Laird of the Land (buttefly0408/kolath)

Now that was just to much for her crazed mind to take. "Damn you!!" She cursed again as his tip toyed with her outer lips, her own hips sharply bucking up, his tip only sinking further into her depths then as her hands clawed a little as him, tugging him as close as she could get him. One wrap still around his back and up into his hair. The other wrapped around his waist to rest her hand against his back. "Don't you dare to that to me! Don't toy with me now!"
He smirked and nipped at her throat before pulling back to look into her eyes and smirked even more. “As you wish my wife.” He drove into her his thick hard long shaft plowing into her in one hard thrust taking her deeply and totally. He growled as he tight warmth surrounded him and leaned in to kiss her deeply once more as he started to move inside her pulling her to the edge more giving him better leverage to thrust in and out of her tight warmth. His thrusts were hard and deep filled with passion and desire wanting nothing but this woman that had captured his mind in ways no other one ever had come close to.
For a moment, as he slipped into her, the effect was mixed for her. Part of her felt fulfilled, his hardness slipping in easing the ache that was running wild inside her... but that was only for a moment before the aching change. Now that she had him inside her, she yearned then for the next step. The fire was not at all quenched, it only seemed to burn hotter now. As he tugged her to the edge of the desk, she gasped, feeling for a moment like she would go tumbling off the edge of it. But his strong hands upon her made her realize her husband would not let that happen. He hand a hold upon her and he was going to keep her safe and satisfy her as well. It was the satisfying she wanted more then anything else.
He held her tight letting his thick cock sink totally into her and rest there for a long moment just filling her totally. He kissed and nipped back up her neck to her lips before kissing her deeply letting all his passion flood into her just before he started to move inside her. His thrusts slowly built up moving faster and faster taking her slowly at first but soon building up into hard deep thrusts. He nipped back down over her jawline as he took her roughly thrusting his thick cock into her tight wet pussy moving hard inside her taking her with wild abandon like they had been showing all along.
The faster he pushed the pace, the more Blair went wild with him. Considering she was already quite far gone when they started this hot and heavy encounter, to grow even more wild now made this the most red hot passionate affair between them to date. And it somewhat needed. There had been so much building up between them in all time since they first meet to now and none of their other times together really worked to fully vent the frustrations that had built up. This time, as she wrapped her legs around his body, forcing his body closer to hers, her arms lace and tangled into his hair as she pressed his face against her skin, not letting him stop kissing her for even a moment, her neck tilting back as her lips hung open in passion, panting as he breath quickened. THIS was the best sex he had even given her to date and she suddenly was realizing... she could never be without it for as long as she had allowed herself to avoid him and it ever again. "OH GOD KAEL!" she whimpered and moaned.

((5,000th post! Just moved from Supernova to Event Horizon! Awesome!))
He growled into her neck as she moved her head back his lips moving over her skin and nipping at the sensitive area. Her dress was frustrating him, had he not been already inside her making passionate love to her he would have drug them both back to their room where he could ripe the offensive garment from her skin and let him at her beautiful breasts. As it was all his hands could to was rub the beautiful mounds through the cloth as he thrust into her taking her passionately. His thick cock spread her open wide as he thrust into her loving the feel of her legs around his hips pulling him to her with each thrust. One hand slipped from her breasts down over her body and up her smooth thigh pushing up her skirts even higher as he braced her and himself with that hand as he thrust into her. his breath was coming so fast that he couldn’t even form words at this moment and the fact she could made him only drive harder into her. This passion and fire is what he had seen in her and made him know he needed her always, even if it meant he had to marry her to have her. This was the wife he had wanted.
The tension was building inside. Not the kind that had been over the last few days. No, this was the good, delicious kind she knew well would bring with it glorious pleasures. That realization only tumbled her further down the path of the wild sex demon she was at the moment. Licking her lips, she was able to find herself forming words even if he could not. "Don't stop! Kael! Damn you... don't... you... stop!" she whispered as she could already start feeling little hints of shivers entering into her limps. For once, it seemed to start at the tips of her fingers and her toes and the sensation moves slowly through, heading for one spot where he was joining their bodies together over and over in bliss. Then in one blinding moment, she shattered and the pleasures burst from that same spot and sent the tremors flying back to the tips and her fingers and toes once again and to places beyond. "YES! That's it!" she cried out as he climaxed in hot passionate pleasure!
Kael was just a moment behind her, his thrusts bringing him quickly to the peak of pleasure. He thrust into her feeling the convulsions of her orgasm around his thick cock as he pounded into her once, twice more. The tightness and the milking of his cock quickly pushed him over the edge. Blast after hot blast of his thick seed shot from him out into her tight hotness. He panted hard as he filled her holding them joined as he did, slowly the waves of pleasure subsided and his breathing slowed to something more normal. He kissed her neck his hands brushing up her body to her arms and back around his own neck to untangle her hands from his hair. He brought them forward his breath hot on their backs as he kissed them lightly still buried to the hilt inside her. “That…” he panted as he leaned back forward and kissed her deeply, “Is the wife I married, and the one I don’t want to go away.” He chuckled softly, “Even if she comes with being yelled at and called many names in front of the whole castle.” He slipped his hand up into her hair looking into her eyes fire in his, “I want that passion that you have been hiding.”
In the afterglow of the moment, slowly normal though process returned to her mind. Just a little bit at a time. The moment his lips brushed over hers, she wavered a moment back into a place that was cloudy with passion, but when their lips parted once again... slowly she realized just what kind of position she was in. Her hands moved to the hem of her dress as it was bunched up around her waist, starting to tug it down, while her body moved backwards on his desk, away from the edge of it. "That was some kind of... wild animal. Not a wife," she said as she had him out of her and her skirts covering her private bits once more.
He smirked pulling back from her letting her pull him out and slowly putting his own privet parts away again. He smiled and reached out of her now that they were both covered. He pulled her back close to him kissing her once again deeply, growling against her lips softly before pulling back just enough to whisper against her lips. “So says your father, and if that is what that was, that is what I want from you. That fire and passion, weather its screaming at me for being a fool, or screaming for me not to stop I don’t care. I don’t want the lifeless doll that has been walking around this castle in your place these past few days.” He shook his head growling moving down to nip her neck, “If that was your father’s idea of a wife I pity the man.”
"You know..." she started as she closed her legs and pushed off the edge of the desk and stood beside him while pushing her skirts all the way down again, trying to straighten them as her cheeks held a light flush upon them, "mentioning someone's father after what we just did it a bit disturbing. The last thing I want to be thinking about right now is him." She took a few steps away, but did not going since she was sure they still had much more to talk about before she could run, even if that was what she wanted to do in this moment, embarrassment of her moment of weakness creeping over her. "What kind of wife would I honestly be if I walked around this place like how you are telling me to? Certainly not a very good, proper, or focused one."
He turned leaning back against the desk sitting on the edge of it where they had just been making passionate love. He smirked slightly shaking his head letting her comment about her father pass even though she had been the first to bring him into their moment. With thinking of what a wife was by his standard she had brought him into the room and the tightness had already started to return to her. He shook his head sighing softly as she brought out the flaw in his point about the type of wife he had said he wanted. “Alright, you do have a point there, how about a compromise?” he posed the question but didn’t give her enough time to answer. “How about you be yourself, not the type of wife your father wanted you to be, not even the type of wife that I am saying I want. Be yourself, I will be content with that.”
She crossed her arms and could not help but look at him and think for a moment or two only about what they just had done. Why the hell was the only thought in her mind wondering when they would do it again? She shook her head, not realizing he could see it as a refusal at first but it was only just to clear her still traitorous thoughts from her mind. "I won't be able to run your home as quickly as I have been if you really want me to be just my plain, ordinary self. You sure that is what you want? The house hold will not run like it has been. I'm only one, little person."
He was for a moment confused by what seemed to at first be a refuseal of his idea and then the almost acceptance of it. he brushed the question aside focusing on what she said. “That is fine Blair, My sister and aunt have been complaining about you doing all the work anyway. They want something to do.” It wasn’t totally a lie, they had said they were worried about Blair doing everything herself, close enough right? It was in Kael’s mind and so felt no need to say anymore on the subject at this point. He however did smirk and slipped closer to her slipping his arms around her once more nipping her ear lightly. “However I won’t mind if you let that wild woman out from time to time when we are alone in our bedroom or here even.” He smirked, knowing the thought would probably make her blush, she always looked so beautiful blushing.
And blush she did, but he only got a small glimpse of it before she turned her face away. With no other words, she retreated from him and this conversation. In a hurry, she went fleeing from the study.


Things went somewhat back to normal after that. Blair stopped her strict, proper behavior and yet she was still not the same easy going person she was before. Linette stepped back in to help her with the running of the keep while Evelyn stood by and only lent a hand when needed. Things started running smoothly with Blair as the mistress of the house and she was able to return to their room at the end of the day without passing out. However, their sex was no where near that passionate, wild level that they had shared within his solar. Blair seemed almost... melancholy. There was no use in asking her about it though, for she could not see it within herself. When she smiled, it was small and slightly sad. When she laughed, it we quick and quiet.

The funny thing about it thought... Flynn seemed to be suffering something very similar. While not as severe as her case of it, it was something affecting them both.
Kael had seen the way that Blair and Flynn were acting, and his discussions with his aunt and sister said that they had seen it too. After about a week of him trying to get Blair to return to something of the passionate woman that he had been with their first night, if not the one of the day in his solar, Kael finally accepted he would need to figure something else out.

He was out at the lists watching Flynn in training, the lad had become quite good at close combat and using his smaller size to his advantage. He was quickly taking his place in the stronger fighters at Kael’s castle. However recently he had been distracted and seemed almost half hearted even as Kael watched him fighting with another of the trainees. Kael sighed and picked up a sword from the rack and stepped into the lists. At one point when their swords were crossed Kael stepped in knocking both swords from the lads’ grips. “Alright, well done both of you.” He motioned for the other lad to head off the lists before turning back to Flynn, he slipped his arm around the lad’s shoulder tossing his sword to one of the pages nearby. “Flynn lad, how have you been? It has been some time since we have been able to talk.”
Flynn's breathing was a bit labored from the heavy training he had just got finished with, but he was still able to hold a conversation with his brother-in-law as they walked away, he hoped towards the water bucket. "I've been fairing well. We do see one another at the table to meals, but your family is so big and loud... no offense... it is hard to have a talk with you." Thankfully meeting the water, Flynn took the cup and filled it, taking a deep long sip before sighing in almost relief. "I see that you have spoken a bit of sense into my sister since she just doesn't seem to be walking around like a total stranger any longer."
Kael laughed softly shaking his head as he ruffled Flynn’s hair affectionately. Before he had taken to the lad as he would have a younger brother, now the lad really was his brother by marriage and the bond was even stronger to Kael now. He just laughed and said simply, “Yes well…it would seem.” Leaving out his thought that the talk they had seemed to have little to do with her becoming more herself, it was the rest of the time in the solar that helped the most.

He cleared his throat banishing that thought as quickly as he could. “Yes, well I wanted to make sure you are fairing well since the master at arms mentioned that you seemed distracted at the lists. And my own observations seem to agree with his.” He cocked his head toward the lists and the sword which was being retrieved from the ground by a page.
Flynn sighed a bit, "It's a strange thing really," as he took another sip from his water cup. "I know that I have not been myself but I can't seem to pin point why really. I suppose, well..." he sighed again and shook his head lightly, "I honestly think I might be homesick. Nothing against you home Kael!" the boy quickly threw in, not wanting to offend, "You have all welcomed me with open arms here but I just, I miss the place. It was not really a home, but it's the place I grew and their are still some good memories and good people there as well."
Kael hadn’t been offended and never could with honesty and it was clear that Flynn was being honest. He sighed and clapped the lad on the shoulder. “I understand lad, I know that feeling of not being able to see familiar sights and people. Even if not all the memories of a place are happy the ones that matter always are.” He smiled and playfully tussled the lads hair again. “Now get on with you, I’m sure the master at arms has a cure for homesickness, something involving cleaning the privy I think.” He laughed clearly jesting, as he sent the lad back to his training.

Turning back to his solar Kael thought on Flynn’s words, homesickness was a powerful feeling even if it seemed to only ache a little. It could affect your entire being and that would explain a lot about Blair and Flynn’s distracted attitude lately. He couldn’t come right out and ask Blair if she was homesick, he would need to have some kind of reason to bring up her home, little did he know that reason was sitting on his desk even as he walked back into the castle.
That night, Blair sat before her dressing mirror, brushing out her hair which was wet from a quick bath she had let herself indulge in before slipping into a soft night dress. Sighing as she looked at her own reflection, she didn't know what was wrong with her. For a short while after she had returned to her more natural and normal self, she had felt good again, but it faded quickly. Her inspiration for drawing was still gone from her. How she wished it would return for it often had made her so very happy and now... she just... wasn't happy. Perhaps married life just, was not a good thing for her. Kael had been wonderful to her really since, sharing many pleasurable evenings. Everyone here was so accepting of her and warm. Why was she not happy?
Kael came into their shared rooms holding a folded piece of paper in his hand that had the seal of the Sutherland’s on it. He slipped his cloak of dropping it onto the backs of one of the arm chairs. He walked over to the door to their bedroom and smiled as he stood there looking at Blair as she sat in front of the mirror. For a moment he felt a rising in his chest that he couldn’t explain and shook his head to banish the feeling. He walked in and over to her leaning down and kissing her shoulder lightly. “Good evening my wife.”
She was so lost in her own reflection this night that she did not even hear him coming. She jumped a little when his reflection suddenly loomed over her in the mirror. Her neck moved aside a little as he kissed her shoulder, pausing from the task of brushing her hair a moment to greet him, addressing him through the mirror rather then face him directly, "Good even, my husband. I did not see much of you today. What kept you so very busy?"
He smiled and reached out taking the brush from her hand lightly. “We had a shipment of timbers come in that was infested with termites. We had to deal with them quickly or we would have lost half our stockpile.” He pulled a chair up behind her and took up the task she had paused, that of brushing her long hair. Just before starting he set the folded paper down on the vanity in front of her. “Here let me help you with your hair.” His hands moved gently through her hair brushing it out slowly his fingers now and then brushing her neck softly.
Her eyes could not help but be drawn to the paper her had placed down on the vanity before her. Curiosity was one thing she still had a lot of within her. Her eyes tried not to look at it as she sat, watching him brush out her hair like a ladies maid in the reflection. Then her eyes glanced back and she had to ask, "What is that?"
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