DBZ roleplay

"For all we know...Gero might have actually placed his brain into the android with the help of any of the other androids he created when he put the first six to sleep. All I know right now...is that including Gero himself...he has made twenty war machines of death..."
She shrugged. "Hey, good things come to those who wait, right?" She laid down, closing her eyes, ready to have her first night of "human" slumber.

Smiling, he nodded. "You're right haha...sweet dreams Two." He said before laying down to fall asleep himself. Tomorrow would be a boring day, though he'd have to stick around and help with Nazera.
Two woke the next day to her unfamiliar surroundings, scared momentarily as she remembered where they were. She sighed, relaxing as she realized she wasn't in danger.
Two opened the pod, staring around the basement. She wasn't sure if she should explore the rest of the house, so she decided to stay put until someone retrieved her.

Nazera had slept on and off throughout the night, occasionally crying out in pain. The hole in her side was now completely gone, but her insides had a long way to go before she would be back to normal. As it was, she lay in bed, sweat beading her brow as she slept fitfully.
Eli and Cello were nowhere to be seen as Nathan came in. He walked over and sat next to her, wiping the sweat from her forehead. "This is all...my fault..."
(we're almost to 1k posts lol)

He laid down beside her as he continued to wipe sweat from her. "Oh Nazera...I'm so sorry I got you pregnant...I...I didn't even know my sperm could impregnate anyone...."
Her color was much better than the night before, her cheeks a flushed pink. She smiled up at him. "I love you." Suddenly she was crying. "You came back..."
"Yes...I came back." He said pulling her into a tight hug, joining her in the cry. "I came back...and I got reprogrammed...I love you...and I love you loving the namekians...!" He said into her neck as he wept with her.
Nazera cried harder as he spoke into her neck. It was what she had always wanted to hear from him and it took both of them nearly dying for it to happen. "I love you. I love you!"
"I love you too...!!" He cried out into her neck before pulling away, smiling to her. "Though....I...I must warn you my love...when I was reprogrammed I see women entirely different...I see many beautiful women that I must make mine...Android Two has become one of them..."
At that moment, she didn't care if he had a hundred other lovers. What was important was that he had come back to her. He loved her. She smiled, wincing as she shifted. "Nathan, it's alright. I love you. I'll always love you, no matter what. No matter who is in your life."
Smiling, he kept his lips on hers. "Nazera...I must ask you.....is the child mine...?" He said, still smiling though though...he'd be crushed if he were to find out it was the namekians or someone else's...I mean, after all...when they first met she was obviously a pro at what she did.
Nazera smiled, taking his hand and placing it on her stomach. "It is. This is our child, Nathan." She patted his hand, stroking her abdomen with her fingertips.
Smiling with unconceivable joy, he hugged her tightly. "We're going to be parents...!"

(And then it comes out 1/3 namekian, 1/3 saiyan, and then 1/3 robotic lol)
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