DBZ roleplay

He turned to look at her but made no note of her being naked. Seeing her walk over to the window frame, he nodded. "Yes Master...and my apologies Master. Safe voyage." He turned to look back toward the wall and waited for her to get back.
She flew to the cave he had mentioned, grabbing up the pod and anything else she thought he might need, ignoring the other pods.

She flew back to the mansion, her arm bleeding harder. She set up the pod in the garage, plugging it in. She went up the basement steps back into the living room. "Your power source can be found down those stairs."

She walked back out past him to the bathroom, hoping the water was still warm. She stepped in, rinsing the blood off her arm and clearing dirt from her body. Carefully, one handed, she shampooed herself, getting the blood out of her hair.
When she was finished, she toweled off and carefully swabbed her arm with alcohol before applying salve and a heavy gauze pad, wrapping her arm heavily to try and prevent further bleeding.
Nathan watched her as she walked in and told him where to find the pod. He nodded and thanked her. "Thank you Master...now-" He was cut off as she went into the bathroom. He simply stayed quiet and looked forward again as he waited for her to get out. By the time she started to apply alcohol to her wounds, his power had dropped to near 10% and he seemed to become very tired as he sat there watching the wall.
Nazera came out of the bathroom. The metal man seemed almost in a trance and she was surprised he hadn't tended to himself. "Are you alright, tin man? Why do you not see to yourself?"

She sat on the couch next to him, drying her hair with a towel, her dirty things still in a pile on the bathroom floor. She would have to wash them eventually.
Nathan turned to look at her, his eyes showing little light like they had before. "I'm running out of power and I will go into shut down within moments...I told you...I cannot move, I was going to request that you'd bring me to my pod but...you barged into the bathroom Master."
She sighed, rolling her eyes. "Utterly useless." She picked up the wrecked machine and padded down the stairs with him.

"Well? How do I open this? How long do you require to heal and recharge your energy?"
"One hour...just command the pod to open and it shall." He looked to the pod and ordered it to open. The door began to rise upward revealling a soft cushioned seat inside. "Set me down and close the pod, within an hour I'll be good as new Master." But before I go...please tell me whether you want me to say emotionless or to keep my emotions."
Nazera smirked. It would be fun to mess around with him if his emotions were turned on, just as it was when they fought. "Your emotions will be turned on once you are done recharging." She set him on the seat of the pod. "I will see you in one hours time." She closed the hatch and returned to the first floor. She grabbed up her body suit, soaking it under the sink to get the blood out. Using the fragrant soaps, she cleaned the rest of the dirt from it and set it over the shower bar to dry.
Picking up her armor and weapon, she returned to the living, cleaning her supplies and honing the blade while she waited.
An hour passed and the hatch opened on the pod. Nathan stepped out as his sensors were turned on. He immediately went to turning on his emotions, and right as he did so, anger and sorrow surged in him over the deaths of the residents. Growling, he entered the living room. "Alright I'm done Master. What now?" He said with more emotion rather than his plain, monotone voice.
She smiled, giggling uncharacteristically to herself. "I think you forget yourself, slave."

She deposited her items on the dining room table, walking back to the bathroom. Her body suit was still wet. Undeterred, she returned to the living room and sat on the couch once more. Seeing the android's expression, she couldn't help but chuckle evilly into the tense air of the room. "Oh, how you amuse!"
"Shove it...you've already pissed me off enough...now what do we do? I've got more important things to attend to." Which was a lie. He usually just travelled around the area, in search of any information on his creators and why they had left him. He had not bothered to open any of the other pods in the lab because he did not need any tag-a-longs to slow him down in his search.
She continued laughing. "Oh do you now? I would love to hear all about it."

She looked at his ragged clothing. "If you require something to wear, I'm sure the owners of this domicile won't mind you borrowing some." She laughed harshly, smirking at his disgust.

"Whatever you do, Nathan, make sure you change into something becoming. You disgust me."
He glared at her for rubbing in the fact she murdered the residents here, but his attention was soon averted to something weird she just said. "Nathan...? Who is that?" He said in confusion as he looked around, trying to see if there was anyone else.
Jugger82 said:
He glared at her for rubbing in the fact she murdered the residents here, but his attention was soon averted to something weird she just said. "Nathan...? Who is that?" He said in confusion as he looked around, trying to see if there was anyone else.

She grinned again. "I've had a while to think about things. There are quite a few articles, books, magazines, even this electrified box. Nathan, this is the name I have chosen for you. Be grateful you piece of slime, that I gave you a name at all. Now go make yourself presentable!" She yelled.
"Presentable...tch..." He growled as he stood up and went into the bedrooms of the residents. He began to look through the male's dresser before finding some suitable clothes. He changed out of the literal rags her had on and changed into some new clothing (My avatar) before returning to her. "There. Happy?"
She looked him over, appraising his new attire. "I suppose it will do for now."
Nazera had an evil grin on her face again, her eyes lighting up.

"Slave, I have a mission for you. Here, sit." She patted the couch beside her, then put her arm up on the back of the couch, waiting for him to comply.
He cocked his head a bit as he shrugged. He was confused over what was the mission, or that he'd get something called a 'mission' from her. He walked over and sat next to her where she had indicated. "Yeah...? What do you want me to do?"
She smirked, getting turned on by her plan. She spread her legs, using her fingers to spread her pussy lips. "I want you to please me in any way possible. If you can make me cum before my clothing is dry, I will release you from your servitude."
Nathan seemed surprised to a point he jumped over to the armrest of the couch from the sudden shock. "W-What're...why would...HUH!?" He said in confusion, unable to understand the mission she had given him. She had just met him and she's forcing him to pleasure her? He expected her to send him out to kill humans...which would be what he would do. A small price to pay for the entire planet.
Nazera figured she would have some fun with the metal man. After all, her plans to destroy the planet were only on hold and if their earlier battle were any indicator, she should have no problems killing him, should he get in the way or become a burden.

"You do not want your freedom then? How about this- you will please me or I will destroy this city, one measly human at a time, while you watch. A bargain, no?"
His eyes shot open upon hearing this. He bit his bottom lip and knew there was no other choice. "F-Fine...on one condition though...I want my emotions taken off while I do this..." For more reasons than one, he did not want to feel anything while doing this for fear he might screw up and cost the death of the planet. Any emotion, anger, sorrow, pleasure, etc, could throw him off.
She thought about it. It was possible she could have her fun with his emotions later, but she truly wanted to see how this machine man reacted now. "No. Your emotions will stay on. I like to see you squirm, little slave.
He cursed silently as he nodded. He got on the floor and kneeld down in front where her legs were spread. He gazed at her pussy as her fingers spread it and he looked up to her. If he could blush, he definitely would be as his sensors told him of rising heat levels. "What do I do...I've only been 'alive' for a year now and I don't know exactly what to do...just...this?" He reached his hand over and began to rub her inner walls gently with the tip of his index finger.
Nazera shivered. "That's certainly a good start. I want you to alternate between using your tongue and your fingers." She flicked her finger over a tiny nub of flesh at the upper part of her pussy. "This is the clitoris. Suck and lick it. Rub it with your fingers." She held his hand, fucking herself for a minute with his finger. "Here you insert fingers, tongue, and cock. Give it a try."
"My...cock...?" He said a bit shaken that he'd use it in such a way. He simply nodded as he began to push and pull his finger into her as he leaned his head over to start licking and sucking on her clitoris. "Like this...?" He said as he continued, his cock actually starting to grow for reasons unknown to him.
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