DBZ roleplay

Two stared down at him emotionlessly. "We AREN'T human. Do not delude yourself. We are android. He is our Master. We do his bidding."
She shook her head. "Even if that is true, our human lives are still over. That's not who we are anymore. We are no longer human. We are android. If he saved us from death, don't we owe him our loyalty for doing so? Your death was already decided upon. I will follow orders."
"If you follow orders you'll be nothing but a peon in his sick little game...he'll get rid of you just as easy as the order he gave to me...!" He said to her with clenched, angry teeth.
She shrugged. "If that is what he wishes, he may have it. I would take my own life if it made it easier for him. He is my Master, our Master, we owe him that much. You are ready for me to kill you, yes? Since you cannot turn off your emotions, it may be better for you to power down before I destroy you."
"No...I'm going to sit through this and experience death in its entirety, I'm not going to bitch out and escape the pain...whenever you're ready...puppet." He said glaring at her.
Two was confused by the route of his logic. "Why do you fear your demise? You serve our Master, just as I do. Does the prospect of death cause you to act so foolishly and toss aside your allegiance?"
"No...the fact I still believe I'm as human, in spirit and nature, drives me to go on and go with these feelings that drive me to act as I do...what you see before you is a man with nothing to fear as he's already lost everything before he was even finished trying to achieve it."
Two just shook her head. "Your logic is flawed. It is right that Gero is having me end you. You are faulty machinery. Die now." She lifted her hand, ready to deliver a killing blow when she sensed incoming power levels.
(You want me to RP Eli and Cello coming to the rescue?)

Nathan just growled as he shook his head. I'm sorry to have a partner whom is so....such like a puppet. If you do everything you're told then there's no point in living a free life."
(Yeah. I thought about that after I posted...Nazera is way too messed up to fight.)

Two shrugged, her back turned to him, waiting to see if the power levels were coming here or bypassing them all together. "I am a machine. I do what I was made for. Would you destroy a car for doing what it was made for?"
"No, I'd repair it." He said looking sternly to her as Cello and Eli dropped down to meet them. "What're you doing with him?" Eli growled as he glared at Two.
She ignored Nathan. Glaring at Cello and Eli, she casually replied. "I am in the process of destroying a faulty product. Please return to your home. I will be there shortly to end your lives."
They both got into fighting stances as they glared to her. "Yeah, like you could take both of us on at the same time!" Cello said glaring before Eli chuckled, forgetting Nathan was there. "Hey, it'd be like when Nazera took us both o-" He was punted through a tree. "Dumbass!" Nathan just scowled and looked away.
Two had no problems in fighting the two Nameks. It had always been her mission. Surely Gero wouldn't be angry at her for finishing them at this point in time. "I do not understand the reference, but yes, I will gladly take both of you on. Prepare yourselves."
Smirking, Cello dashed ahead and began to fight her himself. He was throwing punches and kicks faster than he had before as he attempted to destroy the android.
Android Two stood there, easily blocking the blows, moving only her right arm. While her right arm was busy, she powered up an energy blast in her left, ready to strike the killing blow on any of the three.
Eli appeared behind her and grabbed the arm that was charging a beam. Smirking as he kept it facing toward nothing but forest as his brother began to attack her some more. "Nice try lady but you won't be killing any of us this quickly." Eli said smirking as his mouth arose, an energy beam about to go straight through her head.
Shifting slightly, the beam missed, only singing her hair slightly. She tossed Eli aside like a doll and planted her hand on Cello's stomach, letting the blast go.
"No!" Nathan cried out as Cello's eyes went wide, mouth spurting out blood as he was sent through the forest from the blast that pierced through his body and killed him. Eli saw the last bit as he recovered from the throw before he became enraged. "You bitch! Cello!" He cried out as he looked to where his brother went. Looking back at her, he cried out angrily as he rushed at her, faster than Cello had.
While he was faster than his brother, it only took a little more effort for her to block and dodge his attacks. She let him slide past her and quickly appeared at his back, slamming her elbow toward his spine.
Turning around to try and grab it, only his fingers brushed against her arm as her elbow had landed in his chest. Feeling a few bones break in his chest and spinal area, as he was sent hard into the ground from the blow, he tried to muster up a chance to try and get up, but to no avail. "Two stop it!" Nathan cried out from where he lay.
"They're merely here for me, leave them alone! They're only attacking you because you're harming me!" He said as he managed to sit himself up. "Listen Two...you don't want to go about doing everything you're told...thats not living a life...thats living as a slave...you need to take advantage of your new form and break free from his shackles!"
"What does it matter? I was charged with the mission to destroy the three of you. All the better that I could do it at once." She said emotionlessly. Somehow, though, his words made her confused. There was SOME logic there. She was strong, much stronger than Gero. Why was she listening to him again?
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