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Laird of the Land (buttefly0408/kolath)

He smiled rubbing lightly gently squeezing at her breasts as his lips moved lower starting up the slopes of her breasts. He heard the small sound from her lips not sure what it was but still heard it and it urged him on. his one hand moved from her breast while the other started to rub at her nipple softly. His lips moved up her breasts nipping and nibbling lightly before he suddenly took her nipple into his mouth sucking at it lightly still being controlled but starting to feel more and more animalistic in his need for her.
The sound that came from her lips that time, in the moment he started to suck at her tender nipple, was no doubt a moan. Deep yet loud and sudden. Just as sudden, her nails dug into his back, scratching him. A moment later she gasped as she realized what she had done and she pulled her hands away, "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to do that!"
The moment her nails raked over his back he lost it. He never even heard her apology for it since his mind flooded with passion. His free hand slipped under her waist making her arch her back as he sucked even harder at her nipple his hand rubbing her breast working the nipple as he growled into the one in his mouth. His control was gone though even given over to full animalistic passion he was a tender and caring lover just much more clear about his wants.
"Kael!" she only gasped in shock at his surprising reaction to what she had done to him. His reply was only to press onward and an even more intense rate that had her moaning again in no time. Her eyes closed gently as she lay her head against the pillow, her hands having found their way to resting here as well as she arched her back up and just enjoyed this lips upon her tender, wanting breasts. More of her body ached for such treatment but she was content with letting him take his time doing what he liked with her and to her.
He growled into her nipple sucking hard at the nub of pleasure his tongue swirling around it as his hand rubbed her other breast working the nipple between his thumb and finger. He held her body tight against his as he teased her breast working the sensitive buds with skill. He finally switched over to her other nipple sucking at that one as his hands switched placed. However his free one now moved down over her stomach slowly moving to brush over her hips and thighs moving slowly closer to her womanhood before he finally brushed two fingers lightly over her outer lips.
"Oh!" she cried out even louder then before. If people didn't already know that Kael had Blair in his bed, they certainly knew now but she could do nothing to stop herself from crying out. Especially when he did things to her she had never known before and certainly did not see coming next. Her body shivered against him and her woman, which had already been a bit wet was now growing downright juicey from his touch. Her hands near her head grasped the pillow and started to twist it about.
He started to lightly rub at her outer lips and then spread them and slipped his finger inside to rub at her clit lightly. He brushed over and around the small nub of pleasure working it slowly. He nibbled at her breasts lightly and continued to suck softly at her nipples swirling his tongue around the nub. He loved the sound of her moans and wanted to make moan more and let everyone know just how much he was pleasuring her.
When she felt him actually part her and dip a finger in and against her... she didn't even know that part of the body was there let alone that touching it like that could make her feel, well... like THIS. "Dear Lord Kael!" she all but whimpered out, thinking she might go insane if her kept on introducing her to new things like this at such a swift pace. Especially since the little she knew about sex was that most of the time it wasn't suppose to be any good. Especially for the woman.
He smirked against her breast as she moaned and twitched against his touches. He knew he was starting to make her lose grasp on reality already from his pleasuring of her. He pulled his lips away from her breast and kissed down over her stomach a little just rubbing at her clit. He sighed as he wanted to go on and show her everything but could tell she wasn’t going to be able to handle it. he pulled his fingers away from her womanhood and brought them up to his mouth cleaning them off slowly. “Mmm you taste good Blair.” He slipped off the bed and started to untie his pants letting them fall revealing his thick hard length to her.
She blushed as she watched him licking his fingers knowing what was all over them at the moment. It seemed a bit... naughty for him to taste his fingers when they were covered in... THAT. Yet his complement of how it tasted seemed to only stir her passions all the more. When he moved off of her, she did not understand at first what was happening. That is until she watched his hands and she went to blushing even MORE. Not really sure she wanted to get a look at him, she closed her eyes and laid her head back on the pillow again, laying there awaiting him to come back on top of her once more.
He watched her hoping she would look down at him and was rather disappointed when she didn’t he slowly moved back over her lightly spreading her legs as he came up. He gently pressed his tip against her before looking down into her eyes kissing her deeply. Brushing his hand lightly over her cheek, he whispered to her. “You don’t want to see me like I have see you? Before I enter you.” He knew what was coming, and thought it might help if she knew before hand what was coming inside.
She shook her head, "I think I prefer to not know..." she trailed off a little and at last opened her eyes, a bit of fear in them and nervousness. Still, there was at hint of passion still present. "It will hurt, won't it? I think I would rather not worry about how what you have is going to fit into what I have." Linette had shared a bit with her in passing of her own bedroom antics with her husband. Perhaps she had always know it would come to this between Kael and Blair and was trying to prepare her for it. She had told her the first time she saw her husband, she near fainted. Blair did not want that to happen to her.
He smiled and kissed her again brushing his hand over her cheek. “Yes I understand it will hurt a little but I will try to make it as painless as I can.” He kissed her again and then pulled back looking down at her as he slowly started to press inside her. he took it slow but steady. He pushed up to her hymen stopping for a second before pushing through and on in till he totally filled her just laying there and letting her get used to his size and let the pain go away.
She moved her hands to hold his shoulders as he got himself settled into place. "It'll be good the next time right?" she asked, even before he started to slip in. It was telling in many ways. First in that she didn't anticipate any kind of pleasure this time at all and second that there would be at the very least a second time between them.

Her hands tensed and grasped onto his shoulders as he started to press onward. The entrance was of course as tight as one would expect a virgin to be. Nipping her lip the whole while, Blair took slow breathes to keep herself calm. Feeling him stop, she opened here eyes again and looked up into his with curiosity as to why but before she could say anything he surprised her with pushing onward. She gasped loud and her eyes went wide, her hips instinctively twitching from the sudden pain he had just caused her there. Her arms wrapped more firmly around his neck and she lifted her face to hid it in the crook of his neck.
He lay there holding her gently petting her hair as he just let her virgin womanhood become used to a man invading it. he kissed her hair stroking it softly as he knew she must be in pain at this moment. He had felt himself rip through her maidenhead and could only guess how much that had to hurt. He just held her letting her get used to his size. If she asked him in this moment to stop and let her come back again some other time he would because he was feeling so bad for causing her pain. “I do promise that next time it will feel better than this because there will be no pain.” He gently moved down a little to kiss her lips, “but if you want I can try to make this feel as good as I can when the pain goes away.”
She smiled a little softly at him, "It's already going away..." she whispered to him. She couldn't believe it. Her life as a virgin was over. Never had she ever thought that she would find herself in this kind of position. The kept woman to a mighty warrior laird. Her destiny was suppose to be the wife to some rich whoever with connections. Funny... some how she thought she liked this twist of events much better. "I think it might be okay for you to move again," she told him.
He smiled and brushed his hand over her cheek and down to cup one of her breasts. “Mmm well you are taking to not being a virgin quickly.” He smirked and nipped her neck softly and slowly started to pull out of her making slow careful movements letting her body adjust. He knew soon he was going to totally lose control like he had when she has scratched his back before but for this moment he gave her time. Pulling out till just his tip was inside then slipping slowly back in.
Her body just keeps on having a mind of it's own as when he pulled out, her hips moved up, almost as if it didn't want to be parted with him until the last possible moment. In doing so, her hips were off the bed as he slipped back in only to have her lower her lips again to the bed and he slipped from her this time of her will. "Mmmm...." she moaned softly as her fingers gently danced over this neck.
He growled softly holding back again even though she was responding so beautifully to his ministrations as he moved inside her slowly. He panted softly letting his thrust slowly increase in speed inside her taking her slowly. His lips and teeth kissed and nipped over her neck and throat as he slowly rode her trying to hold back and give her the time to get used to this before he totally lost control. He was on the edge now all it would take was a little push over.
Blair did not know that she played with fire here as her hips moved slowly with his, taking a little time to get use to his changes in the speed but she matched him in time. Her hands made there way from his neck up to grasp his cheeks. Lifting his face from where he was kissing her she looked into his eyes. She smiled softly before gently pulling his lips down to hers, kissing him gently.
He was biting his lip softly as she kissed him and he kissed her back moaning softly from the struggle of holding back. He was losing his control even as he continued the slow thrusts. He pulled out slowly and then for a brief moment his control slipped and eh thrust hard into her filling her totally in an instant spreading her wide their hips slamming together.
Her lips pulled back as she gasped at first but soon the sound of it twisted into a hiss as she pressed her forehead against his. Her hands upon his neck rubbed there way to his back once more. Her hips were a little behind but they answered his thrust with a harsh thrust of her own, pulling him deeper into her. "Uuuuuh," she groaned a little.
He is worried for a moment that he hurt her again but the instant she thrust back against him he moans and growls deeply. his control was gone and he started to take her hard. He pulled out quickly and started to thrust back in hard and deep moving roughly inside her taking her tight virgin womanhood hard. Even in being rough he was careful of her but still the animal side of this sexual encounter was loose and not going to be tied up again.
She was shocked out he seemed to just flip in almost and instant! He was not hurting her but he certainly had her shocked. "Kael!" she called out his name as his animal like instinct seemed to just transfer right into her. She felt herself grow wild and needy for more of what he gave. Once more, she was a bit slow on picking up on his pace but in a short time, her hips bucked up as his thrust down, intensifying the love making between them while her sounds grew louder and louder.
He growled and nipped her neck thrusting hard and deep into her taking her with wild abandon. His thrusts were hard and deep keeping their strength somewhere below the hardest he had found some women like it. he was careful because she was new to this not wanting to hurt her but the way she was moving back against him was making it totally become heavy hot passionate sex. He nipped and kissed at her neck rubbing her beautiful breasts as he moved inside her.
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