DBZ roleplay

She shrugged. "Oh! If we're no longer under Gero's command, how are we going to repair and recharge? We don't have our own pods."
"If Nazera is still willing to take me in...and possibly you...we have a pod in the basement of the house we can use. Its...a rare one, it automatically upgrades us whenever it senses we need to be."
"He probably will but...seeing as how you took both Eli and Cello on at the same time, and the fact we have Nazera, I doubt there's anything he can send to us that can easily defeat us."
"I think you're right. Is it safe to move them? Would it do harm if we moved them to a safer location?" She stopped, suddenly clicking in her head. "Nazera is the woman you fought at the tournament, yes? How will she be able to help us? You injured her quite severely."
"She's probably at the house recovering, Cello and Eli took her there. I'm sure Gero will wait a while before he actually sends out assassins after us...as for now, we can't move them as it may just make things worse."
Two nodded and sat down under a nearby tree. She hadn't a clue as to what they should do for the next few hours. "That's good."
Two cocked her head, going over computations in her database. "With the correct hook up and processes, yes, I could. Is there something you are wanting to reprogram?"
"I...I want you to reprogram me so...I accept that having multiple lovers is something that is good. Nazera...she loves the two Nameks as well and I'm too jealous of it to even be with her...though now that I know she has my child, I want to be there for her through thick and thin with the child...will you do it?"
Two nodded again. She wasn't sure if it was clear that the child was his, but if he wished it, she would do it. "I can, but it will have to wait until you're repaired and we have the charging station for the connector cables."
Two complied, standing and walking to where he was before sitting again. "I just...I don't understand these emotions. Why does everything seem...so much harder? I'm still the same person."
She really wasn't sure how that advice was supposed to help. She was new to all this emotional stuff and not used to being, at least partially, her own boss. "How do you do it? How do you function without a Master? How do you control all this turmoil inside of you?"
Thinking about it, he shrugged. "I don't know...I just...deal with everything that happens to me as it comes naturally...I can't really explain it but...I'm sure, when the time comes for you to take action, you'll take the one you feel is best."
Two nodded. "I hope you are right." She laid down under the shade of the tree, closing her eyes. "Perhaps it is best if we also take this time to rest?"
Smiling he nodded as he laid a arm around her neck to rest there, also for her to use it as a pillow rather than the tree. "First things first though...you sleep without shutting down...understood?"
Two nodded, her eyes still closed. "As you wish." Laying there, she felt kind of odd, fully aware of everything around her. She took heart in the fact that she could feel the Namek's energies slowly increase.
"Another thing...you're not under someone's command anymore...you don't need to speak like "As you wish" and all that...its perfectly fine to confirm it with simple words like 'okay' or 'alright'." He said smiling to her.
"Ah, what did I say?" He said smiling as he patted her head gently with his other hand. "Alright...rest up until the nameks awaken...alright?" He said smiling before closing his eyes to rest.
Two did as she was told and let herself rest, trying to block out everything but the sensation of energy and power levels around her, wanting to be alert if danger presented itself.
Eventually, Nathan awoke to see Cello camping with a bonfire going on. It was the middle of the dark and Eli was nowhere to be seen. Asking him, Cello answered Nathan that Eli had went back to Nazera to tell what happened and that he heard the whole conversation and such from where he was. He wouldn't be back till morning, and he'd try to bring Nazera along if she was able to be moved.
Two had woken when the Nameks had rustled, quickly hiding her power level and hiding halfway up the tree Nathan was lying under. Emotional creatures tended to do crazy things to people who tried to kill them.
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