DBZ roleplay

Nazera watched as his outer shell fell away, leaving him as he once was. "What the- What is this? You cheat!" She came at him, full force, grabbing him by the neck in an attempt to slam him into the arena floor.
Nathan coughed up blood upon feeling himself impact the ground. His hands reached and grabbed her hands, attempting to get her to release him but to no avail. "Gah...!" He was not going to die here. "I...I will kill you...!"
Nazera pummeled him until her hands were bloody pulps. It didn't matter how damaged he was, she would throw him in the pod to be fixed. She had no idea why he was so intent on killing her. They had better find someone to reprogram him soon.
Though his body was not breaking, nor did he shut down. He chuckled as he shook his head. "You can't kill me...you killed me too many times already...heheheh..." He said glaring with a smirk as he weakly raised his hand to her, charging up an energy blast that he released that was so strong, his hand was taken away from the energy limit his hand could muster destroyed it as the beam came out.
Nazera wasn't fast enough to completely dodge it. A large chunk had been taken out of her left side. She held herself as blood poured violently through her fingers. "After all we went through, you still want to kill me? Should I offer myself up to you like I did before?" She shook her head. "This isn't right. You aren't right, Nathan. There's something wrong with you...and I'm going to find out how to fix it after I stop you." She took a few wobbly steps forward and quickly brought her foot down, hoping she was strong enough and he was weak enough that the force would decapitate him and put an end to this meaningless fight.
"The only thing 'wrong' with me...is that you've lied to me once more! You said you would not sleep with the nameks! Or anyone else for that matter! I trusted you and you just spit on it!" He said as he tore off his useless arm. No point in keeping it if it weighed him down, though no blood came out as it was mechanical like most his body. "If I lose to you now...I've got no place in this world..." He poked his head. "If my head is destroyed...I'm gone for good, or at least if my memory chip is shattered then I will no longer remember you and all that 'love' we had for eachother will be gone!"
She wasn't sure why he was telling her this, but perhaps it was better this way. If she could destroy his head, maybe he could forget. Maybe they could start over and he would understand this time. All she could do was hope for the best. She opened her palm, focusing the majority of her remaining energy into the ball she flung toward his lovely face.
Dodging easily, he growled. "Oh...now I get it...you really want to kill me now, now that you cannot have me? I guess I didn't make it clear before...I lose my head, then I die completely, no pod repairs, no reprograms, no upgrades, nothing. You'll be left with the dead android that has already died long ago because of you!"
Practically in tears and still bleeding pretty badly, she growled at him. "If that's how you feel, then just die already! I've tried everything I know how to make you understand and to LOVE you! I kept my promise! I did not fuck in front of you, as you asked of me! I kept my promise! If one of us has to die, it might as well be you!"

(Hey- quick question. She's been filled up with a lot of cum, do you want her to be pregnant?)
(Only if you want her to be, it doesn't matter to me, though if that were to happen, Nathan would be the father.)

"You speak nothing but LIES! I did not ask for you not to make love in front of me with others, I wanted you to not make love with others at all, you say you love me but I cannot love...I cannot love some women who merely uses me and the other men for her own sexual needs!" He said growling as he too was now in tears. "I hate you...I hope you never...never find another person like me to 'love'! If you do...I pray for them because of how unfaithful you are!"
(That's what I was thinking!!!)

Openly crying, Nazera clutched her side, falling to her knees, the blood draining from her face. "Then kill me now! I already have someone I love!" She touched her stomach. "And if you can't handle me loving someone else as much as I love you, then do it! Let me die without ever bringing this child to the light! Do it!!"
His eyes went a little wide upon hearing her. Taking a step back, from fear and surprise, he cursed himself. "C-Child..." He bit his lip to the point it drew blood, but he didn't care as he looked at her. "You're...pregnant...?" His heart, his artificial heart began to break. "I..."
"What does it matter now? Kill me! This is what you want, isn't it? Do it!!" She slumped over, not sure how much longer she would stay conscious. She was losing a lot of blood. Even if she did survive, she worried about the chances of her fetus. Saiyans are known for being strong and quick healers, but in utero, it was all touch and go.
Walking over to her, Nathan held out his good hand and began to charge a beam slowly as he looked at her with sorrow. "Who's child..." He said quietly, wanting to hear who's it was. It didn't matter if it was his or any of the namekians, or even someone he didn't know for all he cared. "Who's child!?"
"What difference does it make?" She looked up at him as he walked over and charged the beam, her face covered in tears and blood. Her eyes rolled back and she fell loudly onto her back.
Before Nathan could even say anything, Cello appeared suddenly and tore off Nathan's arm, causing him to cry out in pain as he still had feeling in that one, due to it not being damaged whatsoever. "Damn you...!" He said as he fell onto his back. Sitting up, he growled as Cello tossed the arm out of the arena before helping Nazera up. "Cmon Nazera...we have to get out of here!"
She groaned, her eyes fluttering. Nazera coughed, blood splattering her lips as Cello rescued her and attempted to flee the ring.
Cello looked to Eli, who nodded as they both flew off from the arena. Nathan growled as he looked at his broken arms. "Android Two...where are you?" He said as he stood up, looking around for his new partner. "I need help getting to the pod for repairs."
The beautiful android stepped forward, hearing herself being called. She went to the ring, picking up his arm on the way. Gathering up the pieces, she placed them on his lap and picked him up. She looked over to their master and nodded before flying back to their hideout to fix her "brother."
"Damn her...pulling out the pregnant card...I bet you she was lying just so she could save her own life!" He mumbled to himself as Android Two carried him over to the cave. "Android Two, the mission was a failure and Gero didn't seem happy over it."
Android Two didn't have her emotion chip on and, even when she did, she wasn't nearly as emotional as Android One or his former counterparts. "Yes. Gero is not pleased. Once you are fixed, we will proceed with the next phase of the plan, yes? Master has his contingency plan, your efforts were not in vain. We will prevail in the end. Does hearing my logic increase your feeling of hope in this matter?"
"I can't say for sure Two. Things've...become complicated now...what if she's really pregnant? What if I'm the father, she made me cum in her multiple times when I was forced to be her slave...I couldn't kill my own child."
She shrugged. "If you are unable to complete your mission, I will step in and destroy her. Do not worry. All will go as planned." She landed, holding his broken body in her arms. Turning, Android Two stepped into their lair and walked over to the pod. "You will soon be repaired, your energy replenished. It should be sufficient to kill the woman. You are not so weak."
"Yes...alright then..." He said as he got into the pod with his arms. "Two...I'm going to be the one to kill her, do not worry. Leave her to me and me alone...got it? You just worry about the Namekians."
She nodded. "I will do as you ask, provided our Master doesn't change those plans. The green men will not be a problem for me. They are fairly close in power levels, but one seems to abhor violence. I will make it quick, so they will not suffer. Does that prospect please you?"
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