DBZ roleplay

Two looked at him, frowning. "Don't you like me how I am now? I like me."

Nazera closed her eyes, head falling to the side as she quickly drifted off to sleep, chest barely moving as her body strove to sustain itself.
Nathan sighed. "I do...but you're too...android in personality...you still sound like as if you were serving under a master...Two, I like you who you are but you have to be more casual than formal...you know?"
Moving over, he began to program the pod to give her a more human personality rather than a serving one. The hatch began to close on her as he hopped in to be with her. "Don't worry Two...I'll be here when you wake up." He said as he moved over to the second seat. "I had this extra chair installed for non-mechanical people after an...incident Nazera and I had got into."
Two nodded and closed her eyes, feeling herself begin to recharge. There was a slight tickle in the back of her brain as the upgrades slowly filtered into her.
Smiling as he waited for the hour to pass for the upgrades and repairs to take place, he waited the whole time for her to come out and finish. "Two...I'm so glad you've done what you did..."
Two shrugged. "I never would have done the upgrades voluntarily. You told me to, so I did. It's all thanks to you." She looked over at him and smiled.
She raised her hand to her lips, playing with them as she thought. "Well, I certainly feel different. I'm not really sure if it's better or if I regret it. I guess only time will tell, huh?"
Nathan smiled. "Yeah...and you also don't even sound like a servant...you're more...human." He said smiling as he kissed her cheek. "I hope you come to love me like I love you and Nazera."
"Must that stop us? Two...you know as much as I do that you were made no sooner after me...even if I am just a prototype to you and all the other seventeen androids, you should still know me more than you think...do you not remember?" He said smiling. "When Gero restored my memory...I helped him create you and the next four androids before I was put to sleep with you all until no longer than a year ago."
Two tried to remember, but everything before she awoke just a few days prior was completely blank. "No, I don't remember. Did Gero remove my memory? The repairs would have fixed it if it was only damaged."
Nathan frowned. "Perhaps...maybe he did." He said shrugging. "So Two...what are you going to do now...? Are you going to live with us like the other two green moochers?" He said jokingly as he patted her on the head.
She laughed as he joked with her. "I don't know. I suppose so, if it wouldn't be too much trouble. Without Dr. Gero, I don't really have a predestined life..."
He smiled as he kissed her cheek. "You can stay here...with us. You don't need a purpose to live with us, it gives you a nice place to stay along with decent people to converse with...I think you'll like it here."
Two smiled, nudging him playfully. "I think so...as long as everyone isn't mad at me for trying to kill them and all..."
"Whaaat? Of course not." He said smiling as he leaned back in the pod so he was laying flat on his back. "Well...things have certainly become lively around here...hahaha."
Two laughed nervously, not quite sure what he meant when he said it was becoming interesting. "Well, do you mind...if I stay out in the pod tonight? I don't...I don't really think I'd be comfortable out in the open around everyone else...I mean, it was just earlier today that I...did those...things..."
"You sleep wherever you want...alright? Though, I recommend you sleep on this side as if you sleep on that side...well the pod might automatically update you without your consent." He said smiling. "Two...chances are that we'll be facing our artificial brothers and sisters...can I count on you and the others to help protect the world and try and convert them to good?"
Two stopped and thought about it. "Well, I don't see why not. Gero is using them and from what I've gathered, it can't be good. Isn't there a way that we could just...I don't know...like...kidnap them before he can turn them against us or something?"
Nathan shook his head. "Gero is far more powerful than us...though he relies on the androids too much to actually fight us. When I was born I had to help turn himself into an android...one with far greater power than any he has created that I know of."
Two was surprised. "How do we know that Gero we were dealing with wasn't the android? Do we know where both of them are?" She shook her head. Their creator was more clever than she had given him credit for.
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