Training a new Reaper (Me and Peekabo)

Matsumoto groaned loudly as her breasts shrank back to normal, all of the excess milk and cum being pumped out and practically flooding the street around them. Whilst the two women were somewhat exhausted, they looked up at Ichigo and Jake, then smirked slightly and leaned a little forward, clearly both looking forward to a little bit of man on man action.

((Just wondering, is there anyone else you might wanna bring in? ^^;; ))
(I was thinking the same thing... hmmm.... choices choices choices... maybe Orihime?)
Ichigo sighed finding no other choice. he gripped his cock softly and began to penetrate Jake's tight ass making the neko meow in pleasure.
"Be as rough as you wanna be..." Jake smirked using his tail to tickle Ichigo's balls.
((Well I was thinking maybe we switch it up a tad, I can bring in a male and you bring in a female so we can mix a lil ^^;; I'd be happy playing Uryuu, Renji or Byakuya XD))

Rukia and Matsumoto both moved closer, Rukia getting a little closer than the other woman. "Go on Ichigo....pound his ass....let out whatever cum you've got left...." She licked her lips slightly, clearly rather excited at watching the two males going at it.
(Ah okay ^_^ maybe we can bring in Uryuu... Jake's spells would be pretty fun with him. And I'll bring in my fave Bleach lady... the only Lady with class who seems peaceful at first but will cut your head off if need be... hehehehh...)

'Jeez how'd I get into this...' Ichigo thought and pushed deeper into the neko and moaned as his tightness. He obeyed Rukia and started to pounded away at Jake's ass.
((ooooh, cryptic, sounds fun XD))

Just as Ichigo was getting going into Jake's ass, and as Rukia was beginning to enjoy the show, someone came upon them, someone who, unlike the other passing humans, could see. "What....what the hell is going on here?!" Uryuu was stood in the ankle deep pool of cum and milk, staring in disbelief. "What are you doing?!"
Uryuu just stared at the group in disbelief, looking between Rukia, Matsumoto, Ichigo and Jake. "'re....this....wh-what in the world happened here?!" Of course it was rather obvious just what the group had been doing, well, in general anyway, but Uryuu was so shocked by all of this his brain wasn't quite working correctly.
"I-i-it's not what you think!" Ichigo blushed trying to get Uryuu to forget about it.

Jake crawled over to the new boy and gently pawed at Uryuu's crotch "Nya, have anything big here?"
"Not what I think? So you're not-" Uryuu cut off when Jake crawled over, then blinked as the boy pawed at his crotch, quickly pulling back and slapping Jake's hand away. "What the hell do you think you're doing? Get away from there!" Uryuu growled, taking another step back through the lake of milk and cum.

Rukia crawled over to Jake in order to whisper into his ear, a slightly wicked idea entering her head. "Uryuu is way too prudish to do anything....but....can you turn him into a Neko like you? Then he'll be in heat....."
"Nya~!" Jake mewed when Uryuu slapped his hand "Hmm... fine..."
Jake quickly used a spell to turn Uryuu into a neko.
"What are you trying to do?" Uryuu looked at Jake suspisciously, then shook his head. A moment later however he blinked, feeling rather...odd. "Nngh...wh-what did you..." He winced, clutching at his head as his body started to change. A few moments later a pair of black cat ears began to sprout from Uryuu's head, poking up between his fingers. At the same time, something bulged in the back of his pants, before a long, black tail poked from out of the waistband, extending a good 3 feet behind him before it stopped growing.
Uryuu dropped to his knees as he started panting, the front of his pants beginning to bulge. "Wh-what's happening to me? Why do I feel hot..."
"Nya~!" Jake smiled "You look uber cute!" Jake wet back to gently touching Uryuu's crotch and brought down the zipper "Nyaaa... I bit you're really tasty."
Uryuu shivered as his zipper was brought down, allowing Jake to see something huge was stirring within Uryuu's boxer shorts, the boy groaning as the animalistic sensations began to overtake him, his body not used to dealing with such sensations.
"Oooh!" Jake smiled pulling out Uryuu's cock and gently licked the head "You look really tasty." With that Jake began to gently suck on Uryuu's member.
Uryuu gasped when the head of his cock was licked, his ears twitching and his new tail going rigid. "N-nyaaa....." He dropped onto all fours and panted slightly, starting to purr as Jake sucked on his large, throbbing erection, his natural size even slightly bigger than the cock that Jake had given to Matsumoto.
Jake smiled and kept sucking on Uryuu's cock smiling "Heheh, you're even bigger than Matsumoto!" Jake purred and began to use the purr to pleasure Uryuu's cock.
Uryuu's tail went rigid as the pleasure increased, even Uryuu beginning to purr like a cat in pleasure, his hips beginning to gently rock back and forth, giving Jake's mouth a gentle fucking. The quincy was slowly giving in to the animalistic cravings that had been placed inside of him, the mating instinct growing with every passing second.
Jake smirked as his mouth began to get fucked by Uryuu's cock. He wanted to give the girls and Ichigo a nice show so he moved his tail to gently fuck his ass softly.
Uryuu moaned and purred in pleasure, before slowly starting to sit up whilst Jake was sucking on his cock. At first it seemed like Uryuu might've been about to pull away, but instead his hands grasped Jake's head, then the boy started to pump his hips, beginning to fuck Jake's face as his cock spasmed and twitched. Clearly Uryuu was inexperienced and was already approaching orgasm, only a few more seconds and he was sure to blow his load.
Jake smirked figuring that Uryuu was close. He kept letting the boy fuck his face and purred even harder. He couldn't wait to taste Uryuu's hot cum,
After only a few more thrusts Uryuu rammed his 14 inch cock right down Jake's throat, groaning loudly as he twitched and began to empty a good amount of cum into Jake's throat. "Uuuunnnghhh!" Whilst his load wasn't as big as any of the others had been, it was certainly above average for either a human or Neko male. But then again Uryuu's cock hadn't undergone any 'modifications' from Jake yet. "Ahhh! F-fuck! So good!"
Jake smiled swallowing the cum.
"Delicious." He mewed softly pulling back from Uryuu's cock. He smirked and got on his hands and knees presenting his cute neko ass to Uryuu.
Uryuu mewed in pleasure as his cock was sucked, slurped and swallowed, then glanced down as Jkae presented himself....normally the quincy would be kicking that ass....but right now he needed no further encouragement. He reached forward and grabbed Jake's hips, bringing himself forwards and lining up his cock with his new mates ass, before ramming the entire thing inside with a single, powerful thrust, letting out a high-pitched cry of pleasure, his tail and ears standing on end from the new sensation, Uryuu finally losing his virginity.....and god it felt so good!
"I....I wont..." Uryuu panted, one of his hands releasing Jake's hip and instead reaching around to grasp the Neko's cock, squeezing it tightly, before he started to thrust. "Ah!" Uryuu's entire body shook from the sensation, before he thrust back inside again. "Nnnn....oh god..." He thrust slowly at first, but gradually started to get a little harder and faster, the mating instinct starting to take over completely, though at the moment it wasn't particularly concerned with male or female.
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