DBZ roleplay

He was just about to snap but then her mood seemed to change as she spoke. He saw the sadness on her face somehow and held himself back, though the anger was still there with a mixture of pity for the girl. "If you destroy this planet...I'll destroy my power supply. You'll lose your 'fuck toy' forever." He said seriously, attempting to use the sadness as an advantage to bargain with her to not destroy the planet.
Nazera growled. "Why are you trying to put me into a bad mood?" She glared back at him again, then smiled. "Don't worry, I'm sure I'd find a way to save you. If necessary, I could probably just steal a pod from one of your brothers or sisters."
His eyes shot open. She really could just steal a power supply from one of his other 18 brothers and sisters. He quieted himself and looked away. They were all still slumbering and wouldn't even be able to face the demon about to attack them. They were the only family he had left, even if they weren't ready to wake up from their slumber. "Alright fine...j-just...don't hurt them Master...They're all I have..." He stopped glaring at her and returned to looking away. "Power level at 95%" He said to himself. He was almost ready to leave the pod.
Jugger82 said:
His eyes shot open. She really could just steal a power supply from one of his other 18 brothers and sisters. He quieted himself and looked away. They were all still slumbering and wouldn't even be able to face the demon about to attack them. They were the only family he had left, even if they weren't ready to wake up from their slumber. "Alright fine...j-just...don't hurt them Master...They're all I have..." He stopped glaring at her and returned to looking away. "Power level at 95%" He said to himself. He was almost ready to leave the pod.

She smiled. "Really?" Nazera was glad to finally get her way. Being so bossy and having to command his every move was becoming quite tedious and her life would be a lot easier if he would just cooperate.

Nazera looked around the pod. "What does it feel like? Being whatever you are? What's sex like? And having your emotions turned off and on?"
"I can't explain it...sex is normal for me, I feel everything and am able to feel anything, though the only difference is that I know when I'll ever cum. As for when my feelings get turned on and off...basically being turned off...I don't become anymore human than a computer just doing what its told......97%..."
She sighed, leaning back against him. It didn't sound very impressive or interesting.

"Do you know what I think would be fun, entertaining, slave?"
"Sex?" He said blankly as he looked to her. He had an unamused look on his face but he would be willing to do it if it would prolongue the inevitable destruction of the planet by her hands.
She quirked an eyebrow. "Oh, how you read my mind. I want you to fuck me, inside this pod and cum as many times as you can before I do. Do you think you can do that?"
"Depends. Do you think me being demotivated because I'm being forced to do this would affect how well I'll actually try?" He said bluntly and without looking at her. "99%"
She shook her head. "I'm sure you're motivated enough. And keep in mind, I'm being nice. I'm asking you this time, not ordering. Don't count on it happening again."
"Yeah? Well I don't want to. 100%" He pushed the pod open and sat up, causing her to drop to the floor. "I'm tired of you...now I'm really going to do this!" He raised his hand in the air and balled it into a fist before slamming it down toward her face, hoping to impact because it would be a punch to slam through a mountain.
Nazera caught his hand in her fist, cutting down its force. "You're not very nice, you know that?" She grinned. "Here, try again." She thrust his fist back.
He growled as he tried once more, though he used his right hand as the main target, he used his left hand to aim for her stomach as a back-up if she managed to catch it again.

(I gotta go, but I may reply once or twice more, though they'll be from the DSi. Might. Anyways G'night I'll see you tomorrow.)
She noticed his hand aiming for her stomach and blocked, but decided to let the punch hit her face to let him feel as if he had a chance. She liked a bit of pain now and then.
Jugger82 said:
He smirked before opening his palm to let an energy burst come from his hand to her head.

Nazera gasped, not expecting the energy ball. She managed to move just enough that the blast singed her hair, scorching the floor next to her head.

Her eyes were ablaze. She would not go lightly on him. "You!" She bucked her hips, trying to throw him off, blasting her eye lasers while tossing an energy ball with her good hand.
He was thrown off of her when she bucked her hips. He got up quickly and deflected the lasers away with energy blasts of his own. "I hate you!! Why'd you have to come to my planet!? You should have ended it when you had the chance!"
Jugger82 said:
He was thrown off of her when she bucked her hips. He got up quickly and deflected the lasers away with energy blasts of his own. "I hate you!! Why'd you have to come to my planet!? You should have ended it when you had the chance!"

"Your planet?! How is this your planet?! You don't belong here!" She screamed. "Maybe someone with a fucking pulse deserves to have a planet! You don't know what it's like to have your friends, family, and world destroyed all in one split second. Shut up! You know nothing!"
"At least you had family and friends! I was alone from the beginnig, no memory of anything before when I awoke last year because of that bastard alien trash I dealt with!"
Jugger82 said:
"At least you had family and friends! I was alone from the beginnig, no memory of anything before when I awoke last year because of that bastard alien trash I dealt with!"

She sighed, falling back, embarrassed for some reason to be seen crying by this inhuman being.
"Well, I wish I didn't. Then maybe..." she hiccuped, rubbing at her eyes. "Maybe it wouldn't hurt so much. Life would just be better without anyone to worry about or care for!"
She grabbed her chest. "There's just this gaping hole that you don't know how to deal with." She gulped in a breath of air. "I just do as I'm told and if Freeza wants a planet destroyed, I do it. I take orders because I don't know what else to do? Why is all of this so important to you? Why are you able to function how you do? I hate you!"
The words stung him hard. He felt like a robotic freak, something not capable of having true family and the closest thing he had to a 'friend' was this girl who enslaved him. Hearing her say she hated him hurt the most, somehow and for an unknown reason to him. He stopped where he was and looked away, not even saying a word as he turned off his emotions, thinking they were getting in the way now that he needed to comfort his master.

When his emotions were off, he returned to his soulless state and walked over to her. He knelt down beside her and laid a hand on her shoulder. "Forgive me Master. I was being so crude and obnoxious with my emotions. If it is your wish, I can disable the functions." If Nathan had an actual soul, he'd probably be trying to stop his non-emotional state from deleting the only humanity on him.
Jugger82 said:
The words stung him hard. He felt like a robotic freak, something not capable of having true family and the closest thing he had to a 'friend' was this girl who enslaved him. Hearing her say she hated him hurt the most, somehow and for an unknown reason to him. He stopped where he was and looked away, not even saying a word as he turned off his emotions, thinking they were getting in the way now that he needed to comfort his master.

When his emotions were off, he returned to his soulless state and walked over to her. He knelt down beside her and laid a hand on her shoulder. "Forgive me Master. I was being so crude and obnoxious with my emotions. If it is your wish, I can disable the functions." If Nathan had an actual soul, he'd probably be trying to stop his non-emotional state from deleting the only humanity on him.

Nazera looked up at him through her tears as he touched her shoulder, almost kindly. She shook her head, only reaching up to him, pulling him into a hug and crying harder. She felt so weak, but couldn't help the overwhelming wave of emotion that swept through her.
He sat there being hugged by the crying girl, though he felt nothing for her other than the need to cheer his master up. A need programed into him that he couldn't control when he wasn't 'human'. He wrapped his arms around her and patted her back gently. "It is alright Master. Do not cry, I apologize for my actions and words."
Jugger82 said:
He sat there being hugged by the crying girl, though he felt nothing for her other than the need to cheer his master up. A need programed into him that he couldn't control when he wasn't 'human'. He wrapped his arms around her and patted her back gently. "It is alright Master. Do not cry, I apologize for my actions and words."

Nazera pulled Nathan down. She kissed him, sliding her tongue past his lips and tasting his mouth.
The android allowed this as he sat there, allowing access into his mouth by opening it a bit. If this was going to cheer up his master, he'd do it. Its not like this version of him had a choice in the matter.
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