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Laird of the Land (buttefly0408/kolath)

He smirked slightly up at her his hands rubbing up over her body slowly. He pulled his shirt off and guided her hands down to his pants. "Don't worry Blair it's no different this way as it is the other, except you are on top." He kissed her lips softly leaving her hands to take care of his pants. "I will help you if you get lost in what to do," he smirked again, "But I think you will get the hang of it really quickly."
And learn she did. And certainly enjoy she did as well.

The next few days, every time she looked her husband's way, she found herself tingling inside with the memory. Even as they were riding on their separate horses nearly half a week later, a distance between them as they rode down the road towards her old homeland with a small army in tow with them, she glanced his way. The moment his eye caught hers and he would smile his devious knowing smile, her face turned bright red and she turned away from him.
He caught her looking at him again and couldn't help but smirk at her laughing a little before riding off ahead of the group looking out over the land that he had taken from her father. He crested the next hill and stopped looking down on the castle that his cousin had been watching over for him since he had returned to his home. He sat there on the back of his horse and was shocked to find his mind running back over what Blair's life had been like there. He shook his head, "Damn, she is turning me sentimental."

He turned back and trotted down the hill to her since the group was going to be taking the slightly longer route around the hills rather than over them he had an idea. He rode up beside her smirking once again as she blushed after looking at him. "Want to see your old home?" He nodded toward the crest of the hill he had just come back from.
Seeing him ride off up the hill, Blair had to think about the feelings he was stirring in her heart the more and more she got to know him and got use to him being at her side all the time. Her breath quickened as she watching him come galloping back down the hill to her side, speaking with her. Blair instantly perked up. She had been so lost in her thoughts on her husband she did not realize they were so close, "Can you see it from up there?" she pointed towards where he had just come from.
He nodded and turned back so that he was facing the hill again. "Yes you can, though I don't know if you would recognize it since it has changed so much." He smirked leaving it hanging in the air and he rode off toward the hill. He didn't say how it had changed only that it had changed. He of course knew the truth since he had told his cousin just what he wanted him to do while he was away. There had been vast improvements on the town with buildings going up that were more than just wicker sides and a roof. Things had gotten better he had seen to that.
Blair looked at him curiously. What could change about the place? It had not been all THAT long since she last saw the place, had it? She could not imagine the place ever looking any different then it had when last she laid her eyes upon it. "How long will it take us to reach there?" she asked not thinking he meant for them to go up the hill and down the other side together, away from the rest of the party.
He looked back over his shoulder as she called to him only a short distance away. He sighed slightly and turned back looking back at her. "Well that depends. If you go with them." He motioned to the group, "About another two hours." He smirked and trotted back over to her. "If you come alone with me about another thirty minutes, assuming we don't get sidetracked."
She smiled and looked to the hill then to the group still moving, then back to the hill and to him. She smiled as she nodded a little rapidly, "Yes. Please take me with you then."
He nodded, "Ok then," and reached over slipping his arm around her waist and lifted her off her horse as he moved her over to in front of him shifting back enough to let her have enough room but still with them pressed close together. He reached over and swatted her mare sending her galloping after the group where a page took custody of her making sure she stayed with them. All before he turned to head up the hill smirking knowing she was going to be slightly pissed.
Blair would have protested his actions if she realized what was going on before she was watching her horse trot away and then watched him directing the horse they now shared back up the hill. Frowning at him, she shoved his shoulder slightly, "I was perfectly capable of riding my own horse you know."
He smirked and slipped his arms around her waist one still holding the reins as they headed up the hill. "Yes my wife but where is the fun in that." He smirked nipping at the back of her neck through her hair lightly. Their session of her on top of him riding him from a few days ago still played in his mind and he found constantly turned him on, especially when she looked at him and blushed. He couldn't do anything riding on the back of the horse since it was more likely they would fall off than anything else. However there was nothing stopping him from making her want him to be able to do something on the horse. His arms held her back against his broad chest as he nuzzled and nipped at the back of her neck through her hair.
She gasped lightly as she felt him nuzzling into the back of her neck, feeling the tingling inside her growing. Ever since that night he had opened the flood gates of her desires. He had to go and show her what it was like to really share pleasures with him. That was the real reason she was always blushing. He had her starting to crave him all the time. This time was no different. "It might not be fun for you but it would have been safer." Blair knew that was a poor argument.
He held her closer nuzzling more into her neck and hair as he chuckled lightly. "Are you saying you hate being this close to me so much that you want me to turn around and get your horse?" He smirked kicking his horse into a slightly faster pace taking them farther away from the caravan. "Or is it just that you don't want to be seen riding into your home on the same horse as your husband?" his tone had turned a little more serious as he realized just the type of message that would send to her people and wondered if she wanted them to know that she was seeming to take to being his wife.
Blair fidgeted a little in his lap at that kind of talk. She really didn't know how people would take her new position. It would help if she knew how they all felt about the change of power but she knew nothing of her home of the people since she had come to live in Kael's household. And again since she had actually married him. Was she going to be welcomed as a traitor? As one of them? Or would they not even bother to welcome her at all? "I'm a little afraid..." she confessed to him.
It was clear to him that they needed to have this moment alone away from the caravan to talk about this even if they ended up going back afterwards they needed this now. He nodded slightly at her worries knowing how scary it must be for her, what would she end up doing. He had just as little idea how she was going to be received as she did, he knew how the castle faired butt even knowing that didn't tell you how you would be received at a castle you conquered. He sighed looking at her brushing a hand over her cheek brushing a stray strand of hair back from her face, "Don't worry you are still one of them even if you are now my wife, and they will still love you just like they used too. Now do you want me to go get your horse?"
Glancing back toward where they had come from and then forward she sighed, "We are already half way there. Might as well keep on moving forward I suppose." She had to admit, as unknown as the welcome was going to be, she had to say she did enjoy riding with her husband in the here and now.
He smiled and nodded admiring her strength and with a tap of his heels his horse took off toward her old home. It wasn't long before they crested the hill that looked down on her home and showed the improvements being made already. More area had been cleared around the town and large fields had been cleared and were in the final stages of being bedded down for the winter. Several large buildings had been built near the center of town very sturdy and well built, so large in fact they could have held the entire town. Coming off those larger buildings were many paths all leading along similar paths that had been there before, but the whole town seemed different. No longer were there mainly the ramshackle lean-tos of the poor and in need of help but half-timber houses filled the town, most one story but a few larger. The town's borders didn't reach as far as they once had but it was hard to tell with how successful the town looked.

Kael nodded, "Good he wasn't exaggerating when he said they were making good progress." He waited for her reaction before continuing down the hill.
Blair felt she was going to faint for a moment. Was this place her homeland? If not for the still familiar keep rising up in the middle of the town, she would not recognize the place. This was what a village should look like and it was not at all what it had looked like under that families control. Her eyes filled with a light film of wetness as emotions she didn't fully understand what they were as she gasp and raised her hand to her lips.
Kael smiled at her reaction knowing that she would have been shocked he just hoped she was pleased also. He got his horse moving down the hill slowly at first wanting her to have a chance to look over the town as it was still being built. "I hope you approve Blair, we don't have everything finished yet but the people have been working non-stop and achieved much in the short time."
"Approve? Why wouldn't I?" Her eyes continued to scan the lands. It was everything she ever imagined the place could be. But her father never gave it the time or the resources to make it happen. He could not see the possibilities of it all and in a short time, Kael and his family had made it all come true. "It's amazing..."
He smiled as the trotted down the hill toward her home glad she was not upset that things had changed at her home. The truth was he hadn't expected her to be upset since things had gotten better but there was still part of him that wasn't sure how she would react to changes like this. They rode into the town and all around people were working preparing what looked like a celebration. They were all so involved with hanging garlands and cooking food that it took the people a moment to realize who was on the horse.

It didn't take long for word to spread that Blair was back once they realized it was her. So by the time that Blair and Kael rode into the keep Allister and a sizeable amount of the town was waiting for them at the door. "You," Allster spoke seeming rather upset at Kael, "Weren't supposed to be here for another hour or more." He was trying to hold back a smile and look stern for his cousin.

Kael raised an eyebrow, "I didn't know I needed to inform you of changes in schedule of arriving at one of my keeps." Kael slipped off the back of his horse leaving Blair up there for a moment as he and his cousin engulfed each other in a bear hug. There were a few word passed between the cousins that couldn't be heard by anyone but themselves.

After that brief moment Kael turned back to Blair and slipped his large hands around her waist before lifting her down letting their bodies press close together as he slid her to the ground placing her feet firmly before releasing his grasp on her waist.

A groom took the lead of his horse moving it back toward the stable clearing the sight of everyone so that it was just Allister and then couple in the middle of a large group of her people. Allister stepped forward lifting his hands to silence any murmuring that was going on. "Good people, please continue with your work, there will be plenty of time for a welcome later." He nodded to the door into the keep before starting to go around encouraging the people to continue on with the planned work.

Kael took the cue and escorted Blair into the keep sighing softly as the door closed behind them. He smiled at his wife motioning to the keep which looked all the brighter because of more lamps having been added, "Welcome home Blair."
Blair was hesitant the whole time. From the moment they entered the outskirts of the village onward. Especially after she note the looks of realization on the faces of the people. They clearly recognized her and watched the news pass like wildfire from person to person. She could not gauge the looks. Were they welcoming? Resentful? No idea.

As they entered into the keep, she looked around at the walls around her. It was so similar yet so different. Amazing what light could do to a place. If she could see the difference just in the entryway, she had to wonder if she would be able to recognize the rest of her home as she went deeper into it.

There were so many memories here and being back now, she realized they were mostly all bad ones. The only few good ones she had were because of Flynn, her mother, and-

"Blair! Oh my sweet Blair!" a excited voice rang off the stone walls. An older woman with greying hair stood a ways with her arms wide open and the most joyous smile upon her face.

The sight of her dear nursemaid, Mynra, made Blair's eyes fill with tears once again. This time they were clearly tears of joy though as she broke away from Kael's side and dashed to the woman, "Mynra!" she cried as the pair united in a warm, tight embrace. Blair buried her face against the woman's neck and cried. Mynra was like a mother to her. It had been heartbreaking to leave her behind her and not know of her well being. Seeing her now was overwhelming.
Kael was about to say something since Blair has said nothing. He stopped himself as the old nursemaid called out to her and he couldn't help but smile at the clear rapture on Blair's face at seeing her. He willingly let her go, just standing there watching for a moment. It wasn't a long moment before his cousin came in and clapped him on the shoulder motioning him away from the two women.

Kael followed Allister into his office and dropped down on one of the arm chairs in front of the fire taking the offered scotch from Allister. "You have done well here cousin, the people seem happy and productive."

Allister laughed drinking down the burning liquid shrugging one shoulder as he poured them both some more. "Perhaps, but I worry what will happen when they realize just how much work the new fields will take in the spring."

Kael laughed shaking his head as he drank this glass much slower than the first. "You do so well at some things Allister that I forget how young you are sometimes. " he fended off the playful strike from his cousin laughing, "You really don't think they already know? Sure some of the younger ones might not know what it means but anyone that has grown their own crops before know full well what it means. They look forward to the fruits that will come from the hard work trust me."

Allister nodded accepting Kael greater knowledge and experience but still it worried him. As the talk turned to other matters and the mood lifted.
The women's embrace lasted a long while, Myrna gently brushing her hand though Blair's long locks. They didn't speak really, just held on. Blair taking in all over her dearest friend. The feel of her, the smell of her. When at last the embrace came to an end, Myrna stood back and looked Blair up and down. "Oh look at you! My girl! Not not my girl. You're a married woman now! Oh my you must be so tired from your journey." With her arm wrapped around her, she started to direct Blair off down the hall. "Come! Oh I made sure your room was ready with a bath and fresh clothing for you and everything!"

Blair glances back, remembering her husband she had left to run to Myrna only to see he was gone. There was a moment her heart seemed to hurt a little over his just walking away with a word but it passed quickly.

The whole to the way to the room, Myrna was just a non stop chatterbox. Going on and on about all the changes that had happened and how happy everyone was. It was exactly what Blair needed to hear without even asking to hear about it. There was no mention though how news about her wedding their new laird had gone over. She really was still nervous about that reception she was destined to get. Though, having Myrna there at her side again calmed her and for the time made her forget her nerves.

True to her word, Myrna took Blair to her old room. It was a surreal experience stepping through the door. The place was different then she remembered and she was thankful for that. It was still her room, still her bed, still many of her personal belongings she had left behind but everything had been moved around. The bedding changed to something richer fabrics and deeper colors. Same for the window dressings. A large tub with steam rising from the surface sat in the center of the room.

"NOW!" Myrna said as she closed the door and rolled up her sleeves, "You get yourself in that tub to clean yourself up while you start telling me how you went from running from this man to being we to him..."
Kael and Allister talked over so much that they forgot what it was sometimes. Allister really needed to hear over and over from Kael that he was doing a wonderful job and would sure that he could continue to do so. Allister had been ready to take this duty but still it scared him and he worried too much about what was being thought of him.
After awhile there was a long pause as the men just sat there before the fire. Finally Kael stood and finished off his glass. "Well, I had best check on Blair as the rest of our caravan will be arriving shortly. And I'm sure you have something planned based on the decorations that I saw going up." He turned to the door before Allister spooke up.

"About Blair…"

Kael stopped dead waiting for his cousin to continue.

"How did you come to marry her so quickly?"

Kael sighed smiling Allister had always been the one that he could turn to when he question if something was right or wrong. It would seem now that Allister was worried if Kael had gotten off course when he wasn't there. "Trust me, it was her choice as much as mine." He paused thinking, "Well…mostly."

Allister looked up at his cousin, "What does that mean?"

Kael sighed and motioned to the door, "If you want to hear the story then you had best walk with me because I am going to find her."

Allister smirked finishing off his drink before the two of them headed for Blair's room.
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