DBZ roleplay

The person before her was the hooded figure before. It stood there frowning as it got into a battle-ready position for her. It began to speak in a robotic voice that was like one of those cliche robotic voices. "Are you prepared to lose?"
Nazera smirked. "You wish. I'll be wiping the ring with your face." She stood slightly back from the middle of the ring, arms crossed, not looking concerned in the least.
The figure did not speak as it seemed to disappear and then reappear behind her, cross punching her in the shoulder with one hand and in the bottom of the spine with his other.
Nazera was surprised by how fast he was. The hit landed hard against her shoulder, but before he could finish the blow to her spine, she seemed to disappear. From above, she surveyed the scene, quickly reappearing directly above him and aiming a quick kick to the head. She dropped down onto the arena floor, crouching. She kicked out, trying to sweep his legs out from under him.
The figure ducked from the kick in the air but fell over to the sweep. He landed hard on his back as he tried to get up. He glared at her with a blood lust as he rushed at her with a war cry, attempting to punch her hard enough to make her fly out of the arena, disqualifying her.
The hit landed, knocking her out of the arena, but she stopped herself, hovering over the ground before flying back into the ring. "You've got some good moves, but they're not good enough."

With that, she seemed to attack from all directions, disappearing and reappearing so quickly no one in the audience, save Cello, Eli, and Android 2 could even dream to follow her movements.
The figure stood there easily watching her movements and blocking any attacks she had for him before he aimed a punch toward her gut when she had got close enough for him to strike. "You can't win...I've set my sights on winning, and I've set my sights on defeating you...permanently if I must."
Nazera dodged the punch and did a backflip in the air, landing across the ring from him. "That's too bad, because I came here to win."
"I won't let you hurt anyone anymore." The figure said as it charged her, lighting a beam in its hand before firing it out when it was near point-blank range for a hand beam.
Nazera quirked a brow. At the last second, she shifted, the beam so close to her skin she could feel the heat radiating out from it and almost felt as if she had been burned. Springing back on the offensive, she came at him, punching energy balls as she went for his stomach.
She narrowly avoided it, feeling the wind whip past where she was with frightening pressure. "What ARE you? Another android?" She jumped back, trying to keep her distance as she wracked her brain for what to do. If she fired more blasts at him, would he absorb them as well and become stronger?
"No, I was an android...but I've become more of a machine than you can possibly imagine so, yet, I'm still human in many ways...you can call me a Cyborg." He said smirking as he held his hands to his side, charging up a beam that seemed to look familiar.
Nazera's eyes widened as she saw him powering up her own move. Could she beat him without using her energy balls? She stood stock still, suddenly serene as her body took over, starting her transformation to super saiyan.
He cut the charging early as his eyes grew wide to the sudden rise in power level, his left eye blowing out from it. "Damn!" He said as he stepped back away from her. "You...you...what the hell happened to you!? Where is this power coming from!?" He said as he looked over to someone in the crowd, an old man who was watching the fight sternly. The figure looked back to Nazera. "Dammit...!"
Her eyes snapped open, how an eerie green color, her hair golden and splayed out in all directions, a permanent gold aura surrounding her. She charged at him, even faster than before, incomprehensible even to Eli and Cello.
"Shit!" He said as she disappeared for a split second, unable to tell that she had actually charged him. She was too fast for his scanners, his eyes couldn't even tell where she was.
Nazera attacked from behind, karate chopping for his neck with enough force to decapitate a dinosaur (beware country dinosaur's, she might come after you!).

The figure managed to dodge it at the last second, but his cloaking got shredded, his mask falling off as it revealed Nathan in a non-human form, minus his head and some body parts. "Dammit...! Almost died from that!" He looked like a true...monstrous machine.
Nazera stopped, in shock of what she was seeing. "Nathan? Is that you?!" He was horribly deformed and it boggled her mind. Had he done that to himself? What was going on? He had said he would kill her, didn't he? She hesitated a moment more before increasing her power level even further, attacking him in earnest from all directions.
With no restrictions, his body easily blocked all attacks as they were tightened with materials that easily protected himself. He smirked as his speed was raised to great levels as the restricting cloak he had on was torn to shreds and his identity, wanting to be hidden, was now known, meaning he didn't have to hold back. During one of her last attacks, he grabbed her foot and slammed her into the ground before sending electric shocks through her body that were as strong as that volley of energy blasts she sent him, combined.
Nazera was shocked as she felt him grab her foot and her body slammed into the hard arena floor. She screamed as the electricity coursed through her body. She had to run him down or destroy his power source if she was going to come out of this thing alive!
Nathan eventually began to drag her along the floor, creating a small indentment in the ground as he did so, until he flew up high into the air. He began to spin her around as quickly as he could before he sent her flying toward the Out of Bounds section of the arena.
Once free of Nathan's grip, Nazera immediately turned around and starting kicking and punching, still afraid to use her energy balls. All the while she was fighting, her power level continuing to rise to amazing heights.
Nathan eventually was growing easier to fight against as he could not absorb anymore energy from her to raise his own power level. With a punch to the face sending him rocketing toward the earth, he landed hard in the arena. Dust filled the area and once it cleared, Nathan's body remained in pieces...at least his outer shell. Connected to the body that she saw on the outside, wires went into the body she knew him to originally have. "D-Damn...my suit...!"
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