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Laird of the Land (buttefly0408/kolath)

Blair was quickly pouting as she watching him pick up the key and taunt her with his possession of it. It was her admitting defeat he wanted? Fine then. "No need. Fine, they were real sounds. It wasn't that bad." She rose once again and went for her clothing, actually getting her hands on the fabric this time. "Happy now?" she asked, the annoyed tone of her voice showing how much she did not like having to make such and admission to him.
He looked back over his shoulder before moving over and pulling his pants on again watching her for a moment. “No I’m not, it wasn’t that bad? What the hell do you mean by that.” He came over and gently grabbed her arm when she had just touched her dress. “It wasn’t that bad? You were moaning in pleasure and there was no stopping you. Had I stopped you would have begged me to continue, that’s more than just not that bad. That is great by any standard.”
Blair clutched the cloth that was her dress to her front to shield her still rather naked body. "Begging?" She asked, her brow raising in doubt before she smiled and gave a light laugh, "You would not have had me begging you for anything. You are just cross that I do not commend your... performance and fill up your manly ego with great praise from your little wife."
His eyes narrowed at her comment and he smirked gently grabbing her arms and pulling her close against his body. he leaned down kissing her heatedly holding her against his body, kissing her in such a way as to steal her breath. He broke it looking into her eyes, “We will just have to see about that next time my dear wife. And I promise you, you won’t be sleeping alone anymore.” He smirked and grabbed his shirt from the floor, and pulled on his boots his eyes glowing darkly as he turned back to her for a moment before going and unlocking the room slipping the key back onto the ring at his side. “You are free to come and go from OUR room whenever you want.” And turned down the hall…toward her room.
The kiss was sudden, unexpected. She had flinched a little, more anticipating a slap like she had seen her father deliver her mother a time or two when she was young. But of course, Kael had to quickly remind her that he was nothing like her father by giving her possibly the most passionate and very, VERY possessive kiss she had ever known. Blair was left a little light headed in the end, taking a moment to recover not only from the kiss and from his words as well before she swiftly threw her dress back over her head once again. By the time she had righted herself, he was gone, his parting edict still in the air, leaving her to sigh. There was no arguing with him. If he wanted her in his room, he was her husband. It was slowly becoming a fact she needed to get use to. As she walked from the room, she placed her hand in her pocket and froze, pulling out the key that Linette had given her. How had she forgotten about it!? She had the access to leave the room at any time with her own key! She had been a fool! Or... as much as she hated to admit it, had she let herself forget about the key to just... enjoy herself.

Needing to chase that thought from her head, Blair headed down to the kitchens to pick as some food. She could not face sitting at the table this morning. Not after the scene last night and the sounds they had made that morning. Hopefully, the cook would still feed her. Blair was forgetting again, she was now mistress of the keep. The cook would do whatever she wished of her.
Kael’s first stop was her room. He knew she had a key and could let herself in anytime but there was something satisfying about locking the door to her room. It had a feeling of making it clear to her that she was now his wife. He then went down to the main hall, he found it nearly empty only a few servants wondering around cleaning some things up.

He then headed into the kitchen to get himself something from the cook. Unlike her he knew that the cook would have something waiting for him since it was known that he didn’t come down to breakfast. He stopped as he saw her in there and smirked slightly before walking up behind her and slipping his arms around Blair’s waist. “Cook! A fine breakfast for me and my wife!” he smirked kissing her neck still gloating in his victory in his bedroom.
Upon entering the kitchen, Blair many of the kitchen servants gave her knowing little glances and little giggles were abound here and there. One stern look from the cook though and they all went back to work while the cook came to her, "You must be starving mistress. You hardly ate a thing last night and missed the morning meal. Let me get a plate together for you."

"Thank you very much," Blair responded, a little shocked to hear herself be called mistress and to be tended to without even needing to ask. Taking a seat upon a stool, Blair quietly waited, not really feeling very comfortable with her new position especially since she did not foresee ending up in so quickly. She had not heard Kael's approach and jumped a little as he hands wrapped around her waist.

The cook was smiling looking over her shoulder, "I had figured that if the mistress was up and about you would be along at any time and looking for your meal. You go, take your wife along into the hall and I'll have the servants bring out your private meal." The cook says the last few words with a little smile to her lips.
He smirked shaking his head slightly at the cook, she had been with the family for years and had known Kael since he was little. If there was anyone that could tell Blair about the type of man Kael was deep inside it was the cook. even his aunt and sister didn’t know as much about him as the cook, that is why she could get away with such intimate statements as she did.

Kael smirked kissing the soft, long, graceful neck of his new bride and slowly started to gently move her toward the door. “Come Blair, best leave the cook to her work, or she might just chase us out of here with a wooden spoon.” He laughed having been chased out a few times in his youth though it had been a long time the cook often still threatened to do so. He drew Blair out into the hall pulling a chair out for her.
She seemed to be rather agreeable with the way he lavished her neck with his affection in front of the cook and the rest of the kitchen staff who were already preparing for the noon meal while the cook focused on the laird and his lady's breakfast. They all seemed to watch and giggle at how he was so bold as to kiss her in such an intimate place right there in front of other people. It was clear that sometime since the scene the night before, the laird had tamed his somewhat bold wife.

But the moment they were out of the sight of others, Blair tugged herself firmly from his fold and quickly moved her hair to cover the spot he had just been working at, a pout crossing her face. She would not dishonor him in front of this people again but when they were alone, she had to keep her distance from him. For those were the times she was most vulnerable to becoming his prey.

She gave a rather stiff nod of her head as he pulled the seat for her, taking it with as much grace as she could. She had been so lack on her manners since she arrived her, she supposed it was the time to pick them back up again. She had to make herself appear to be the perfect wife. The kind of woman that should be a laird's wife.
Kael was a little surprised that she even let him kiss her neck and continue doing so till they were out of the kitchen, it was then that she reacted the way he was expecting. He shook his head before moving to sit in a chair next to her. a servant brought over a two cup and some spiced wine for the morning meal. Kael poured them both some before wetting his parched throat.

After a moment more he settled back in the chair a little. “Perhaps we should discuss what is going to be expected of you now that you are my wife. I’m sure you have been watching Linette and my Aunt from the time you got here, they have been doing the duties of a lady of the manor since I wasn’t yet married. Now…well…I am, so they are now your responsibilities, though I’m sure that they would be glad to help as you need. “ he had never paid that much attention to what was done by his aunt and sister, so he really didn’t know what needed done.
Blair sat, her back straight as she listened to him. That was how they should really be talking. Business. Marriage for them had to be treated like a business. Nodding, she lifted the cup to her lips to drink, "I understand. You need not worry yourself. I will seek out your aunt and sister this very day and bid them to help me become accustomed to my new position in the household." It had to be a little funny hearing Blair speak. There was nothing casual or light about it, very much not like her usual self. "I will try and make you a good wife," she added after placing her cup down again. A moment later, the servants came from the kitchen. Two setting the table around them while two other placed the prepared meal of sweet bread, oatmeal, and cold mutton before them. "Shall I fix you plate husband?" she asked, knowing that in many cases, it was the wife's duty to her serve her husband in every way, even at the table.
Kael nodded as it was clear that Blair was understanding what he was saying and was more then willing to work with his aunt and sister on learning the duties of the lady of the house. He did a double take as she offered to prepare his food for him and then smiled shaking his head slowly. “Until I am unable to do it myself, no thank you.” He smiled and took his plate filling it with food from the offered dishes starting into them. He could feel the tension still in the air after the wedding, they would need to talk about things before it got too bad. He just had no idea how to even come around to the conversation.
Once he had picked what he wanted, placing it upon the plate before him, then Kiana started to serve herself, placing a little of this and that before her and as she started to eat, the silence only seemed to get thick and deep as the time passed. It seemed that she was not going to be starting and conversations anytime this morning. It was either going to be him, or they may never speak again throughout the entirety of their marriage. If there was one thing he should know well by now, he was married to one VERY stubborn woman. A woman who was at that moment drizzling some honey upon her oatmeal, absentmindedly licked some of the stick stuff from her finger as she set the little serving dish back down.
Kael continued to eat not saying anything for a long moment. He had never been uncomfortable in silence and for a short moment he was enjoying the chance to just eat. However for the first time in his life he started to feel like there should be conversation. Normally someone else always started a conversation by now but it seemed Blaire wasn’t going to. He looked up at her seeing if she was just needing a prompting from him to start. When he saw her so focused he realized with horror that he would need to be the one to start it. he sat there for a long moment doing nothing saying nothing, he was like a man frozen in stone not being able to say or do anything barely breathing. He had no idea what to talk about, so he just said the first thing that popped into his head, “Nice weather we have been having.” It didn’t come out as a question more a statement which was also not the way he meant it too.
Blair felt just as uncomfortable with the mood at the table as he did. She suddenly was feeling like she was sitting back at her father's table once again. But this was how she was meant to act right? It was what things were suppose to be like between a husband and wife. Especially in a marriage of convenience. The sounds of spoons on the plates were the only sound in the room until he commented about the weather. She looked up a moment and gave him a polite smile, "Yes, I suppose it has been pleasant lately." She calmly went back to her food.
Kael was frustrated with himself for not being able to talk it seemed. He tried to brush off this feeling that the woman that sat by his side wasn’t Blair Ross, he could clearly see that she was. But she was so different also. He couldn’t put his finger on what had changed, he knew they had gotten married but just last night she was giving him hell in front of his guests. Now she sat here totally demure, he hadn’t harmed her in taking her to his bad like he had. The horror of the thought of harming her in anyway crossed his mind for a second before he remembered how strong she was even under the torture of Malice there was no way that one time even if he had forced her would had done this to her, he also knew that she had been willing even if not at first.

“Perhaps we should take advantage of the good weather and go riding again, you seemed to enjoy going and drawing some, perhaps a picnic later in the day?” he was trying to get a reaction out of her, of any kind, pleasure, anger, anything.
She paused from her eating once again and looked up. Her reserved behavior remained as she gave him a slight nod, "If you would like that..." it seemed like it that was going to be her only response to him only a moment later, she added back in, "Though I have not been able to draw for awhile now. I seem to have lost the talent for it." Which was partially true. She had lost something but not the talent. She had lost the inspiration really, but couldn't figure out why. There was just a block.
He was concerned about her lack of enthusiasm about going out. Normally she would job at the chance to get out of the castle even if only for a few moments. It really was starting to bother him, this feeling that something had changed. He preferred the woman yelling insults across the dining hall full of guests for their marriage to this demure little mouse she seemed to have changed into.

He finished his meal and sighed standing and heading looking to her. “If I find time before this evening we will take some time to ourselves out riding.” He couldn’t bring himself to smile, everything was seeming so cold and distant. As he turned from the table, heading to his solar he worried for a long moment that he had done something to hurt her deeply. happening upon his aunt Evelyn he stopped her, worry crossing his face. “Can you keep an eye on Blair…something is off. I don’t know what but something.” And turned to continue to his solar and the work that had been waiting all yesterday and this morning for him.
Blair kept up her strict, proper appearance... until the moment that he walked out of the hall. In that moment, when Blair was at last alone again, she let out a long breath that felt like she had been holding for what felt like forever. She slumped slightly in her seat and just relaxed. Being a wife was hard. She had been trained to it for all her life, but in that time she had allowed herself to be casual while she had a taste of her freedom she had gotten far to use to the improper manners and behaviors of her other self. She had no idea that was the girl that he really wanted.

After a few moments of finishing her own meal, she rose to start putting the plates back upon a tray. As Evelyn entered the room with a servant to clean the table, Blair straightened her spine once again and put on that false face once more. Evelyn saw it the moment it happened. She could tell that Kael had been right. Something was a miss with pretty little Blair, and if anyone could find out what it was, it would hopefully be her. "Good morning. We missed you at breakfast this morning."

Blair blushed a little bit, quickly changing the topic to something a bit less embarrassing, "I was hoping you could help me Evelyn. I know it's my duty to run the household for my husband. I should like to learn the routine from you and Linette."

The way Blair had said the word duty only alerted Evelyn more about what Blair was thinking in her little head of hers, "Of course. It will be my pleasure to hand of the tasks into your hands..."
Several days passed, the whole time Kael had His aunt and sister watching Blair. He watched her too when he could pull away from his work seeing something strange in her missing the girl that he had come to know. He was finding it strange that she could have made him want the girl that would yell at him, and embarrass him in front of everyone. However for some reason he didn’t care, that was the Blair he knew, the one that he had married and he wanted her back.

After several days of watching Blair he called his aunt and sister to his solar. He sat behind his desk as they came in looking up at them his hands on his desk as he waited for them to sit down to the offered chairs. “So…Whats wrong with her? is she sick? Enchanted? What?”
Linette sighed a little before shrugging, "I would put my money on enchanted personally since I can't understand it at all myself. All I know is that she is like a new person. BUT... one that Flynn has told me she was once before. I went to ask him about this sudden change. He has noticed it as well and tells that it's how she would often act..." she paused a moment knowing he might not like what she was about to say to him, "how she would act in front of her father and her late brother."

"That was the last piece of the puzzle that I needed," Evelyn suddenly said, nodding her head as if in an understanding. "I've caught her from time to time being like the Blair we all knew for months. So much more relaxed then that stiff strict person that sits at the table. But I only see it in moments when she thinks no one is around. The moment another person enters the room it's like she puts upon an act. I think that our Blair might still be in there somewhere, but for some reason she thinks that now that you are married to her she needs to be the person she was forced to be in the presence of her strict father."
Kael just sat there looking at his aunt like she was speaking a totally different language. It made no sense to him, he had given Blair no reason as far as he could see to think of him as her father and yet that is what his aunt was saying. He stared blankly for a long moment before blinking and shaking his head to clear it. “Are you serious? There is no way that she could think that I am like her father.” Even as he said it he realized there had been some times that he had been very overbearing with her like locking her in her room for days at a time. His mind tried to rationalize it but was finding that he had indeed at times behaved like a brute. He sighed and shook his head looking at his aunt seeing the answer already in her eyes. “I’m going to have to be the one to talk to her aren’t I?”
Evelyn nodded her head, "It will surely mean nothing coming from one of us. Might not even work from you. She is very focused on learning the ropes around his place but trying to talk to her is like attempting to talk to a brick wall. It just bounces right off her unless it's something she needs to keep in her head."

"Oh she's VERY dedicated to her duty as your wife," Linette added in. "She's picked up on all that I do in only a few days time, but she works herself ragged trying to do all I usually do AND all Evelyn usually does at the same time. I have not seen her take a moment for herself since the wedding."

Evelyn nodded in agreement, "Something needs to be said and done about her. And the sooner the better."
Kael sighed softly and stood nodding slowly. He escorted his aunt and sister out thanking them for their work on finding out what was bothering Blair. He returned to his desk after they left and sat there for a long moment gathering his thoughts. Finally he sent a page for Blair asking that she join him in his solar that he needed to discuss a important matter with her. he had nothing else to say knowing that she would come since she was wanting to be the dutiful wife to him.
Blair couldn't believe she had been able to avoid Kael so often in the last few days. And without really trying much either. She worked herself so hard in the days to make sure she learned her place at the dutiful wife that by the time she reached the bed at night, she was asleep no sooner then her head hit the pillow. She was out long before Kael ever came to be and she would rise up with the sun before him. But now, to be summoned to see him, she could not help but wonder and worry over why. Had she done something wrong or was it because she was doing something right? Of course she went to him right away, knocking at the door and waiting a moment to be bid entry into his solar, she entered. After closing the door behind her, she stayed near the door as she gave him a small, yet very formal bow of her head, "You wished to see me?"
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