DBZ roleplay

Nathan pulled his head back and looked down, blushing a bit as he chuckled. "S-Sorry Two...its called a Penis...Cock...Dick...you'll learn when you gain your humanity back...do you want me to take it out or...?"
Nathan chuckled. "Alright...alright." He said before he began to slowly slide his cock out of the girl. He smiled as he looked to her in her beautiful eyes. "What shall we do now...just sit here and quietly relax together...?"
Two sat up. "I don't know. Do you think Nazera is awake? Where are those Namekians, anyway? It seems like they've been gone for quiet a while."
Nathan nodded. "Yeah...they have been gone for a while..." He said as he looked around. "I'm sure they're fine though...they're strong."

Though what they didn't know, was that during their little love session, Eli and Cello snuck in through a window to Nazera's room and sat by her side the whole time she was asleep.
Two stood, Nathan's cum dripping out of her wet cunt. She looked to him, her eyebrow quirked. "What's this?" She wiped a bit from her leg and sniffed it before licking it off. The taste was strange, but not completely unpleasant.

Nazera turned in her sleep, groaning. Her back was stiff. Her eyes opened and she rubbed at them. She tried to sit up and gasped, the pain from her injuries not completely gone yet. She looked around the room, seeing that Eli and Cello had returned. "Long time no see."
Eli chuckled as he petted the girl on the head. "Its only been a day. We were...sparring nonstop." He said as he looked to his brother. They both had wounds and scratches on them, though they looked fine. "How are you feeling my dear?"

Nathan smiled. "Its called...sperm. Or cum. Its what males brew down in their testicles to...impregnate women when ejaculated into a woman's pussy...though with both of us being androids, I don't know if it will impregnate you."
Nazera smiled sleepily. "I'm feeling much better, just a bit sore. Feels like I have a stitch in my side." She reached up, tangling her fingers with his and pulling it down to her face where she nuzzled it.

Two looked thoughtful. "Impregnate...is to reproduce? Like Nazera?"
Two thought about that for a second. "Is that all males do? Procreate with as many females as possible?"

Nazera sighed, feeling Cello hunker down next to her. "I missed both of you. I've been so out of it lately, it feels like I haven't seen or spoken to anyone in years."
"Er...I don't really know the answer to that question Two...Its different amongst different males. For me...I don't think thats the case for me."

Eli chuckled. "Its only been two years, whats the problem?"
She nodded. "Well, do you know if all females want to reproduce? Isn't that the point of mating? To create spawn?"

Nazera nudged him. "Stop it. If you keep talking like that, it'll make me nervous. For all I know it HAS been two years."
"Well...they don't want to reproduce ALL the time...women like that...humans call them things such as whores and sluts...they're considered bad in human society, even if most people don't make it seem so."

Eli chuckled and patted her head. "Sorry. Say...you know where Nate is? We came in through the window so we didn't have to bother going up the stairs and such."
Two nodded. "I'm going to the bathroom to wash up...This stuff keeps running down my leg, it feels gross." She turned and walked to the bathroom, turning on the shower.

Nazera shrugged. "I don't know. I don't know how long it's been. I think he's still in the house somewhere. He was worried about Two. She doesn't seem very at ease in the house."
Cello grumbled as Eli still comforted Nazera. "Well...being that she nearly killed all four of us when she had the chance, I would feel the same way if I was in her predicament."

Nathan nodded and watched her off to the bathroom, smiling happily.
Nazera laughed and scooted herself back, getting up into a sitting position as she rested heavily against the headboard of the bed. "That's true. I can't really blame her, though. We're some tough assholes."

Two stepped into the shower after she had taken off her shirt, her pants discarded back in the living room. She reached down and felt Nathan's cum drip from her pussy. She watched it dissolve, the water swirling in the tub before going down the drain. She grabbed the body soap and lathered herself, trying to clean herself as much as possible.
Eli chuckled. "I don't want to...I mean I really want to, but I just don't want to harm you. You're too tired from the pregnancy and the previous fight. You must rest...but I promise, when you recover I'll rock your world."
She sighed and smiled. "I'm gonna choke your cock with my cunt and ride you ragged. You're going to be so sore and spent, you'll never want to fuck again."
"Ooo~ I can't wait then love." Eli said chuckling as he kissed her lips. Laying down beside her, she was now between the two brothers as they slept beside her.

Nathan was downstairs on the couch, watching TV as he waited for Two's return.
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