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Laird of the Land (buttefly0408/kolath)

He sighed shaking his head slowly, before turning to look at Flynn. “I assumed you had talked to her and that was why she came to me. I was planning to ask her and get her permission to marry her but that is not what she wanted last night.” He walked over to table where a decanter of scotch was always sitting. He poured two glasses before holding one out to Flynn. “Come and drink with me, because before the night is out we will be family.”
"And I thought you'd want the honor of asking the lady yourself. Forgive me for thinking you might have the time to do so with you both locked up in here the entire night. You couldn't find just a few moments to ask the simple question?" He moved to take the glass offered to him, raising it into the air, "Here is to hoping your bride will one day speak to us both once again."
Kael laughed and touched his glass to Flynn’s before drinking it all in one go. “I will drink to that. And as to the rest Flynn. I think you will understand when your time comes, there is little talking that goes on between a man and a woman. There is no need for it, I just misunderstood what you sister wanted last night, had I known what she thought this would mean I never would have thought…wait.” He turned and looked at Flynn. “You knew she was coming to me last night didn’t you…you knew what she was planning and what I was planning, why didn’t you warn one of us?”
And to that Flynn smiled and raised his glass once more, "I thought the result might be amusing, but never did I think you'd let it get to this point where she truly is raging mad. I have never actually seen my sister mad before. Not like this. She has always kept her rage inside. Seems you are the only one that can get it to come out." He laughed slightly, "Congratulations."
Kael laughed and gently pushed Flynn toward the door. “Thanks a lot, I was going to offer you another drink but with that comment, I’m going to send you to your sister’s tender mercies.” He laughed softly pushing Flynn out playfully before closing the door on him.

Flynn was laughing too totally understanding but when the door was closed and he started walking away he realized he really should go talk to Blair. So he headed to her room knocking lightly.
"Go away!" came Blair's voice at once without seeming to skip a beat.

But then a moment later, the door opened and Linette peeked her head out, then back into the room, "It's not Kael Blair, it's your brother."

"Oh..." Blair's voice said from within followed a few beats later by, "Go away, please!"

"Come in, she's just having a bit after her bath," Linette told him as she let him into the room to which her actions were granted with Blair whispering something about a traitor under her breath. It was unclear which one she spoke of exactly. She sat in a long shirt, her hair still damp from her bath and she picked at a hunk of bread in her hand.
Flynn sighed softly as his sister was being such an ass. He shook his head slowly as he walked in and then turned to Linette. “Could you give us a moment please? I will make sure she doesn’t lock everyone out of something.”

When they were alone he moved over to the table and sat down looking across at her. “Okay lets get it over with. say what you need too so you can listen to what I have to say.”
Linette assured him she was round outside and that he should not leave without her being back IN the room once more.

Now alone Blair was still staring daggers at him. When at last she spoke, "You stood there, listening to me talking about making such a choice as becoming his whore, KNOWING that he would marry me when I went to him. So you let me go. You tricked me and now I'm being forced into a marriage that if I DON'T accept there is no way I can remain here and longer for I can never look at him OR you the same way. Why did you not tell me? Why did you not warn me? I never would have gone to him last night if I knew this was going to come of it!"
Flynn was a little set back by how angry she was at him for not telling her. “I don’t understand Blair, I thought you would prefer to be a respectable woman and be married rather than being his whore.” He shook his head slightly, “I thought that it would be a surprise, not something you would avoid. I really just don’t understand, rather than being someone with no standing and only kept for the Laird’s pleasures, you are to be the lady of the castle. I really thought you would be pleased, I mean…father would have not even let you get to know your future husband. This way you chose at least to go to his bed…I mean you weren’t just doing that for me were you? You wanted it to didn’t you?”
Blair sighed and shook her head slightly, "You have been hanging around with him for to long for you are starting to sound like him with your reasoning. I don't know how I can explain it to you where you will understand how I feel right now." Sitting at the table she rested her face in her hands. "Yes, perhaps I decided to go to his bed, that was my choice. But I was not given the chance to decide if I wanted to marry him. All my life decisions have been made for me and just when I have the chance to make me own choices, good or bad, still everyone makes choices FOR me."
Flynn sighed slightly shaking his head. He thought for a long moment before coming over and kneeling in front of Blair. “I’m sorry Blair, I only thought of you when I gave my permission, I thought it would be what you wanted, I never thought that you would be upset.” He smirked a little looking up at his sister, “However, I do have a idea, as his wife you have a the choice of where you sleep, just like mother did.” he smirked and stood moving over to the table with a bottle of wine on it pouring them both some letting her think over what he said for a moment.
She didn't bother correcting Flynn's misconception about their parent's sleeping arrangements. He was to young to realize that it was not by mother's choice she slept away from their father but that he had long turned her out of his own bed. Best perhaps he think it had been of her choice not Fergus'. Still... he had a point she supposed. "I see the point you make...."
In a moment Linette came back in and kicked Flynn out because Blair had to get ready even if she didn’t like it.
The wedding wasn’t as large as it could have been if it hadn’t be done in so short a time. Even with such little time everything was ready and prepared for the event. The kitchen staff had prepared a impressive feast for afterwards and the attendance of the ceremony was impressive as all the people of the castle came to see their Laird get married. There was a little pomp to it but nothing over board, however the feast afterwards seemed to be made for the king himself. There was every kind of dish that could be thought of and even those that only the head chef knew. spirits were high at the feast at least they were everywhere but the head table where normally they would have been the highest.
Spirits were high all around Blair but they seemed to just dull and fade into nothing around her. She sat in the best dress she had been forced into by Linette not a few hours ago and now she sat there a married woman though not at all happy. Everyone around them was smiling and feasting around them. At least someone was happy she supposed. Kael certainly was not going to be when the master plan of revenge she had been cooking up in her little mind since Flynn helped to place it there.
To try and change the spirit of the head table Angus stood slamming his fist into the table to get everyone’s attention. “Ladies and gentlemen. I would first like the thank you all for coming and helping to celebrate the wedding of our Laird Kael.” There was a cheer from the gathered people as Kael raised his glass to everyone around the room in thanks. Angus continued once the cheer died down, “I’m sure you will all join me in wishing him and his new bride many happy years, and many children in those years.”

Malise had been watching Blair throughout the wedding and getting a strange feeling from her. As Angus started to make the toast he leaned over to talk to Ginessa and at this point stood and added on to the toast. “And a long sleepless night tonight.” There was a soft chuckle at that around the room as they all drank to the toast.
The comment from Malise seemed like just a jab between men. The kind of thing that they joked about at a wedding knowing full well what the wedding night would be like. If it had come from any other man at that table, Blair could have ignored it as just playful talk, but coming from Malise and the past history with him, she didn't want to take of that from him. Blair did not raise her cup in the toast like everyone else. While they were drinking, Blair stood and turned to Kael, giving him a cold look and speaking stiff and formally to him, "Pardon me, my husband," she said the word husband with a little added distain, "But I shall be retiring to my room now. Good night." She turned and started to walk away, waiting to see if he got the full message of her carefully planned words.
Kael was still caught in the euphoria of the day and so missed what she said, or at least the full meaning of it. he thought she was just reacting to Malise, knowing that there was still bad blood between them and so just dismissed her actions that way. “Very well my wife, I will be up to join you shortly.” He didn’t speak as clearly as she did meaning it only to be heard by her but not trying to hide it either. Just speaking normally without thinking of what she meant.
She stopped and turn, the still cold look on her face. "No, there will be no joining. Perhaps you should have taken the time to ask me about what I wanted and expected from this marriage before so hastily marrying me. I may be your wife, but it is only that of a marriage of convenience as far as I am concerned, much like my parents was and I intend for it to be just as such. I retire to MY room and you may retire to yours when you please. There is, after all, not need for this marriage to be consummated since that was, as I think everyone here already seems to know, done last night. And so with that, I bid you a good sleep husband when you eventually find your own bed."

Blair turned again and no protests would stop her this time. She was gracefully and proud as she made her grand exit having just openly shunned her husband in front of everyone in the room, but the second she was out of sight, she started to run for her room, knowing it would not be too long before he was after her and she needed to lock herself up before he could reach her. Once she was secured in her room, her legs gave out from under her as she slumped on the floor. Did she really just do that? Dear lord he was going to be cross. Serves him right.
The great hall had gone silent and Angus held his hand in his head at this moment. He would need to talk to Malise later once this all finished. Knowing his friend very well Angus sat down breathing slowly waiting for the explosion of movement that he and the family knew was coming.

Kael just sat there for a long moment as she spoke and then walked out. He was stunned for a long moment not knowing what to say or do in response to her statement. Slowly what had just happened sunk into his brain and he stood. Rather then walking around the table he pushed up over it clearing it easily and was out of the great hall in a flash; the hall still silent for a long time after that.

Angus finally stood sighing softly. “Thank you all for coming, forgive the drama of the night, I’m sure that the family as a whole would want you to continue enjoying yourselves as you normally would.” He nodded to the musicians who after a moment started playing again even though most of the people were in shock still. Angus went over to Malise and pulled his aside into a hallway.

Kael was after Blair hard and fast racing up the halls and stairs at a dangerous speed. He reached the door just moments after the key clicked into place locking him out. “Blair, open this door, There is no reason for you to do this. You are just going to attack me without giving me a chance to defend my actions to you or anything?”
"You didn't give me a chance to speak my mind on this marriage. What is fair is fair dear husband. It would have been wise of you to talk to me a bit before you declared me as you wife and married me faster then one could even think." She called through the door, feeling very confident with the door between herself and Kael at this moment. "This is no kind of love match which makes it a marriage of convenience and I plan to see it stay as such. Separate rooms with separate lives to go with them. And on this night I don't feel like fulfilling my wifely duties to my brute of a husband. I suggest that if you want some to lay under you tonight you go find yourself someone else."
Kael growled softly slamming his fist into the door. He had really only heard a little of what she said the word brute standing out to the forefront. He had few men that he would call a brute, her father, and recently Malise having been added to that for his actions. Being classified with them hurt him deeply. “Would you really have rather stayed my leman? Because that just makes no sense, I have given you my home and a position in my house as something of honor not of distain; and you get mad at me for doing all that. Was last night really that bad that you want nothing more to do with me?”
There was a long time of silence from the other side of the door before at last she spoke again, "You will not understand how I feel Kael. You did not let me choose for myself. If you had asked me, I may had said yes. It was in forcing me where my disdain for you lies, burning hot and mad inside. I do not wish to look at the face of the man that tricked me. You knew before we slept together you would force me to the alter. You never once intended to make it my choice. You made the choice that it was what you wanted and cared not to even think of asking how I felt about it. Just like so many in my past." She didn't directly compare him to her father but it still hung in the air between them.
Kael was fuming and about to just turn and leave before he got truly angry at her. however he would not leave without finishing this. “Let me be perfectly clear with you Blair, I chose to sleep with you last night, just as you chose to sleep with me, I knew that taking you to my bed would require us to get married. You should have known that, what would your father have done had you gone to any man while he was still alive…” he sighed shaking his head, “You made your choice and don’t try telling me that I forced you to do anything, I gave you many opportunities to change your mind last night; even up to the moment of no turning back. Don’t try and make me out like your father, if I was him I would have taken you to my bed the first night you were here with me and made you my leman. I waited for you to come to me; just because you didn’t see the final outcome of the choice you were making isn’t my fault.” He turned from her door calling one final, “Good night, my wife.” The contempt obvious in his voice as he walked down the hall back to his room.
Blair knew he was mad but she was mad as well. This was no way to start a future together. Certainly not one that would be happy. They were both at fault but in the moment it did not matter. The wound was still fresh for them both and Blair simply could not back down now. She had to show this new husband she would not bend to him. She would not become like her mother. Like the kind of woman her father wanted her to be. She had the chance to escape that fate now and not unforeseen marriage would set her back now.

Slipping from the dress she had worn for the wedding she crawled, emotionally drained into her bed, looking to find sleep and hoping that life would be either more simple in the morning or she'd wake and all the events of this day had been all just a dream.
Kael headed back to his room slamming to door behind him and dropping into a arm chair staring into the fire. He took only a moment off his reflection to pour a glass of scotch to drink as he thought. His mind churned deep inside thinking over everything that had happened in the past two days. Once he had established what had happened he slowly thought it through working from beginning to end. As he finished with the shouted argument through her door he sighed deeply finishing off his scotch. Deep down part of him wanted to go and try and make amends to what had happened this day. Even if his wedding night couldn’t be saved maybe his marriage could start off better than this. However his pride was in the way and he had no intention of going and talking to her, if she was going to be stubborn so was he.
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