Laird of the Land (buttefly0408/kolath)

It did stroke his ego a bit though he knew he could do that too her already. It surprised him just how hard she orgasmed, never having had a virgin in his bed before he wasn't sure if this was normal. He slipped his hand back out from under her skirt and smirked at her. “There now, I promised you that you would still be a virgin.” His hand that had not been touching her came up brushing over her cheek looking into her eyes. In that moment he realized just what his aunt had been warning him of, he wanted her, and only her. the passion he saw in her eyes in that moment told him everything he needed to know, she would be enough to keep him satisfied all through his life. he softly kissed her whispering against her lips, “How long you stay that way is up to you. Though you had best choose soon…I might not be able to stop next time.”

Gently he lowered her to the floor brushing her skirts down and her hair back before, he turned and left the room heading back down the stairs knowing he had to have Blair Ross as his lover, and wife.
Blair sat upon the floor, her chest rising and falling at a rapid pace as she watched him vanish the same way he had come. What had just happened to her was still sinking in even minutes afterward. Even then she didn't fully understand it but occasionally she shivered with the memory of the moment it had hit her. That feeling of pleasure, unlike anything she had ever known before... that was what he promised her should she give in. He had never truly asked her to, but she could hear that unspoken words in his actions loud and clear. She had a decision to make. She had been putting it off until now, but it was clear there was no avoiding it any longer. Blair had to decide... leave this place she had come to love and leave the passion that Kael had ignited within her to burn forever in wanting, or to give in, give over, and face whatever the consequences may become.

Honestly... the choice was now rather clear....
Kael had made up his mind but it took him a day to work up the courage to go and speak to Flynn. He knew that the lad had seen him with Ginessa and knew the lad took it the wrong way. He had been rude at this point to Ginessa completely avoiding her and making it very clear she wasn’t someone he wanted to spend time with. Finally he worked up the courage and went to find Flynn out on the training field. Gently pulling the boy aside he sighed, “We need to talk about a few things lad.”
Flynn was already much improved with his training. Her took a drink as he worked to catch his breath. He knew a conversation with Kael was likely imminent, he just didn't know when. Clearly, here it was. "Well, my ear is currently yours. Best you use it while you can."
He smiled and sighed softly. “Look about what you saw that night with Ginessa in the hallway. It wasn’t what it looks like. She was really kissing me and when I realized what was happening I stopped it.” he sighed leaning back against the wall. “Your sister was on my mind the entire time, I was so worried about what had happened at dinner that night I didn’t realize what Ginessa was doing till she already had her lips on mine.” He shivered at the thought shaking his head slowly.

“But that’s not what I wanted to talk to you about.” he brushed his hand over his own chin sighing deeply. “After a lot of thought, and if you are willing to let me, I would like to marry Blair.”
Another thing that Flynn was getting well at in this training was not giving away his thoughts and feelings thought his face and actions. After hearing all he had to say, Flynn stood there, just sort of nodded his head a little. After a few minutes, at last Flynn sighed, crossed his arms and spoke, "And you wish for my blessing? I will say, once I would have given it, but I do not know now. I believe you when it comes to Ginessa, now at least, but still... I don't know if you are really the best choice for her. Perhaps you should tell me more about what you could offer her..."
He was a bit shocked by the question smirking slightly knowing that the Flynn he had met a long time ago would not have asked that. He laughed and shook his head. “how far you have come lad. You know that I would offer her and you a family. She would be my wife, not just my lover, so she would be the lady of the house. Her every want and need I will do everything I can to provide. And I swear to you that I will be faithful to her.”
Flynn knew that even if he did not think Kael a good choice for his sister, there would be no better choice that would ever come along. If nothing else, one thing her offered was that they would become family here and while things between Blair and Kael did not work out to be a perfect matching, at the very least she would have people like Linette, Angus, and Evelyn around her as well.

"So be it. You have my blessing, thought I doubt it would have mattered either way. You intended to have my sister if I said yes or no, didn't you?"
He smiled slightly and a look of shock was totally fake. “I have your blessing so there is no need to go into what would have happened. Only the spirits can know what would have happened.” He smirked and teasingly pushed Flynn to one side. laughing slightly not admitting that he probably would have married Blair one way or the other assuming she decided to come to him but it felt good to have Flynn’s permission.
Flynn attempted to return to his training, only to be interrupted not long after when Blair came to him. For Kael, he just gave a few minutes, but for Blair, he pardoned himself from the rest of the training session and went with her when she asked him to walk with her for a bit. The walk starting in mainly silence until they found there way to a secluded spot out beyond the kitchen gardens she had found. Once there, she finally spoke up, "There's been something on my mind for awhile not Flynn and... I think I've finally come to a decision on the matter. I wanted to talk to you about it thought...." she paused and sighed slightly, "You like it here, don't you Flynn?"
Flynn walked in silence waiting for her to break it just knowing that she needed this time to gather her thoughts. He raised an eyebrow guessing already what it was she wanted to talk about guessing something had happened with Kael. Though he wasn’t sure that it would be to stay or to run away again. “Yes I do like it here you know that. Thought what has been happening of late has set me off a little on it. but none the less I do like it here.”
She nodded a little, as it agreeing with him as he verified what she thought, "I've come to a decision that I hope will secure our place here, so that we may stay. I don't like the idea of being turned out or married off. There is a way... we could be allowed to stay. I wanted to talk to you about it visit before I tell Kael my choice in this matter for I didn't want it to become a shock to you when word reached you." She sighed a little, "I'm sure news will travel fast and such things usually do. But......" she closed her eyes and took a few breaths. One would think her about to tell him she was going to marry Kael for all her words to this point lead to that, especially after he had spoken with Kael. But when her mouth finally opened again, "I am going to agree to become Kael's leman. I want you to know that it's MY choice Flynn. It would be best. He will let us stay and really what else is there for me? After being her for so long, no other man would think any less of me. It's best this way, for it will secure our place for at least awhile."
Flynn just stood there nodding slightly as she talked hearing where this was going and so when it took a totally different angle he just about fell over in shock. She couldn’t be serious she wasn’t thinking of lowering herself to that point not for him. it was then that he put things together. even though she was willing to lower herself to that point Kael was ready to raise her up to being his wife all he needed was her to be willing. He finally smiled slightly and reached over brushing his hand over her shoulder and arm down to take her hand. “I can’t convince you otherwise can I?”
She shook her head, "Unless you can see some other way? I like it here just as much as you do. I want to stay. If this is the only way, then it will have to do. I mean, I know that people will likely look down upon me, but I can tell that Kael is a bit of a possessive man. If I am his leman, I doubt he would let anyone else have me like that. Perhaps I can keep his attention long enough for you to grow to an age where you will find yourself a wife to make a home with. Then you can secure a place for us when he eventually moves on from me." She didn't really want to think about when that would happen. This whole idea was risky for in getting into his bed it would open her heart more to him and open it for breaking further down the line. "Can you think of any other way?"
Flynn had to stop himself from just blurting out that Kael wanted to marry her. he knew that if he told her that it could make her run even farther away, because that would scare her. he sighed brushing his hand over her cheek smiling at his darling sister knowing that this was all going to work out perfectly. “No, I can’t think of any way that it could work out better.” He leaned in kissing her cheek softly. “If you are sure then you should do what you are sure of.” He smirked slightly looking alittle bit like Kael in that moment, “But be honest you aren’t just doing this for me are you?” he asked teasingly.
She could have punched in in that moment. Kael and Angus were rubbing off on her little brother more then she liked to admit or really cared for. "I'm doing it for us BOTH. Get that smirk off your face. You're starting to become to much like your teacher and the rest of this clan." She teasingly pushed her brother away as she walked past him, head back into the keep. If tonight was going to be the night she submitted to Kael, she wanted it to at least be a nice night. She needed a bath among other things. She wondered if she should talk with one of the woman. Blair wanted Kael to like it enough to keep her around, so she supposed it needed to be perfect.
Flynn smiled as she pushed away from him laughing slightly. He watched her leave smiling knowing that she was going to be fine. Even if Kael Sutherland wasn’t the best man for her, he was a lot better then any other man that would come to claim her hand, or that their father would have found for her. in many ways this was better then anything that they could have wished for before. He sighed shaking his head, he was a little too much like Kael…but was that a bad thing? Kael had won the heart of his sister even if she didn’t want to admit it at this point Flynn knew he had. He turned back to the training field seeing what he could get back into before the training was done for dinner.
The rest of the day seemed to travel in a bit of a blur. At least to Blair. Right after she left Flynn, she decided to go find Linette. She didn't tell her why, but she made up some reasoning as to why a bath and fresh night shift would be a nice thing to have this night. Linette played dumb, but clearly she knew why Blair asked. So she made sure that not only the bath but some sweet smelling oils and a night dress fit for a bride on her wedding night. Blair didn't question the nice things but went about getting herself together.

Dinner came and went like most the dinners had as of late. Blair was rather quiet and her eyes remained mainly on her food thought there was an occasional glance towards Kael at the head of the table. But never did she speak with him.

After the dinner, she quickly retreated to her room, preparing herself for the night ahead. Waiting a few hours, she tried to see if she could talk herself out of this but the more she thought about it, the more she wanted this night to happen. With her night shift on, she put her robe over it and set off. Tip toeing through the halls slowly until she reached Kael's door. Reaching out, she knocked upon it, wondering if he was still awake or not.
Kael after dinner had gone to Angus’ room and spent some time there talking over this choice that he had made. He knew that Angus would give him the best advice. The advice had turned into a glass of scotch in celebration and then talking over the many times they had shared together. it had only been one glass so his wits were still with him because after he told Angus the jist of what had happened in the tower that morning Angus knew that it could be any night the Blair would come.

Finally Kael had left heading for his room to bed. He sighed softly taking his time pausing for a moment by Blair’s door but choose to move on before long just letting her pick the time. His shock was inexpressible when he rounded the corner to his room and saw Blair standing there. He smiled softly and cleared his throat. “Can I help you Blair?”
Blair had just knocked for the third and final time, wondering if she should take it as a sign to move on from this plan for the night or maybe even forever. She was just about to turn and leave when a voice caught her attention from down the hall and she turned. There he stood and she started to blush a bit. Her lips parted to speak but at first no sound came out. After a few moments though, words finally came to the surface, "Can we talk Laird Kael?"
He looked her over as she stood there in her robe and clearly nothing on but her shift underneath it. he smiled softly and stepped over close to her. he looked down into her eyes and reached out opening the door for her and motioning inside. “After you Lady Blair.” He watched her looking into her eyes and watching her slender waist and hips move as she moved inside. He just hoped she had made up her mind because this was going to be hard to stop If she didn’t.
"Thank you," she sort of just squeaked out softly, taking his lead and walking inside. She had never been inside his quarters before. They were certainly impressive. A manly, strong feeling from the colors and decorations of the space. There was already a fire lit in the fireplace to keep the night warm. It was all very much... him. Standing now inside his room, she knew there was no turning back, but she didn't really know where to go from here.
He stepped in and started closing the door. He knew that if he closed it that would ruin her reputation even if nothing happened. A closed door could hide many things and tongues would wag if she was seen. He stood there with the door partially open and sighed softly before stepping away leaving it that way. “What is it that you would like to talk about lady Blair?”
Blair turned, seeing his hand on the door then looking to notice it was not fully closed yet. Her eyes remained on the door a moment before she moved her gaze to his face. She could almost see his thoughts right there on his face. She knew the same thing he did. Glancing one last time at the opening in the doorway, she took a deep breath, let it out on a sigh, and looked into his face once again, "You can close the door Laird Kael..."
He looked at her for a moment before nodding slowly. “If you are sure.” He closed the door letting the latch click closed before moving slowly toward her his hand brushing over her cheek and lifting her eyes to look into hers. He leaned down softly kissing her taking that permission to close the door as her answer to his question but knowing she would need to say it. “What do you want to talk about Blair?” he whispered against her lips.
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