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Laird of the Land (buttefly0408/kolath)

She did hear them and her heart swelled as well in that moment. Hearing his praise of her found it's way right to her very cord. She lay there, still staring up at the ceiling as realization hit her hard and suddenly, her jaw dropping in shock as she felt it. She has felt it before but never could put a name to it.

Blair was in love with her husband.

It was a sudden feeling that both warmed her yet made her panic at the same time. Being in love left a person open and vulnerable to overwhelming hurt. The hurt of loss. The hurt of betrayal. It all lay there before her. Yet so did her heart. He was her very heart. He called her strong, but she knew she was not in this moment. She was the weakest she had ever been, but he could not tell him that. Not now. Maybe not ever. "Thank you..." she whispered back, not sure what else she could tell him in that moment.
Nuzzling close he smiled brushing his hand lightly over her arm still snuggling her close. There was something that he wanted to say but it stuck in his throat and he couldn't get it out. It was all he could do to gently lean over her turning her head slightly and kissing her lips. It wasn't that he didn't want to say what he was feeling it was he didn't know how to. There had been so few moments like this in his life, moments that needed him to speak out of his heart not his head. He just didn't know how to let those feelings come up and past his lips, to give them the expression they deserved. He just settled back down behind her nuzzling close and letting the heaviness of sleep take him as he held his wife close to him.
She moved with him to find a comfortable position to sleep the rest of the night away. She is relieved as they seem to find it, her back pressed against his chest. There was a comfort for her at the moment that he was not facing her and that she would not need to ponder her new found thoughts facing him. Watching his sleeping face while the thoughts rolled around in there, no there was a great relief that would not need to happen. It did not stop the thoughts from keeping her awake longer then she would have liked. Eventually, overwhelming fatigue let her go and she slipped to sleep at last.
The next morning Kael slipped out of bed being careful not to wake Blair. Dressing he quickly made his way down to the kitchen and asked the cook to make something up for Blair in bed. Fortunately someone had already thought that the couple would want to not leave bed and had ordered a tray made up for them so it was already almost finished. Taking the tray back up to the room Kael had several moments to think about what he was planning on doing. Blair needed to see how her people really thought of her, not just what one person thought like she had heard last night. He smirked as he thought of the fight he was going to have with her to get her to come with him, that was just one of the things that endeared her to him so much. He pushed the door open letting the smell of breakfast fill the room. "Good morning my wife."
Blair groaned as she rolled from her one side to the other, her eyes opening as she heard his voice though she stayed cuddled against her pillow in the bed. It took her a moment to register that he was up, dressed, and cared food with him on a tray. "What are you up too?" She asked, her voice husky with the morning as she yawned and moved to sit up.
He laughed softly as he came over setting the tray on the table near their bed. Moving over to when she was looking at him from he leaned down a dark gleam deep in his eye that held promises of so much. "Absolutely no good at all," he leaned in kissed her deeply bottle everything they had shared last night into one deep long passionate kiss. Finally pulling back he looked into her eyes brushing a hand against her cheek. "Good morning, my wife." The first time he had said that it had just been to wake her but there was something different this time like there was more that he just couldn't say right now but wanted too.
The look on Blair's face could only be defined as one thing. Utter confusion. Not the kind in that spoke of her not understanding what he was doing. More that she did not understand why he was doing what he was doing. He had never given her a morning greeting like this one before. A good morning and a peek on the cheek or lips, yes, but this was deeper. This was just as heated at the night before and if she had not been so very caught off her guard by it, it may very well have ignited her passions once more. Instead though, she sat up and gave him a skeptical look as she replied, "Good... morning... to you to. What is all this for?"
He laughed standing up and going over to the table sitting down in one of the chairs looking back at her. There was a dressing robe draped over the other chair waiting for her across the tray from him. "Mostly I just didn't want you to have to get dressed for breakfast yet." He said smirking a gleam of desire and longing deep in his eyes as he looked at her still under the covers. There was so much that ran through his mind when he was looking at her none of it clearly defined just there and always going to be there. He nodded slightly toward the other chair with the robe hanging over the back, "Will you join me?" making no move to bring the robe over to her.
Seeing him move towards the table, she looks for the robe near herself at first. When she sees it however across the gap between her and the table, she pulled the blanket up more firmly against herself, leaned a bit over the bed with her hand reaching out for him to either hand her the robe or throw it to her. Whichever he choose to do for her. "If you'll please..." she added after a second of waiting and he had yet to hand it over.
He just smirked watching her still in bed trying to cover herself and get him to bring her the robe. He looked over at it then back to her. "It would please me very much for you to put on that robe." Leaning back in the chair the gleam in his eye made it very clear he had no intention of getting it for her. He was teasing her mostly but he did love seeing her naked body and now wouldn't be any different even if it was just for a short moment from the bed to the chair.
She let her hand fall down to the bed with a thud. "You must be joking..." she told him but realized after looking at him and that smile on his face he was not. "What has gotten into you today?" she commented as she pulled the sheet separate from the cover blanket of the bed, tugging it with her as she stumbled out of the bed, wrapping the sheet around her as she left the bed all disheveled behind her. He was still in the mood of the night before yet she was back to her usual, strictly business self as she crossed to the chair, picking up the dressing robe and slipping it on over top of the sheet. He wanted to see her with nothing but it backfired and now he got to watch her sit there in two layers of fabric instead.
Of course he was disappointed who didn't want to see their wife naked but still the fact she had stood up to him like that also made him happy. He laughed as she pulled the robe on over the sheet shaking his head, "That’s what I get for marrying a Ross. All of you headstrong as they come." Even though he said it there was nothing disapproving in his tone at all if anything it seemed like he like it in her. Taking the cover from the he let the smell of hot meet fresh fruit and sweet cakes fill the room. Pouring some mulled wine for them both he leaned back in the chair holding his cup and looking across at her. "How fair you this morning?"
She was a little unsure how to take the comment about being a Ross from him. It sounded playful but he could very well be cracking a joke he thought amusing at her expense. She didn't really have much of a reaction to the food being uncovered as she reached for her cup, taking a drink to find some morning support in it after the trying night before. "I fair as well as one can after the night I had last night. And you?"
He smiled nodding at her comment about last night knowing that she had gone through a lot and ever after that had let him closer to her then she ever had before. Taking a apple from the fruit before him he nodded before taking a bite from it chewing thoughtfully. After a moment he spoke again, "I could tell how hard it was for you last night to have that woman express her disgust for you. You can't base what all your people think of you off the personal opinion of one bitter woman. What you need to do is go out into the people and see how they all react to you, that will tell you what they think."
He was getting right into it this morning. Right into the belly of the beast with his wife and her poor self esteem. He was a brave soul to try and talk about such a thing with her this early in the morning. "I don't think that would be a wise idea. I am sure there is much you need to see to here before we go back and trying to show me how people feel about me shall only prevent you from getting done whatever needs to be done. It would be better if you just went about your work. I will stay here and we can be on our way back home sooner rather then later." She put some meat upon her plate before her and tried to speak like what she said was clearly the most logical thing to be done.
Kael took another rather loud bite from the apple as his wife was trying to appear strong the way she had thought she was expected too. They had discussed this before about how her father had expected her to act. He thought that he had helped her past it, was it possible that this simple incident with that woman had set it all backwards? Shaking his head he stood and came over to her dropping down to one knee in front of her gently brushing his hand over her cheek making her look into his eyes. "You are right there are things that need t be done here. However this is one of the reasons I brought you back here. I wanted you to see how our people are doing and what they think of you. Please come see what others here already know to be true."
The way he got down onto his knee before her, she looked at him skeptical and shook her head, "I don't even know where to start and you know that. No, no I think it best we just let things here be. You do what you need to do and we will be on the way. Case closed. You can fight this all you want Kael but my mind is made up." She sighed, "Even if I went and found a person that liked me you know I will find others like that woman I can't face that kind of treatment again."
He sighed shaking his head slowly, why did she have to be so stubborn, and why did he have to like it so much when she was. He brushed a hand down over his face trying to think what he could say to her that would make her see what he saw last night. That woman was alone last night no one agreed with here there was no one that would act like that again but would Blair see it? "You know who she was right? Didn't you recognize her? She made her living off the suffering of the other people that was the normal state of the affairs under your father. She was the town witch, when things are going bad people would come to her, now that things are better for everyone she is losing business and she hates it."
Her face went pale. He had picked the wrong information to tell her. "That was old Golda!? The witch!" She clearly had heard of the woman before and suddenly her appetite was long gone. She put her fork down and started to shake her head swiftly. "No! No if that was Golda that last thing I want to do is anger her! She has powers! Everyone spoke of her and she is the last person I wish to offend or anger! She'll... she'll lay a curse upon me or worse you only to spite me out of vengeance for her hate!" Her hand rested upon her stomach then, "Oh gods... I think I am going to be ill now..."
Kael just about screamed at that reaction, did she really believe that the woman from last night had powers. He knew that some people did believe in those things and there had been some things he had seen that he couldn't explain but really now. "If she was going to do that she already would have. I am the one making her mad she was just taking it out on you. As with all witches, they know how to manipulate the way someone thinks and she knew full well that the best way to hurt me was to go after you." The words were out before he even thought what they meant. The meaning hit him like a ton of bricks in complete and total shock of what had just come out of his own mouth. He blinked for a moment before striding to the door. "I will see that Myrna comes and sees to your needs." And was out the door in the next moment.
"But..." she tried to object to him, not really catching the seriousness of what he was trying to tell her nor the sort of hidden message in his words to her. He was out the door before she could say anything more to him or try and object more. Her mind was to lost in the news still over who she had unknowingly faced off with the night before. Stories of evil befalling people due to Golda running through her head. He didn't understand for he had not heard them before. Sighing, she pushed her plate aside, unable to look at food let alone eat it. With a groan she rose up and went to the bed again, flopping face down into the covers.
Kael was running, not in a physical sense as he maintained the decorum that was expected of him. However still he was running, from what had come out of his lips back in the bedroom, from the truth that was evident in those words. He pushed the thoughts from his mind trying to fill it with something else but those words kept coming back to haunt him. What had he meant? Why would hurting Blair have hurt him? But it was true there was no doubt that seeing Blair hurt by that old woman had caused him no end of pain and all he wanted to do was see that pain in her stop. He thought that by getting her outside he could do that but instead he had merely revealed something to himself about his own feelings toward his wife.

He finally was able to push the thoughts away in time to see Myrna coming up the stairs toward the room he had shared with Blair the night before. "Myrna… I need your help with something, for Blair's own good." He forced his mind to clear again, "She needs to see that Golda was alone in her thinking. She needs to see how the people think of her." He sighed, "And damn her stubbornness she won't listen to me."
Myrna shook her head an laughed a moment, as she stopped before him, "That girl, thought I love her, has been brainwashed all her life to believe the worst in every situation. It's how her father held dominion over her and her brother." Her expression grew more and more grim, "It is how he held it over all the people here. She's been with you and did not get to see the change of life here thanks to you and your family. Taking her out could help or hurt even more. There is no telling with that girl. Especially since..." she trailed off a moment, clearly hesitant as she sighed, "I will not lie to you but.... Golda ISN'T the only one that feels like that about the girl. Their hate is unfounded for Blair is one of the sweetest creatures ever put onto this planet, but the way her father orchestrated everything here, all some people out there know of Blair is she never lifted a finger to aid them when they needed it. They didn't know that was because her father would have broken ever one of her ten fingers if she tried to lift one."
Kael stopped leaning his head against the door frame that led him on down into the keep. His mind was still trying to piece together how everything had happened so quickly. Last night things had been so good but then the light of morning came and things seemed to change back once again it was sometimes hard to keep up. He looked over at Myrna and then leaned back against the wall across from her. "What do I do?" he paused for a moment before realizing how open ended that question was. "How do I help Blair see? How do I help those out there that think she is nothing but a spoiled brat see the woman that I know…?" he felt there was more to the end of that question but couldn't put what it was not yet.
Myrna looked to him, really looking at him. As if she was doing it for the first time. Whatever it was she saw in him in that moment, she smiled warmly and nodded her head. "I think the only thing to do, thought it can always backfire mind you, is force them upon one another. Force Blair out among the people and force the people to accept aid from Blair. They will see her kind heart and treat her kindly and she shall see that in return. I will go to her, help her dress and you will take her out. Even if you need to toss her over your shoulder to carry her out the door. Take her out for a simple walk and let things happen from there."
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