DBZ roleplay

"Yes...yes...do whatever you please so long as they're taken out." He said as the pod closed, though this pod was made so he was fully awake and could speak to her while being repaired. "Tell me Two...I've never seen you without your emotion chip off, are you even capable of showing emotions?"
She sat cross-legged outside of the pod as he charged and was slowly being repaired by the small mechanical arms within. "Yes, with my emotion chip on, I feel emotions. They are not as powerful as you seem to feel, but they are there, if barely so. It is only slightly removed from my state now. I have never lost control, as you have. I suspect, though, if I have my chip on and have such emotional interactions for a prolonged period, I may have an outburst. It is statistically impossible to keep them under control in infinitum."
Nodding, he sat back in the pod as he was being recharged, his arms now fully repaired onto his body. "Well...if I were you, I'd best keep the emotions off and never fall in love...the pain hurts too much Two..."
Android Two nodded. She switched herself to power save mode, only leaving her basic systems running so she could sense if someone approached. She wondered when their Master would arrive with his modified plans so they could continue their mission. She lived to serve.
Two hours later, Gero entered the foundation, mumbling and grumbling as he moved over and turned Android Two Online. "Wake up you buffoon, we need to do something about the boy."
Two cocked her head to the side. "Based on prior conversation and our current situation, am I to assume you mean this brother?" She pointed to the android being repaired inside the pod in front of her. "I have no objections. Has he malfunctioned? The pod will repair any faulty materials."
"The only malfunction the boy has is that he's still in love with that woman whom easily beat him...had she not became such a trifle when she gave her life up, at the revealing of her pregnancy. Eliminate your brother, now. Destroy his body in its entirety."
"Is there not some way to remove his emotions? I am positive I can take out the two Nameks, but do you think I am powerful enough to fight them and the saiyan?"
"Are you disobeying an order Two? I could have you shut down right now and release your 17 other brothers and sisters if I wanted to! Kill the boy before I return, or else you can sleep with the scrap metal!" He said before leaving the cave.
Two followed him from the cave. "Master, I am sorry if I caused you trouble. May I ask just one more question? How would you like it done? While he is still in the pod or once he is awake and knows what will be happening to him?"
She bowed. "As you wish, Master, so will I do." Android Two returned to the cave. Well, if she were to kill him, it didn't make much sense for her to let him finish being fixed. She shut off the pod and opened the door, lifting him up and throwing him to the floor of the cave. If she destroyed him here, it could damage the other pods, especially if he woke up and fought back. She decided it would be better to do it in a more secluded place where the least amount of damage would be done to herself and their family.
Gasping as he was torn out of the pod so suddenly, his mind went nearly blank as his head hit the ground hard from her throwing him down. "W-What the hell are you doing Two...I wasn't done...with repairs...!"
Two picked him up and flew from the cave, trying to scout out a good place to do the deed. "You are to be terminated. Repairs are no longer necessary."
"W-What the hell...What are you talking about Two!?" He said as he began to struggle, trying to break free from her grip. "Let me go Two! I'm not gonna let you kill me!"
She tightened her grip, though there was no chance of him escaping. Two landed in a secluded area, a meadow in the middle of a dense forest. She laid him down, then stood to her full height, looking at him menacingly. "You will die. It is certain. As humans say, do you have any last words?"
Frowning as he looked away, he managed a small tear, knowing the inevitable was coming. "My only regret...is that I'll never be able to see my child's birth..." He said as he closed his eyes, waiting for her to kill him. "Go on with it Two...I know there's nothing I can do to stop you with me still not being fully repaired."
Two dropped her hand. "That is Master you speak of. Watch your tongue. He is our CREATOR." She shook her head. "I will never understand these emotions you seem to have."
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