DBZ roleplay

Nathan chuckled and patted her on the shoulder. "Thats the spirit Two." He chuckled as he sat down on the couch, looking at her. "So...what are you going to do? Stay here or move on? You still don't seem like you want to stay."
Two sat on the floor next to the couch, still not comfortable with just using the place as he seemed to wish for her to. She shrugged. "I'm not sure. I might see about getting a place of my own."
"But you can't leave!" Nathan said urgently to her. He sat down on the couch behind her, having her between his legs as he hugged her head. "I care for you Two."
She smiled, grabbing his arm and squeezing, unable to effectively hug him in her position. "I'm fond of you, Nathan, but I don't think I can live in this house. I could stay in the city or the countryside. It's not like we wouldn't see each other."
"You do what you want Two, but I cannot come with you...as much as I would like to, I must stay here and take care of my child and her mother while in her time of need."
Two nodded. "I understand, its very important. Maybe I could get something nearby? Either way, I could still visit every day. The city isn't THAT big."
"Yes...it isn't that big but...I think the only way to get a residence is to murder the people...like Nazera did for this place..." His eyes lowered in shame and hate. "I stood there watching as she did so..."
"Oh." Two grabbed his hand, laying her cheek against it. "Don't worry, Nathan, I won't kill anyone. I can just live in the country. Maybe I could find a job in the city and work hard enough to be able to buy my own place, some day?"
Nathan smiled and nodded. "Thats sounds just fine Two...I hope everything works out for you in the end." He said as he brushed her cheek gently with his thumb.
"Don't worry, I'm sure everything will be fine...What we really need to worry about right now is Gero and our brothers and sisters." She sighed, ruffling her hair. "How is Nazera?"
"She's fine...but she's extremely tired from being pregnant, its like its draining her of life...but you're right. What should we do about Gero and freeing our brothers and sisters?"
Two shrugged. "Can we awaken them and bring them to safety so he can't use them against us? What if he's already woken them and is planning on attacking the city?"
"Then we'll stop our brothers and sisters...and we can't go, remember...he's stronger than us, and more clever. I'm sure he's built some sort of safety device to auto-shut us down if we ever try to kill him. Our best bet is to just take anything he throws at us until he's got nothing left and we've got more allies."
"Nothing is impossible...just hard to achieve." He said sighing as he leaned back. "It just takes time...we need to be patient with him...alright? There's no point in rushing in there only to just die at his or our siblings' hands."
Two nodded to herself, liking the feel of his rough denim pants against her cheek as she moved. "I wonder what they're like. Who were they...before they died? Who were we?"
Nathan shrugged. "I don't care who I was before all this...I'm happy with my new life...my new life with Nazera and you." He said smiling as he gently brushed the hair out of her face.
Two shivered as he brushed her hair away, fingertips trailing lightly over her face. The feeling was very unfamiliar and she hid her surprise as she felt a warm liquid start to secrete from between her legs. Perhaps she was malfunctioning? She seemed to be leaking from head to toe lately! "Me too, Nathan."
Smiling, Nathan patted her on the stomach as if praising her before laying his head back on the couch. "Its nice...to just be alone...in a quiet house...with someone you care for."
Two smiled. She grabbed his hand, lightly kissing his fingertips, but not sure why she was doing so. "It is." She nuzzled his hand. "When will the others return, do you think?"
Nathan raised an eyebrow to her lightly kissing on his fingers. Shrugging, he let her have his hand as he spoke to her. "I'm not sure...though...the house is ours for the day. Nazera is fast asleep...she won't be bothered."
(Three more posts to 1k :] )

Nathan felt her neck and could feel oil surging through her in replace of blood. Smiling, he nodded. "Yes...you're alive and well." He said smiling as his fingers brushed down her neck slowly, down her shoulder, and down her arm until they left her body.
She shivered, sighing again as his fingers ran down her neck all the way down her arm before drifting away. "That feels good."
Nathan smiled before using both hands to rub up and down her arms. "What about this...?" He said as he slowly made way to her breasts where he massaged them sensually.
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