DBZ roleplay

"Cmon Two...you have to think about this!" He said urgently as he laid a hand on her shoulder. "Gero...is just going to toss you away like he's doing me...why? Because you...you and I...we're far stronger than he could've imagined...and he thinks we will eventually turn on him...this is why he's turning us against one another, hoping that the weaker would be killed so he'd know who to possibly reprogram into the killing machine he wants us to be!"
She tilted her head, trying to sort through this new data. "What you say does make sense...but it does not change what my mission is." Even though her words stated her conviction, her arms floated down to her sides.
"Here's a new mission for you..." He said as he pushed the emotion button on the back of her head, to give her SOME emotions at least. "Your new mission is to live your life how YOU want it, not how some crazy old man wants us to live our lives. Answer me this...do you truly want to go around all day, killing innocent people just for nothing?"
When her emotions were flipped on, her eyes teared up. Confused, she raised a hand to her face, wiping the substance. "I'm leaking! What's happening?!"
"You're not leaking...you're crying." He said as he pulled her into a hug. "Two...you're more human than you take yourself to be...please, you must see through his evil ploys..."
She wiped her eyes, not sure where the stubborn, free flowing liquid was coming from. It felt good as Nathan comforted her, wrapping her into a hug. Without realizing it, she sighed, settling into his embrace.
"Two...are you ready to embrace your new life into...humanity?" He said smiling as he stroked her hair gently to try and comfort her in her time of confused sorrow. Though...the only problem was that she just killed Cello and most likely fatally wounded Eli.
Two had no idea. "I don't know...I just...How do you turn this off? Is there a switch to turn off this faucet? The liquid is starting to irritate me." She wiped her eyes again, suddenly sniffling and looking up at him, looking somewhat like a lost and lonely child.
"The only way for it to turn off is for you to become happy again, or to let time heal the wound that ails your heart." He said smiling as he wiped the tear streams from her eyes. "Think like this...you'll be able to live freely now, no more orders."
"But...How can you live without a mission? Without orders? One, couldn't you order me?" She said as she leaned into his hand as it wiped away her tears, her lips trembling softly.
"Okay then...here's an order...you can stop calling me One and use my actual name that was given to me: Nathan." He smiled as his head rested against hers. "Two...do you want a name...? I've got nothing to give you so...we may have to ask others to give you a name if you cannot think of one."
(Her name doesn't matter, call her whatever you wish.)

Two smiled. "Nathan? What an odd name." She sighed, suddenly noticing that she felt lighter, more free. Was this what happiness felt like? "A name? Two is fine, isn't it? Would you prefer I have a name? I'll take a name if you wish it, though I don't know any."
(How bout Gren then cause I can't think of anything without being cliche with going with Sally or Jessica lol. Also, do you want to try a bleach RP with me?)

"We can call you Two if you want...though, its not really much of a human name but...hell, there's weirder things in the world than a simple name." He said shrugging. "Are you alright now Two?"
(It could be Gren or Gretchen or something silly like that. PM me so we can talk about other rps.)

She liked him saying her name, even if it was just a number. She stopped and took stock of herself. "I...I think so...Yes. I am fine. Thank you, Nathan."
(Well I guess she can be like Android 18 and go by her number like everyone else did. So...I guess it'd be fine.)

Smiling he slowly let her go from the hug as he stood up and looked around. "Two...we need to do something about Cello and Eli...Eli's still alive, yet you've killed Cello..."
"They're...whats the word....well...they've got no way of using machines to repair them like we can. Normally if its a few bruises or scratches, their own bodies repair themselves but...Cello's wounds are too horrid and his body is dead and cannot repair itself...though for Eli, he may be sore for a while."
"I'm guessing you too do not have any memories of when you were human...well living things like them, they can't...though he's an alien so it may be different for him. Lets give him time to see if he'll...well, you know...for now, lets see how Eli is doing."
Two nodded and slowly walked to where Eli had landed, trying to keep her distance in case he attacked. She felt bad about fighting the brothers and mourned their injuries.
Eli was KOed as she approached, though he was breathing. Nathan sighed a breath of relief as he patted her on the shoulder. "Well...he's alive...lets go check on Cello...shall we?"
Nathan frowned as he shrugged. "Not sure...We must give him time to rest...if he's able to live anyway." Turning to her, he smiled weakly. "Well...we have to wait for them to recover...is there anything you want to talk about or do while we wait?"
Nathan shook his head. "No...not really, I just thought that we could talk or do something to pass the time rather than to just sit around and do nothing all day, y'know?"
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