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Laird of the Land (buttefly0408/kolath)

Kael gently pulled back after a moment of her responding and being a little bold with her hands. He smirked down at her and brushed his hand over her cheek. His lips moved down to hers again kissing her deeply as he slowly moved them back on the bed allowing him to kneel on it between her legs. He moved them back slowly as he kissed her lips and neck moving her up to where she could rest her head on the pillows. Pulling back again he looked into her eyes and moved down a little to kiss and nibble at her breasts through the dress his hand slipping back between her legs to rub her lightly.
As he helped her to get more onto the bed, her skirts naturally started to fall over her legs again from the movement up the bed. Having her legs covered again, making her no longer exposed seemed to help her hesitation rise once more up to the surface. Laying with her head on the pillow now, her grip on his was loose and she one more nervously nipped her lower lip.
He saw the hesitation come back to her eyes and smiled leaning in kissing her deeply once more pouring passion and desire into the hot kiss his hands moving up to lightly pin her hands down over her head. His knee moved up to rub over her womanhood lightly through the fallen skirts still kissing her letting her feel the desire that she made rise in him. His knee moved on her womanhood with familiarity clearly showing that he knew her well from last night, doing his best to reignite the burning desire in her trying to remind her body that she wasn’t a virgin anymore.
Her eyes went wide, his lips catching a gasp and a moan from her lips are he kicked things up a step once more, preventing and more of that hesitation from returning. In fact, the heat of his actions completely banished it away and only ignited her hidden passions within her. Such passion she didn't even know she had in her as her body squirmed under his and arched up to press into his body, rubbing hers against him where ever she could get her body to touch his.
He growled softly in heated passion as she pressed up against him. His knee pressed down into her womanhood rubbing hotly at it as his hands cupped her breasts through the dress rubbing them with burning passion pouring through his finger tips as he teases her. his lips nibbled down her neck moving over her graceful long throat nipping lightly at the tender flesh. He nibbled over her collar bone breathing hotly against her skin letting her feel his need for her.
Her hands then free then wrapped around his neck, one hand lacing it's fingers up into his hair while the other danced down over his back. "Oooooh," she moaned unable to hold it in as she closed her eyes and let him do what he wanted. There would be no further protests as she allowed both of them to indulge in this moment of hot passion between husband and wife.
He growled deeply into her neck moving back up to kiss her deeply before leaning back. He wanted that dress off, it was just in the way of everything. He moved down lifting the hem of it back up to her waist and then drawing her to sitting up with a kiss gently pulling her up before pulling her dress up over her head and tossing it to one side of the bed. The moment they could be his lips were back on hers kissing her as they moved back down him laying over her his lips nibbling at hers.
Moving to sit with him, she raised her arms up over her head to assist him without a protest or any words at all for that matter. "Mmm!" she moaned into his lips as they locked once again, her arms gently falling back down again around his neck, gently holding him as they lowered back to the bed once more. So exposed once more, she shivered, little goosebumps speckling over her flesh. The plush pillows under her head and the blankets on the bed cushioning her body. It seemed odd that she just seemed to fit in his bed. Like it was her place. It was much the same how her arms just seemed to wrap around him perfectly and her lips melted with his like they were made to fit like this.
He kissed her deeply pouring all his want and need into the kiss his hands moving up over her body to rub her full breasts through the fabric of her shift. He growled into her lips before he moved down farther to nip and kiss at her jaw and back to her ear his hard cock pressing against her through the thin fabric of her shift and his pants. “Mmmm I need you so bad my wife.” One hand slipped up to start untying the top of her shift spreading it open a little as his lips started down her enck and shoulder kissing and nibbling lightly at the tender flesh.
"MMMmm," was the only reply he got from her though it was clear from the almost yearning sound to that simple moan that she agreed with his statement about needing her. As her lips did part, only the soft sound of her quickened breath came out. Her back arched slightly almost like a cat would stretch, arching up into his lips a moment as her hands left his neck and moved to rest up beside her head on the pillows.
He wasn’t ready to wait anymore. He pulled her shift down to her waist and pushed the skirt of it up so that it was bunched around her waist as he took just a moment to look at his beautiful wife. He then moved off the bed slipping off his pants letting the key fall to the floor before moving back over her. he lightly kissed up her stomach and up over her breasts as he pressed his tip against her entrance. “Mmmm here I come my wife.” And pushed inside her deeply knowing that this time there would be no pain.
When he moved off the bed, Blair took the moment to open her eyes and tilt up her head to watch him undress. As he was climbing back on top of her, Blair was taking a moment within her own mind to try and figure out how exactly things had come to this moment. 48 hours ago, she was a virgin. 24 hours ago, she was raging mad at this man. And now?

"Ummmm!" she half groaned, half moaned as he slipped into her, his rock hard cock slipping into her hot folds as they allowed him to sink into her warmth. Now she was a wanton wife.
Kael moaned softly nuzzling her neck as he pushed deep into her hot wet folds filling her with his thickness. He nipped her neck sitting deep inside her for a moment, letting her feel him before he pulled back out slowly and started to move inside her. his thick cock moved in and out of her slowly at first letting her get used to him being inside her once again even if she wasn’t a virgin. However it didn’t take long before he was moving hard and deep inside her taking her passionately.
He had been right. No pain. Not a single ounce of it. The first time had been so good thought it had seemed to be somewhat tainted by the pain of loosing her maidenhead to him. This time though, "Dear.... lord..." she gasped out as her hips seemed to just be shocked into stillness by just how amazing it felt to experience nothing but pleasure. Any kind of protest she might have had about denying him his rights of a husband in protest of this marriage, well that was gone now. It would be a bit of a crime to deny herself something like this as well as him.
He moaned softly into her neck and shoulder as he kissed and nibbled at the soft skin where they joined. “Mmmmm, See I promise you would love it with no pain.” He smirked and moved up looking into her eyes as he still thrust hard into her before leaning down and kissing her passionately. At two points he poured his passion into her, one was their lips connected in a heated kiss, the other their hips as he thrust deep and hard into her pouring his passion and heat of his desire into her very core as they made love like a husband and wife were meant to make love.
She sighed a little, almost frustrated. And she was... frustrated that he was right about this. The frustration melted though the moment his eyes found hers. That was when her heart just seemed to constrict in her chest and she swiftly had to shut her eyes, shutting out the alarming feeling that had just flooded into her. Not realizing that he felt the same passion she was in this moment and really that he was the one giving it, that was alarming as well. One of the things she had feared was losing her heart in this situation, knowing they were little chance of getting it back from him. One thing was sure about the marriage, it was one of convenience. Not for the convenience of land or alliances, but of the flesh it seemed.
He broke off the kiss panting against her lips their only just inches apart as he thrust inside her taking her passionately the feeling of release slowly building up. His mind was totally focused on his wife under him and their mutual pleasure, nothing of worries about anything came into his mind all that could enter there was thoughts of her pleasure. His thrusts continued hard and deep, taking her passionately working to build them both up towards the peak of their climax wanting to rush them both over it and plunge them down into the joy of the moment.
Her forehead pressed against his as her lips hovered near to his own, Blair panting much the same as he was. Both their bodies moving in ways her own mind could not seem to comprehend. Then again, it didn't matter much to her how they were moving as long as they kept on going for it brought her great feelings of pleasure. So perhaps being married wasn't going to be so terrible after all. But that was something more to think of after they were through. Right now, it was a matter of getting to that point for her body.

Blair's hands held onto his shoulders as she just felt like she needed something to ground herself to him. Without it, she felt like she might just fall off the bed in a flurry of their hot, rapid movements and thrusts.
He panted hotly feeling his orgasm quickly building up as he thrust inside her hard and deep. His thrust passion filled and filled with desire for her. The feel of her tight walls around him getting nearer and nearer their climax was driving him closer and closer to his own. He moaned deeply and thrust once more deep into her his climax rushing over him in a hard wave. He came hard pumping his new wife full of his hot seed burying it deep inside her as he came hard.
Blair gripped his shoulder hard as she arched her back, giving her own climatic cry of pleasure, following him off the deep end only a few moments after him. Her head tossing back and forth upon the pillow as she just seemed to loose all sense of well... everything. Everything but the pleasure of that moment. As it passed, her hands let his shoulders go as they feel back to the pillow on either side of her head once more, her chest rising and falling as her breathing was still labored from the work they had been doing slowly returned to normal.
He collapsed after the pleasure of his climax barely holding himself up on his arms to keep from laying full on her. as a result they were pressed closely together for a very long time. He sighed deeply and finally after a few moment slipped out of her and moved over to lay beside her pulling her close gently to fit in against his chest. “Mmmm now tell me something Blair.” He spoke lightly into her ear nibbling at the edge of it lightly, his voice husky with their love making. “Is it really going to be so bad being married to me?”
Blair didn't like that cocky tone to his voice. That tone that spoke of victory over the situation. Winner this round. Though she had to admit, he had won it. This moment of snuggling was nice, but indulging herself in that kind of familiarity with him would only gain her loosing her heart to him more swiftly. With a sigh then, she pulled away from him, sitting up and moving to rise from the bed. "It will have it's moments it seems," she commented as she searched the floor for her clothing, only realizing that it was in a pile on the other side of the bed as she made her way around to seek it there.
He was a little shocked as she got out of bed and started to look for her clothes. He sat up reaching out to gently grab her hand looking into her eyes. “Now just a second there is no reason to stop now.” He smirked and gently but firmly pulled her back into bed. He moved closer to her starting to kiss up her arm softly. “there is no reason to rush out so fast,” he smirked looking up at her again, “Unless you are ashamed that you enjoyed your husband pleasuring you. You should remember most men don’t care about a woman’s pleasure.” He chuckled softly. “And you know those moans you let loose let everyone know you loved what I did to you.”
Blair had just been reaching for her clothing when two things happened. First, she spotted the key to the door and it was close enough to her clothing that she could snatch it up and pocket it to make her escape with ease. And second, her chance was taken from her as she was tugged by him back into the bed. Blair ended up in a bit of and odd position, half sitting half kneeling upon the bed as he made his continued sexual interest in her known. She gave him a somewhat cross look, but stayed still, letting him kiss his way up her arm. It wasn't until her mentioned her moans she got a more firm reaction from her. Snatching her arm back, "And how does my husband know that I was not simply making such noises to humor him? I might have been a virgin before I met you but that doesn't mean that I was not left completely unprepared on how to make a husband happy." She started to move off the bed once again.
He realized where the key was or about where it was. He rolled over slipping his arm around her waist and gently tugging her back into bed. “Oh really now? “ he slipped out of bed and grabbed the key quickly standing next to the bed smirking at her. “Well I might just have to keep you locked up in here with me till you admit that those were real and you love what I do.’ He smirks even more walking over toward the bell cord. “Now to get breakfast sent up too us.” He looked back at her, “well…with as stubborn as you are I should make it lunch and dinner also.” His implication that he was going to keep her here in his bed all day, making love to her.
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