have permanently then you bitch..." He mumbled as he kept looking away. The button on the back of his neck easily seen now. "I'll never forgive you...I have ties to this planet because...somewhere out there...my creator is still alive..."
She howled in laughter. "Humanity? You? Don't delude yourself, Nathan. You are nothing. A toy made on a whim. There are plenty of you lying in that god forsaken cave. How do you know your creator is still alive? Would they even care?" She shook her head, tousling her hair. "You've got to be joking."
"Shut up...I know he's alive...!!" He looked to her with daggers in his eyes. "Don't you dare say he's dead! He would have left something to tell me he died if he was truly dead!" He was growing angrier and angrier as the speech went on. If he could be quick enough, what with the tubes still in the back of his neck to charge him, he would literally attempt to strangle her.
She chuckled. "And just how would a dead man be able to tell you he's dead? You have very unrealistic expectations, slave. Not everyone has a contingency plan. Don't live in the past. Live for the future, the here and now. Feel with everything you have while you still can. That's all anyone ever has. You never know when things will end, permanently, forever."
She smiled sadly to herself.
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