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Laird of the Land (buttefly0408/kolath)

He wasn’t about to admit to anyone that he was getting so lost in his wife’s hair that he almost missed his chance that he had been waiting for. He blinked for a moment as the question took a second to register. “Oh that?” he asked off handedly shrugging slightly. “Oh that’s just a report from my cousin that I left in charge back at your father’s old castle.”
Her eyes instantly lit up with the mention of her home. She didn't know why her heart suddenly started to beat faster, but it was racing then with interest. "Does everything fair well? The people are happy? There have not been many troubles have there?" She suddenly felt a bit guilty this was the first time she was asking about her home since arriving here.
Kael smirked slightly as she so obviously perked up the moment that he mentioned her home. He knew in that moment that both she and Flynn needed some time to go home and just see the people and be with them. he brushed her hair to one side leaning down and laughing softly he kissed her neck. “Yes my wife they are all fine, they have had no real problems since he took over. Allister is a good and smart leader knowing how to make people fall in love with him quickly and how to keep their love in the long term. He is nothing at all like his brother.” He said to reassure her, not realizing that she might not know that Malise and Allister were brothers.
"His brother?" she asked a little confused at first before a dawning of understanding came over her face, "Malise?" She turned and looked directly at him, "You left Malise's brother in charge of my homeland?" She seemed very alarmed by that news, worry on her face. She clearly was letting her fear over Malise trumped what he has just told her about how Allister was a good man.
He smirked slightly at her reaction knowing that was how she was going to react to the news. He leaned back in the chair and sighed softly. “Yes, and I just said that he was nothing like his brother.” He looked at her smiling slightly and shaking his head, “My word won’t be enough on this will it?” he was trying to lead her into needing to go back to her homeland to see for herself, his tone and posture was one that signaled that he knew he would have to give into her, wanting her to take advantage of it.
The opportunity was one not even she could pass up. She say the opening and was not ashamed to take it. Or maybe it was because she just responded without thinking first. "It would ease my mind a bit if I... meet this Allister in person. Just to make sure you are not just trying to ease my worries. I want to know that my husband is not lying to me to try and shield me from the truth of the situation."
He sighed and shook his head tossing his hands up in defeat even though this had just been what he had hoped she would do. “Fine to put your mind at rest. We will make a trip back to your homeland.” He smiled and brushed his hand over her cheek kissing her lips lightly. “But trust me, everything is fine.” He stood up turning away from her before snapping his fingers and turning back. “I know we can even take Flynn with us, he can come along as one of the soldiers in our guard.” He smirked finding it hard not to enjoy his little plan coming together so nicely.
Maybe not as nicely as he thought. Blair could sense something was a little bit... off at the moment. Something about that way he tossed up his arms and the kiss on her cheek AND the snap of his fingers, but the combination of them all had her, well, suspicious. She should just take it for what it was, her heart was flying with the thought of seeing her home again, to have the chance to collect some things she was forced to leave behind and see the people she missed so much, but, "That would be a big burden, wouldn't it? No, no I won't let you go out of you way like that. You are my husband and I should trust your word. If you say it's all fine then I'm sure it is all fine." But in her head she hoping he would call her bluff.
It had been going so nicely she was following every lead he had placed for her. she was following right along and then it had to go all pear shaped. He had to think quickly something to change his tact so it wasn’t obvious that he waned to help her get over her malaze that she had been in so long. He coughed softly and his face go all serious. “Well, I need to check my new holdings anyway so there is no reason not to do it and enough reason to that I should head off anyway. If you would like to join me on the inspection I suppose you could come, but not to force you or anything.” It was almost funny how hard he was trying not to appear to care about her feelings.
She sighed a little, trying to hold back her joy over the idea and the offer to join him on the journey, "I suppose it would not hurt. I would be able to collect some of my belongings I left behind. I have been wearing your sisters dresses since I arrived. I should give them back to her while they are still in a fair condition. I would very terribly guilty if I ruined any of the dresses she had been kind enough to lend me." She turned back to the mirror, unable to really do anything since he held her brush, "Are you sure you can trust to take us with you back to our homelands? We would be within reach of my family who could grab us and take us from your hold. Then they would not hesitate any longer to take the lands back from you." Why did she say that? If she planted the idea in his head, he may change his mind.
He blinked as she brought up the fact that this trip would take them back near her families lands. she had a real point in that as he realized that her family could come and take them back if they went back to her homeland. He thought it over before coming over to her placing the brush down on the vanity. He wanted to say something to her but wasn’t sure what she wanted to hear. After all he did capture her from her homeland, and even though she was his wife now she had made it clear in the past that this was a marriage of convenience nothing more. as he was leaned over her his whispered softly into her ear, “No one takes what is mine.” It wasn’t threatening or even with a bit of darkness in it, it sounded more like a promise to her than anything else. He turned back to the bed and started making his preparations for bed.
She could not help but be affected within her heart by his words. Something about the way he said it, declaring her to be his... it sent a chill down her spine. As he moved away, she turned to watch him go towards the bed, there was a sudden spark inside her that went from her ear words had been whispered to her straight to her loins with suddenly heated with a longing for him to prove his words to her. Rising, she crossed to the bed slowly, coming to rest leaning against one of the tall posts, "I am yours hmm?" she asked, her voice laced with a hint of her passion.
Kael had been a little focused on his planning which he had been doing while undressing. He almost missed that she was talking to him turning to look at her. seeing her standing there and leaning against the posts his mind settled on what she had said and how it was said. He smirked and slowly started to step toward her, his eyes staying locked with hers. “Yes, you are mine.” As he said that his arm slipped around her waist pulling her tight to his hard thick body gently pressing her back against the post as he leaned down and nipped her ear. “Mmmm shall I prove that to you my wife?”
Her heartbeat suddenly quickened as he tugged her to him. The intent in his body and voice was all to clear to her and for the first time in a while, they were both speaking the same language. Sex. Not just a bedding. No, real sex this time. Her arms wrapped about his waist, tugging her close to his body. "Didn't you prove that enough in your solar a few days ago?"
His breathing got heavier as his body prepared for the hot and heavy sex that was clearly about to happen between him and his wife. He brushed his hand up from her waist, up between her breasts and to her neck and further into her hair as he gently leaned her head to one side. He leaned down kissing her neck and nipping at the skin softly. “Mmmm I think that you might need to be refreshed on the fact again.” His knee pressed up between her legs letting her settle on it pressing up against her through their clothes.
She gasped slightly as her back ended up pressed even more firmly against the post. "I can... recall that afternoon quite well thought..." she whispered to him, her voice a bit breathless as she spoke, her eyes slipping closed as her hips could not help but rub against his knee by some kind of sexual instinct. "If you must thought... I suppose you must...."
He smirked and pulled back from her smirking and looking into her eyes. “Mmmm oh I must.” He reached over untying the front of her night gown and leaning in to kiss at her neck and down her throat. His lips moved over the exposed skin slowly pushing the gown ahead of his lips with his hand moving it to her shoulder and then down. He gently laid her back on the bed pulling his own shirt off before moving to kneel over her kissing her neck on the other side pushing the night gown down that shoulder before returning to her lips kissing her deeply.
As his wife, she offered no resistance to what was his rights as her husband. Then again, she would likely would not be resisting even if they were not firmly wed to one another. She never really had before or after the wedding now had she? A shiver spread through her as he kissed her skin, only working to heat her passion more and more. When he pushed her back onto the bed, she slowly parted her legs for him, allowing him more then enough room to take his place between them when at last the moved onto the bed with her, kneeling over her. While his lips moved to focus upon her lips, her hand rose up to tug at her own night dress then, tugging it down until it was off her arms and rested loosely over her breasts.
He kissed her deeply already feeling his body responding to her closeness. He had something other in mind for tonight, something that would let her know just how much of her was his. He smirked as she pulled the dress down till it just hung on her breasts. He leaned down nipping down the softness of her neck slowly moving over the tender skin. His lips worked the skin softly moving down her throat and over her collar bone gently before nuzzling up the slopes of her breasts. It was times like this that he loved their times to play together, when she wore only a night dress. it allowed him easy access to her beautiful breast. He gently tugged the dress down a bit more expose one nipple which his lips quickly moved up to capture sucking lightly at the bud of pleasure.
Blair ever so slightly arched her back up in response to his lips upon her skin. Her eyes gently closed and the slightest hint of what almost seemed like a purr came from deep in her throat. Everything was such a natural reaction for this whole thing with him just seemed like second nature strangely. Her hand reached up to tug the other half of her dress down while he toyed with one nipple, letting the second one pop out. It looked to sad and lonely not getting any attention from him...
He continued sucking at the first nipple that he had exposed his tongue gently swirling around the tip as he sucked lightly at it. He smirked into her breast as she exposed the other one to him clearing from the way she did it and arched her back wanting some attention lavished there. His hand came up and gently cupped her beautiful breast rubbing it softly and teasing her nipple with his fingers. After a few more moments his lips left the nipple they had been pleasuring and kissed down between her breasts before taking the other in his mouth sucking a little harder at this one as the first one received attention from his fingers.
A gentle whimper could not be help back as her sensitive breast entered his lips. The nipple instantly hardened against his tongue, the ultimate sign of her arousal... as it the arching of her back and the whimpering and squirming as well as the slowly increasing pace of her breathing were not signs of her arousal already...
Kael growled gently into her nipple sucking harder loving the sound of need in that whimper and wanting her to need more and more from him. His hand that wasn't rubbing her breast moved down and lightly pressed under her night gown brushing his fingers down her stomach and between her legs. His fingers found her hot wet lips and gently started to rub at the soft folds brushing over her clit as his mouth sucked at her nipples all that more switching back and forth so both were given attention.
Now to add to her growing list of signs of arousal, the moment his fingers slipped down between her legs and started to rub and gently love over her hot lips, her body only started squirming and her hips ever so gently bucking up against his fingers, only helping him to increase the pressure and therefore the pleasure as well his simple touch was giving her. She had no idea the kind of pleasures he was going to share with her this night that she did not even know about yet.
His lips continued to suck lightly at her breasts working her nipples with skill and tenderness but still a need that spoke of a deep desire. His fingers pressed against her outer lips rubbing softly before he parted them and pushed slowly inside her working her inner walls. His other hand gently started to brush more of her night gown down off her body exposing more and more of her to him as his lips started to leave her breasts. He kissed down the undersides of her breasts and back up the other one before moving lower slowly striping her of her clothes and moving his lips down more and more.
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