DBZ roleplay


Nazera smiled, her stomach gurgling loudly, surprising her. "Oh....I'm sorry, Nathan...I haven't eaten since yesterday morning. Would you mind getting me something?"

Nazera lay back on the bed, resting her eyes as she waited for Nathan to return. Momentarily, she wondered where the Nameks had run off to.
Soon later, Nathan came back up with some orange juice and some cereal. "Its not much but....its all the breakfest food the last people had." He said as he placed it all near a table next to her.
Nazera sat up, clutching her side painfully. She grimaced, downing the orange juice in disgust before moving onto the cereal. "Don't worry about it." She shook her head, trying to get the orange juice flavor from her mouth. "These humans are just so vile in their drink choices."
"Ah cmon it can't be that horrible." Nathan said as he sat down beside her. "Wish I had tastebuds, but it'd be useless since I don't need to eat or drink anything to keep me going haha."
Nazera made a disgusted face. "You're lucky." She laid back against the headboard. "I feel better. Do you know where the others are?"
Nathan shook his head. "Cello and Eli, I haven't seen them. Android Two is down below in the basement if she hasn't moved since I left it anyway...how are you feeling?"
"Don't say that....you're long from being dead, don't make it sound like you're dying." He said growing worried for the girl. "Cmon Nazera, you can pull through this...! You're a saiyan!"
She smiled weakly. "Please, don't make me laugh, it hurts." She gripped her side tightly. "I think I'll be fine, I just...need more time to heal."
Nathan frowned and nodded. "Its all my fault why I did this...that casing...the one you destroyed, Gero said he could give me the power to protect those I care for and to get what I want but...I didn't expect him, my creator...to use me in such a way...I had no full control of my mind, I was being manipulated."
"You're right...its Gero's fault...that madman..." He said as he balled up a fist of anger that quickly died away to a gentle carressment of Nazera's cheek. "I love you Nazera..."
"Nazera...I have a question...I'm still okay with the multiple lovers but...which of us do you love the most? You can say who...I don't mind, really." He said smiling to her gently.
Nazera smiled and shifted back into a lying position. "I know I just got up, but I'm so tired. I think I'll just take a nap until the others arrive."
"You do whatever you need to. Until then, I'm gonna go see if Two is okay. She's awfully quiet. I'll be back in a bit, alright?" HE said smiling before hopping up off the bed and then he began to make his way downstairs to find Two.
Nazera lay back in bed, laying there for a while before finally falling asleep again.

Two rose and went to the door, sensing someone coming down the stairs.
Opening the basement door, Nathan stumbled back surprised to see Two standing there. "D-Damn! Don't scare me like that Two!" He said before standing up, rubbing his head. "Are you alright? You were awfully quiet...were you down there this whole time?"
"That old bit again?" He said patted her on the shoulder with a friendly smile. "Cmon, there's nothing to be afraid of. They accept you, if they didn't they would not have let you in the house in the first place haha."
Two nodded, smiling uncertainly. She really didn't trust his statement and would be wary until the others acknowledged her themselves, rather than taking Nathan's word for it. "Alright...If you say so..."
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