DBZ roleplay

An hour later, Cello returned but Eli did not. He walked upstairs to Nazera. "Eli is still out looking for him, he said I should come back to comfort you if you need it...you doing fine Nazera?"
Nazera was still laying on the bed. When Cello came in, she sat up. Shaking her head, crying, she held her arms out for him.
Cello sat on the bed and wrapped his arms around her into a hug that she seemed to need oh so desperately. "There there...its alright Nazera..." He said rubbing the girl's back. "No tears now, cmon...don't cry."
She wrapped her arms around him, squeezing tightly as she cried into the crook of his neck. "Nathan!" She shook with her sobs, nearly choking on her agony.
Cello cursed Nathan for leaving her in such pain. He continued to rub her back some more before he spoke to her. "Hey Nazera...when we get Nathan back...there's always the possibility you...can reprogram him into accepting you having multiple lovers."
She sniffled against his neck. "Do you think...Do you think that's even possible? I mean...That would definitely help, but how would that work? Something with the pods...?"
Cello shrugged. "Not sure...we're going to need to find someone with some good technical knowledge on it, though...I doubt Nathan would humbly accept it, you'll have to trick him into getting in the pod to get an upgrade when it happens so we need to find someone else. Its getting late, you should get some rest."
Nazera nodded. Where were they going to find someone like that? She lay down, pulling Cello with her as she tried to fall asleep. "I hope we can find someone."
"Don't worry...I'm sure we will." He said smiling as he kissed her temple. "Go to sleep, I'll wake you in the morning so we can get to the tournament, alright?" He said as he closed his eyes, still in her arms and vice versa.
Nazera fell asleep, tossing and turning fitfully. She awoke the next morning, dark circles under her eyes and not well rested at all.
Cello awoke and was surprised to see the woman in the shape she was in. He shook his head as he brought her to the bathroom. "You need to wash up, wake up. We gotta get to the tournament soon...I wonder if Eli is already there."
Nazera slowly splashed water on her face, setting her clothes to rights and smoothing out her hair. She looked a little more refreshed, but not her usual self.
Cello smiled as he took her hand and led her out. "Cmon Nazera, a few fights and lots of ass kicking, I'm sure you'd feel better." HE said as he began to fly into the air toward the tourney.
grendelsblueichor said:
Nazera followed Cello to the tournament, eager to beat someone's face in.

Upon arriving, Eli was there and explained he had them signed up already. Cello turned to Nezara and smiled. "Good luck babe, Eli'll be cheering us both on in the tourney."
They laughed and nodded as an announcer took Cello and Nezara to the waiting room. They had to wait for their turn to be called.

(Got the image for the android?)
( Android 2 )

Nazera went into the waiting room, surveying the competition. There were only a few that she could even FEEL a power level from and of the ones she could, there were only one, maybe two besides herself and Cello that could actually have a fighting chance.
(I can't see the picture for some reason.)

A man in a hooded cloak much like the one that was seen on Frieza's ship was there, though he hid in the back. The only difference was, this one could clearly be seen as someone who wasn't Nathan as his face could be seen.

"Lots of weaklings here huh Nazera?"
(Yeah, that one isn't really working. I'll switch to this one- Android 2 )

Nazera nodded. "Only two worth a damn. One for you and one for me."

In the far corner of the concessions area, as they waited for their positions to be announced, a young woman stood against the wall. She looked over all of the other competitors.

(Reminds me of a Chun-Li/Juri mix lol)


Cello shrugged. "Ah cmon now Nazera, no need to be so fair. Both fighters for me while you get the weaklings." He said smirking as his name was called along with someone else. "I'll see you in a bit." He said as he entered the arena.
Nazera sighed, leaning against the doorway and closing her eyes. She didn't expect his fight to last more than a few seconds.
A few bouts later, Nazera was called to the ring. She stepped in, listened to the rules, and looked across the arena to her opponent. This was going to be too easy.
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