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Laird of the Land (buttefly0408/kolath)

He did bide her to enter and looked up smiling slightly at her. “Yes Blair please come in and have a seat.” As she sat down he came around and stood in front of her leaning back against his desk. He was having a hard time thinking of what he could say to her to make her understand what he wanted. It was almost too long of a moment, he realized that him standing there looking at her would start to make her uncomfortable. Finally he spoke. “Blair, how have you been doing? Are you adjusting well?”
Even as she sat in the chair, her hands folded in her lap and her back straight and proper... truly she was not the same girl she was less then a week ago. As he stood before her, just sort of looking at her, Blair quickly grew nervous. What had he called her to tell her and why couldn't her just get it out and over with. She wanted to just tell him to spit it out already, but held back the urge to do so, only biting her lower lip with her nerves until at last he got out the words. "I have been well. It's not really that hard to adjust. I always knew I would one day run a household as a wife. I was well prepared for it. I hope you will find I run the household as well as your aunt and sister did for so many years."
He sighed and looked at her wondering how he could go about this delicately. He was finding that there might not be a way to say what he needed to and still be delicate. He smiled and nodded at her slowly. “That’s good, I’m glad to hear that things have been going well. I hope that the load isn’t too much for you?” he was trying to get her to admit that she needed help since she was asleep so fast every night he hoped she would it would give him a way in to talk about this.
"Not at all," she answered all a little to quickly. One would usually think it over first then afterward, answer the question truthfully. The words of denial had slipped past her lips before his question was barely asked. "It's exactly what I would have anticipated for a household and clan as large as yours. You will find me quite capable."
He waved what she said about being capable aside knowing she could handle it. “I am aware that you are capable of doing it. but you aren’t finding that you need to take advantage of my sister’s or aunt’s help at all?” he was trying to get her to break a little from her mask wanting her to admit she was pushing it too much. He wanted her to give him a way to bring up the rest of what needed to be talked about.
She simply shook her head, "No. It's my duty as your wife the handle the entire household. That's what I have been taught how to do and it's what I will continue to do for you. I am your wife after all." She shrugged a little, "Isn't that my place?"
His sister was right, it was like talking to a stone wall. ok fine she wasn’t going to listen to him he would break the stone wall. He looked right at her his face darkening a little. “OK fine, I will just say it.” He grabbed her arms standing her up infront of him looking into her eyes holding her arms just hard enough to not let her pull away. “Who are you and what have you done with Blair?”
Blair looked at him as if he were some kind of crazy man, "Done with... what?" She shook her head little bit and felt back the urge to push herself out of his hands, but she froze, letting him grasp her like he was. "What do you mean 'who am I?' I'm your wife, Blair. Or do you forget so quickly how you drug me before the alter?" It was the first time in days she had given him a hint of her feisty self, giving him a bit of attitude.
He saw the spark in her eyes and smirked seeing that he was getting to her after all. “Oh I remember, I also remember that Blair took it upon herself to tell everyone at our wedding dinner that I wasn’t welcome in your bed. Where is that girl? You have taken and hid her away somewhere, Where is the girl that felt nothing of defying me for days that I kept her locked up in her room? What happened to her? She is the one that I took to my bed and married, she is the one that intrigued me enough to want to marry her.”
Slowly her face turned from the demure, proper, emotionless face that he had come to find on his wives face for days now... back into her defiant look she often gave him when she wanted to do nothing more but yell and rage at him. "THAT is not how a wife is suppose to act. She is to see to her husband's home with diligence, devote herself to it so that her husband need not ever worry over it." It was like Blair was once more taking direct quotes from her father. Isn't that what you want from me? To be a wife to you? I am only doing my job within your life."
His face twisted in anger not at her but at her father that had made her think like this, but behind it all he was happy to see his Blair back even if she was quoting her father. He pushed her back up against a wall pinning her hands down looking into her eyes. “I don’t want your Father’s wife.” His voice matched hers in tone and level. “I want a wife to help me run the castle yes, but I also want one that can feel free to tell me when I’m being a total ass. I wanted a partner, not a slave. When I married you I thought that is what I was getting. I liked you the way you were, not this mask that you think your father wants.”
She felt like kicking him in the balls just for the joy of watching him double over in pain at that moment, her lips curling into a smirk at the mere picture inside her head. "Fine... you want that kind of wild animal for a wife... you'll have it." She took a deep breath and screamed into his face, "YOU ARE BEING A TOTAL AND COMPLETE ASS!!" Her eyes were wild, yet filled with passion, fire, defiance, spirit... all the things she had been missing in the last few days.
He smirked and laughed still holding her there as she yelled at him and he laughed. “There that’s the woman I married, Got anything else you want to say to your husband wife?” he smirked knowing that he was asking for it and totally ready to get it. The fire in her eyes was making him respond to her as the most beautiful and desirable woman he had wanted before. That was what he wanted in her…what he found so attractive about her was that spark.
Her eyes burned with passionate rage, "You.... YOU are the most self centered, egotistical...!!" She gave a great would screech of her anger at him before taking a deep breath and starting once again, "BULLY! You are such a bully! And you make me so mad! More then mad even! Enraged! I didn't know that a person could GET this mad at another person but here I am! I'm downright enraged by you!!!"
His own passion was building quickly as she screamed at him and saw that fire in her eyes. He suddenly slipped his hand behind her neck pulling her close to him and kissing her deeply. he held her there kissing her deeply his body pressed against her. his kiss was hot and passionate the anger from all the last few days at the way she had been acting pouring into that kiss and growing into a passion for her and need for the wife that he had married once again.
Her reaction was likely very surprising. She should be pushing him away from her, kicking and screaming the whole while. But, oddly enough, her free hand wrapped around his neck and pulled herself to him, and her lips kissed him wildly in return. She didn't know how this wild heat had started within her but it was burning so firey hot now she needed to ease that burning. Best way she could think of was with her lips against his.
He was slightly surprised by the fact that she was kissing him back as deeply as he kissed her if not more so. His arms slipped around her pulling her tight against him and pressing their hot bodies tight to each other. The heat that both their bodies were already giving off melded and built his own stoked on by the fact that she was responding to him like he had always wanted his wife too. His hand slipped up into her hair lightly pulling it back as his lips left hers for a moment before nibbling lightly down her neck and throat spending a long time on the soft curves of her neck and pouring his passion into her through his soft touches.
As he tugged her to him, she instantly wrapped her other free arm around him, not letting go as their lips passionately kept twisting and tangling up with each other. Deep inside she knew she should be ending this, but he had unleashed all the built up tension and passion from within her she had kept locked up for day on end now. Every moment she want to be unladylike, every time she had wanted to curse a little bit, or a lot. All those times she had buried within now were surfacing all at once and there was no holding it back.

When his lips went to wildly devour her next, she moaned, deep from within her throat. It was a husky, purely sexual sound. Her hands quickly made their way to his head and when she felt her lips had been left unattended for long enough, her grabbed his face, tilted his head up and away from her neck, and boldly forced her lips upon his once more back into another passionate kiss.
He returned to her lips eagerly kissing her passionately back pouring ever moment that he had wanted to scream at her for being a fool and to act like herself. his kisses were on fire as were hers as he felt the heat on his lips in response to his own need. Panting her pulled her back with him away from the wall, his body never leaving contact with hers for even a moment. His one arm cleared the desk as he lifted her up placing her firm ass on the hard wood of his desk. He slowly lifted her skirts up her long beautiful legs slowly working it higher his lips not having left hers for more than a moment as he brought them up to her knees.
Blair was only mildly aware of him taking her with him across the room. She was far to busy her arms wrapped around his neck, holding him tight as she kissed him with the same fiery passion she had been all this time. It was not until her legs hit the desk behind her that she squeezed a little in surprise that he had been able to move her like that all the way across the room without realizing it. She gave another little squeeze as he swiftly picked her up and plopped her down upon it's firm surface. It was only then, sitting on his desk as his hand tugged up her skirts that she realized how very warm she was and needed for him in other places besides her lips. She might seem like a wanton to him in that moment, but as he tugged up her skips, her legs spread, just enough that he could easy rest between them. Her one hand reached down to tug her own skirts further up her legs then where he had taken them to.
He was fully aware of how she was acting and his reaction to it wasn’t one that she was being to forward, just the opposite, it was exactly how he had wanted her to respond. His hands moved up to rub her breasts through her dress for a moment cupping and rubbing them passionately as his lips moved down to her neck nibbling and nipping lightly at the tender skin. He panted hotly into her neck as one of his hands moved down between them and untied his pants pushing them down enough to let his cock out. He pulled her close fitting right between her spread legs. His cock was almost touching her hot pussy. the heat rolling off both of them was filling the room with heat and the smell of sex and the sounds coming from their lips was spilling out of the closed door so that even through it if someone was passing by there was no way not to know what was happening beyond the door.
Blair tilted her head back, her lips parted as great, deep husty sounds of her pleasure spilled from her lips. One hand made it's way up over his neck and into his hair to grasp onto him, holding him close to her skin to not let him stray far from where his lips danced over her skin in passion. Meanwhile, her other hand went in search of something to help ease the burning, wet heat between her spread legs. Lord, she felt like a wanton whore in that moment but she didn't care. She'd feel bad about it later, but right now, she just needed it. But when her hands went seeking to free him, she only found her hand pressed not against his pants but against his bared, hard cock already. She gasped in shock a little, her hand seemed frozen, unable to move away from where it rested just touching him.
Kael growled in lust and need into her neck pressing closer to her his cock moving a little in her hand just letting her hold it. The warmth of her hand made his thick hard cock grow even a little more to its full on hardness. He nipped her neck and moved back up to her lips nibbling lightly on them before smirking and brushing his hand up her thigh to lightly brush her outer lips through her panties gently rubbing at her as he smirked at her his lips still brushing hers. “Mmmm find something you want my wife?”
"Bastard..." she hissed against his lips a moment before she pulled his face against hers once more, capturing his lips in yet another wild, hot kiss. "Damn you!" she hissed again with a gasp as his hand moved against her lower lips, even through the thin layer of cloth between her and his touch. But despite all her cursing, her lips and body certainly did not protest at all. In fact, her hips only inched closer to the edge of the desk, trapping his hand between her pussy and his rock hard staff, it rubbing a moment against him in need.
Kael smirked into the kiss and groaned into it as she pressed against him. His hand barely made it out after a moment of grinding and let his tip pressed against the thin material of her underclothing. He nipped and bit lightly at her lips as he kissed her his tip working her through the thin cloth. He could already feel her heat through the panties and his hand slipped back up her legs and pulled the thin cloth to one side his tip now rubbing over her naked lips and pressing just a little into her.
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