DBZ roleplay

Nathan looked around and had noticed that Two was missing. "T-Two...?" He said as he looked around. Cello looked at him confused. "If you mean that crazy android that attacked us, I didn't see her when I woke up." He said shrugging. Nathan frowned as he looked down to the earth. "She...she probably went back to Gero...dammit...she was my ticket to...accepting Nazera...."
Two tried to stay silent, but she didn't want Nathan to feel bad. "I...I'm right here." She rustled the leaves as she jumped down, quickly shielding herself behind Nathan, though she was clearly the strongest one there.
Cello looked at her with caution but made no move from where he rested. Nathan turned to look at her and hugged her. "I'm...glad you didn't go back to that madman..." He said smiling. "You're too good for him."
Two smiled, slightly confused. "I'm here." How she could be too good for her Creator, her Ma-, no, he wasn't her Master any longer. How she could be too good for Gero boggled the mind.
Turning to look back at Cello, he explained that he managed to cause her to think about her situation, and that she was willing to leave Gero. Cello simply nodded before he put out the fire. "Cmon, since you're both good and ready we should go to the house first rather than to wait for Eli and Nazera."
Two nodded, pretty much willing to go along with whatever they wanted, as if in apology for nearly killing them all. She flew into the air, following the two men as they made their way to wherever their hideout was.
As they arrived, Nathan was just about to collapse. His body was still not fully repaired and he wasn't in the best shape to fly. Cello shook his head as he lifted up Nathan, leading him into the house and into the basement where he was placed in the pod for repairs.
Two followed them to the basement, patiently sitting outside of the pod as Nathan charged and was repaired. When he was done, she would be able to reprogram him, if he still wished it.
Cello looked at her with a frown. "So...you finally came to your senses huh? You nearly killed me and my brother, you know that right?" He said as he sat across the room from her.
"Meh...sounds like you could go for an upgrade as well. You sound too...robotic, can't you speak normal like everyone else here?" He said shrugging. "The boy seemed to be halfway done with repairs, at least thats what the scanners say...you must've torn him out of a pod while he was repairing after the tournament...didn't you?"
Two didn't bother denying it. "My Mast-, uh...Gero...ordered me to destroy him. There seemed no sense in allowing repairs to finish if he were going to be recycled."
Cello shrugged. "I'm heading up to check on Nazera. You make sure the kid's okay...got it?" He said as he left to go check on Nazera. Entering the room, he walked over to her where Eli had laid her down in the bed. "Nazera...how are you feeling?"
Two nodded, watching intently as repairs were made and Nathan was being recharged.

Nazera turned her head, staring up at Cello. She smiled weakly. Her body had worked fast on healing her, the hole nearly gone, but internally she was still very messed up. "I'm fine. I'm fine, really. How are you? You two look like crap." She laughed, holding back a scream as the motion wracked her with pain.
Eli went back to attempting to heal her wounds faster with his power. Cello sighed as he sat beside her. "Well...we've got good news and bad news...which do you want to hear first?"

Within moments, the pod began to open up and Nathan walked out as good as new. He cracked his neck and smiled. "Damn it feels good to be whole again."
Nazera looked up at him weakly, her face drawn and pale. "I'm still alive, aren't I? How bad could it be?"

Two stood as Nathan exited the pod. "Congratulations on your repairs. Do you still wish to be reprogrammed?"
Nathan nodded. "If you could...I want to be with Nazera so that I can't become jealous of her with the two namekians."

Cello rubbed his head. "The good news is...Nathan's back...the bad news? He's brought a friend...a hot friend." He said sitting down next to him. "She tried to kill us but Nathan talked her out of it and she's joined us...though she's just like Nathan...an android."
Two nodded, grabbing a small cord from the pod and stabbing it into her neck. "It shall be done." She handed him the other end of the cord, readying herself to dip into his mind and reroute his processes.

Nazera smiled, attempting to roll her eyes as Eli worked on her. "Oh, great. Why not?"
"Another thing..." Cello said frowning. "This may be good news...but she's reprogramming Nathan."

Nathan nodded as he sat up straight, ready for her to delve into his memory banks and to rewrite his view on multiple lovers.
Nazera didn't know what to say or think. "I..."

Two closed her eyes and located his central neural processors, following the connections to the points she needed. One by one, she slowly bent or rewrote the code there. Nathan's inhibitions were lowered and he could accept the notion of many loves or lovers. She opened her eyes and pulled out the link cable, blinking several times to erase the images of his neural pathways. "How do you feel?"
Cello looked at her confused. "Whats wrong? I thought this was what you wanted. You wanted Nathan to accept that multiple lovers was a good thing...did you not?"

Shuddering to the feel of his brain getting rewritten, he smiled to her. "I feel good still...and it seems what you did worked, I'm...not jealous anymore...haha...it feels like nothing is even blocking me from loving her...!" He said smiling as he hugged her.
Nazera nodded. "I do...it just doesn't seem all that important right now." She sighed, patting her stomach. Tired. She was so tired! She has to struggle to stay awake, to even lift her eyelids.

Two smiled, glad she could do something to ease the pain of her counterpart. "I'm happy it worked. What now?"
Cello frowned and nodded, remembering her situation. "Yes...your pregnancy...do you need anything to eat or drink Nazera?"

Nathan looked up to her, smiling...with the blocks now gone, he was falling for any beautiful woman nearby. "Two...kiss me..."
Nazera shook her head. "Sleep. All I want is sleep."

Two was slightly surprised by Nathan's odd request. She leaned forward, placing a gentle peck on his lips before leaning back. "Anything else?"
Frowning, he sighed. "Two...get in the pod...and get more repairs so you'll be more human rather than this...android personality." He said with a small smile to her.

Cello nodded as he laid next to her. "Go to sleep then...all of us will be here in the morning."
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