DBZ roleplay

Two sighed contentedly as his hands trailed over her arms, raising goosebumps. She gasped when his hands moved to her breasts, causing a warm, tingling sensation in them and her nether regions. The area between her legs leaked more fluids, making her wonder again where it was coming from.
"How are you feeling Two...is there anything wrong with what I'm doing?" He said as he continued to massage her breasts gently. Feeling up the soft globes between his hands, his head went to her neck where he began to gently kiss up and down her neck sensually.
"N-no. It feels..." She sucked in a breath as he gripped her breasts, rolling them in his hands, his mouth on her neck. "Ah! Nathan, I feel...It's strange and I'm...leaking..."
"Leaking...?" He said as he continued. "Leaking...where?" He said as he pulled his erect cock out of his pants. He began to rub the warm tip up and down her neck as he massaged one of her breasts.
"My...between my legs. It's leaking." She moaned, arching her back, forcing her breast against his hand as he rubbed and massaged it. She started slightly as something warm began to rub up and down her neck. She reached up, placing her hand on it.
It twitched as bit as she lay her hand on it. He could feel his warmth going into her hand as he held it there. "Between your legs...? I think we should plug it up with something...any ideas on what we should use?"
"Oh but we have to think of something to plug that leak in...I think I have an idea of what we could use...if you'll let me use it." He said the last bit into her ear seductively as he continued to fondle her breasts.
Nodding, Nathan moved her so she was on her back as he slowly slippedher pants off. "Yes...you realy are leaking...let me use this to stop it..." He said as he slowly presse his cock into her pussy.
Two laid back as Nathan pushed her down, pulling her pants off. She craned her neck up, trying to see what he was doing. He held a big piece of meat in his hands that somehow projected from his lower body and pushed it into the leaking area. She gasped, tensing as she felt his heated member enter her.
Nathan looked down and smirked before he faked a gasp. "Its still leaking! Lemme try and push it back in!" He began to thrust himself into her as he leaned over het body, his face above hers.
Two gasped, her legs trembling as he continually thrust into her. "I...I feel strange. I think you're making the leaking worse!"
Nathan began to act shocked as he continued to thrust into her. "I'm trying my best to push it back in! Hold on, I'll go faster!" He said as he began to thrust into the girl faster with the illusion that he was trying to force back her fluids.
Two covered her mouth with her hands as she suddenly began to gasp and groan, his hurried thrusts knocking the air from her lungs. She felt the wetness grow, her body becoming flushed and sweaty. Her pussy clamped down on his cock, signaling her impeding orgasm. "Nathan! Something's happening!!"
"Y-Yeah I know...!" He said as he pressed himself hard into her, filling herself up with his seed as he came inside her, his face in pleasured shock before resting his head on her breasts, panting. "Wow..."
Two couldn't help the weird sounds she made as her pussy milked his cock for all it was worth. She was breathing hard, body covered in sweat, cunt twitching from orgasm. "Nathan..." She panted, speaking breathlessly. "What was that?"
"Its part of your human side Two...you were horny...that leaking down there meant it....when you're horny...you want to do things to yourself that build up to what you just did...you can even get others to help you, like I did...this is called sex...what did you think of it...?"
Nathan smiled and chuckled as he patted her head. "Its fine...you don't need to explain it to me, once you get daily upgrades your human side will come out some more."
"Yeah. I mean...I was once like you Two...Someone naive about things like this...but after my daily upgrades to make me more human, I became...happy...aside from...emotional mishaps. Two, you don't HAVE to get the upgrades, but I just think you might want to if you want to feel more emotions and understand life more."
She nodded. His logic was sound. If she could be more like Nathan, loving and wonderful like him, why not? Two smiled. "Alright, I'll get the upgrades."
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