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Laird of the Land (buttefly0408/kolath)

Her sleep was a not the most easy one. Some tossing, a bit turning, and before she knew it she turned over and the sun was shining in through her window. What a way to spend her first night as a wife. Rising from her bed, she washed her face and took her time to dress herself for the day. Putting on one of her usual simple dresses, she didn't know what she was going to do when she say Kael this morning. Her temper had softened over the night but she doubted if his had. Perhaps she could avoid him for awhile still.

After tying her hair back, she figured it was time to go learn what was not expected of her as the Mistress of the house now. Opening the door, she stepped out into the hallway.
There was no way that she could avoid him. the moment she opened the door there he was standing in the hallway waiting for her to come out. He was still mad the night having only been hard on him not letting his anger sate or calm down. He took her arms pulling her close to him and lifting her up over his shoulder before carrying her to his room, kicking and screaming if he had too.

When he reached his room he clicked the door closed and moved over to the bed dropping her down on her back onto it. he moved over to his door and locked it putting the key down his pants where he was pretty sure she wouldn’t go for it.
"KAEL!" she yelped out as he threw her up over his shoulder. So perhaps he was a bit more upset then she had thought he would be. She didn't know what exactly he had planned for her, but she didn't speak or struggle much at all as he took her along.

As she hit his bed, she bounced a little bit from the impact upon it then sat there, watching him cross the room and lock the door before dropping the key where she indeed dare not go for it, she sighed, saying right where she was. "Good morning I suppose..."
He came back over pulling a chair over so that he could face her on the bed. “Good morning my wife, we have a lot that we need to discuss.” Sitting down he leaned back watching her for a long moment sighing softly. He was trying to think over what needed to be said but seeing her in his bed brought memories back of the night they had shared together. The way she had responded to his touches that night she had wanted what he was giving her and now she was sitting in that same bed after clearly rejecting him. He didn’t know where to start.
She didn't quite know where to start as well and honestly she was a bit afraid to be the one to have to do it. Moving a little she crossed her legs as she sat on the bed, adjusting her skirts over her legs as she faced him, "It would seem we do, husband. Where exactly is it that you would like to start?" She crossed her arms, trying to seem confident but sure she was likely failing.
He sighed and leaned forward as it was clear she wasn’t going to start this. “Well I think that as my wife you I think that you should apologize for publically shaming me like you did last night.” He growled softly, “And as of this point you do not have your own room you will be sleeping in my bed that is final.” He leaned back sitting straight in the chair his arms crossed, also going to cross his knees but finding the key rather uncomfortable.
She pouted a little, her eyes starting to narrow in challenge. "If I owe you an apology then you owe me one as well. You mislead me into this marriage and were going to drag me to the alter without even telling me. That was not fair to do. I think the very LEAST you could have done was asked me first. If you had just done that, I never would have, as you say, publicly shamed you otherwise. So you see.... you brought my cross mood on yourself."
He scoffed shaking his head glaring back at her. “You do very well at making your own cross moods with out any help from me. You’re the one that came into my solar yesterday as mad as a Urchin, screaming that I had tricked you. I can’t change that my Clan requires me to marry the first virgin I sleep with as soon as possible. Had it been up to me I would have given you some time to get used to the idea but I couldn’t so you are just going to have to get used to it fast.”
Something about his wording of him marrying her only because she was the first virgin he had bedded hurt her inside. That was all she was to him, wasn't it? The innocent little thing he had to marry out of duty. She wasn't his wife. She was his burden. The hurt crossed her face only a moment before she buried it behind her rage once again. She moved to get a bit close to him, more in a challenging, confrontational way then anything else as she leaned forward, eyes still narrow with anger. "You'd be mad as one too if you were in my position! Just when I find freedom I have wanted all my life you chain me up once more!"
He stood up, the chair falling back, rage rolling over his face. He grabbed her arm pulling her to stand in front of him. “Chain you up? I’m doing nothing of the kind; and you know it. Your father would have broken down that door and drug you mother down to the great hall to beat her to within a inch of her life if she had dared to do what you did last night. Count yourself blessed that you married me because no other man would have let you get away with talking to them like that.”

He growled deeply turning away from her for a moment walking over to the fireplace staring at the dying coals as he fought his rage down. They were both angry and there was no way they could talk like this, they needed to release all this emotional energy somehow… he smirked slightly as he knew now what he needed to do.
Blair stumbled back, end up on the edge of the bed as he let her go, her arms burning a little from the tight grip he had just held her with. This was not what she wanted. She had woke this morning hoping to settle the matter calmly but his rage only fueled her own rage and there was just no way it seemed to calm this fight down and just talk civilized. The moment she opened her mouth she'd only rage at him more so perhaps it was best not to say anything at all. She rubbed her arms a little to relieve the burning that still remained as she moved to turn her back to him as she sat on the bed once more, saying nothing.
He moved back over to her; he reached out and pulled her up close to his chest not giving her a option as he turned her chin toward him kissing her deeply. After a long moment he pulled back from the kiss his arm around her waist holding her against him. “This is no way to be spending the day after our wedding, not when the night before was so beautiful.” He smirked and leaned down kissing her neck as his hand slipped down rubbing over her breast and side.
Caught completely off guard, not anticipating him going from such rage to such, well, passion in what was like the space of a heart beat, left her puzzled. Her reaction at first was to just let him for the first few moments while her mind still processed what exactly was happening. When at last realization slipped over her, she started to struggle in his hold and attempted to pull away. His kiss was so intoxicating to her that she didn't think she could resist it for long and part of her was forgetting that it was okay to do things like this since they were married now. Her mind was still on this being unacceptable.
He smirked as she started to resist him his hand moving over her breast rubbing it softly through her dress as he moved his lips back up to kiss her softly. “Whats wrong my wife?” he smirked as he made sure to make special emphasis on the word wife, hoping she would get his point. His free hand that wasn’t holding her against his body moved down from her breast and over her stomach to press up between her legs rubbing her womanhood through her dress; as his lips nibbled over her jawline.
Her lip parted in a gasp as his hand grew so bold as you rub and caress her there once more. Her cheeks flushed red with the memory of what he had done to her with his hands before and how wanton she had grown then. This was one battle she was loosing swiftly. Something had to be done of she'd end up bending to his will. "I thought we were cross with one another....?" she asked as if attempting to justify why there was something wrong with this moment.
He smirked and kissed down over her neck slowly his hand still rubbing her through her dress lightly working to make the front of her dress wet with her juices. “Mmm we were, but it was getting us no where, and there are so many better things for me to do with my mouth.” He smirked and continued his ministraitions to her body slowly moving his other hand down to rub her full ass. “Mmm can’t you think of some good things about being my wife?”
Her heart started to beat faster and faster still with every touch of his hands and his lips upon her body. Oh he was a sly one. Why did she have to get herself tangled up with this clever rouge that knew so well how to manipulate her through her body? Just luck? NO! What kind of thought was that! That was not the kind of thought to be having when she was trying to resist him. She shook her head a little and pushed still lightly against his chest, "I... I'll be the mistress of the household..." she pointed out at a good reason to being his wife.
He laughed softly and then pulled her dress up just enough to let his hand slip under it and press against her womanhood. He gently pressed her back onto the bed keeping his hand on her womanhood rubbing softly slipping a finger into her hot channel. “Mmm you would try to find the least obvious reason, your trying to make me mad, it won’t work.” He smirked nipping at her neck lightly before he moved down to kiss at her breasts through the dress.
Well she wasn't exactly trying to make him mad, just... trying to distract him or... something. She honestly didn't quite know why she was still resisting this. Damned if her body didn't want to scream things like 'yes, yes take me' at that moment but her brain was still telling her to be strong and assert herself. Do not let him win! "Not trying to, you ARE mad. Well you were. There is not way you could be mad only moments ago and not now. You know you still feel it inside..."
He smirked and leaned back still over her to pull his tunic off. “Right now, all I feel inside is desire to be with my wife, and I know what you want to feel inside you.” He smirked his hand going back between her legs to rub at her womanhood slipping a finger back inside her thrusting a little. “Mmmm I know that you loved last night as much as I did, and now there will be no pain to dull the pleasure. I can tell you want to experience it again with your husband.”
As she watched him moving to strip off his tunic she shut her eyes. Seeing his fine chest bared to her would be the last straw she knew! Eyes shut tight, teeth nipping her lower lip she groaned a little, her frustration clear as was how her resistance was starting to grow thin. Almost to the breaking point as she held on to the last bit of it. "L...last night we slept alone..." she corrected him in a poor attempt once more to take his mind off it's current path.
He smirked his hands gently taking hers and kissing the knuckles softly. “Your right, just being around you and touching you makes me not think right.” He smirked using his slip up as a good thing. He brought her hands down and flattened them onto his hard chest. “Mmm my wife, you know you want what I’m offering you right now.” He took one of her hands from his chest down to his breeches where his cock was hard and ready, “And that is not the key.”
She seemed to whimper as her hands brushed over his chest. Be strong... be strong... she kept on telling herself inside but that chanting did her not good as her hand seemed to tremble against his skin. And when he took her one hand and placed it against his hard member, not just her hands trembled them but her whole body. Even though her eyes still were shut tight, her hand that rested still on his cock took on it's own mind and brushed against him.
He smiled letting her hands go as he knew she was his now and moved down to kiss her deeply his hands pushing her skirts up around her waist for later. His hands rubbed up over her sides as he moved them up to her breasts rubbing them once again through her dress. he kissed her deeply gently nibbling on her lower lip giving her the time she needed to just give in and want him like she had last night.
She shivered as the air of the room washed over her now bare legs when he hiked her skirts up high to her waist. Feeling a little meek suddenly, the hand that rested near his cock pulled back a bit hesitant as seeming to be too wanton while the hand on his chest however kept on moving over his bare body, just gently. Slowly her eyes opened and found herself looking into his eyes. The battle was lost and her hand that had been moments ago touching his cock wrapped around his waist and hugged herself to him as her lips started kissing his back, "Mmmm."
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