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Laird of the Land (buttefly0408/kolath)

She fought not to shiver at he kissed her so very sensually and again as he whispered to her. The tone of his voice as well as the body language was clear that he had gotten the message she was trying to send when she asked him to close the door. "Well, I suppose it's not really talking either of us want to do this night, is it?" she asked him before talking another deep breath and stepped back to face him a bit more firmly, "I have decided...... and that decision it if you still want me, I will spend this night with you and as many nights as you want me to in the future. All I ask is a place in the household for myself and Flynn..."
He smiled and nodded slowly. “I understand and I promise you that you and Flynn will have a place in my house.” He leaned in and kissed her softly again his arm slipping around her waist and lightly pulling her closer sealing his word with that kiss. He pulled back just enough to whisper against her lips. “And I also promise nights of unimaginable pleasure for you.” He smirked confidently as his hand brushed down her neck his lips capturing hers again.
His comment somehow actually made her smile. Perhaps nights with him would not be so bad. Sure the life of a kept woman was not one most people wanted, but to have nights of pleasure, roof over her head, and people around her that were kind... it might actually be a good fit for her. So many others had far less. "You are so sure of yourself? What if I had a very grand imagination?"
He smiled his lips lightly brushing over hers as he held her close. “You will find that I’m a very very talented lover.” He smiled his hand moved to the front of her robe and gently parting the two sides letting his hand slip inside the robe to brush over her shift covered waist. He gently pulled her closer kissing her deeply his lips slowly leaving hers to move down to her jaw line kissing and nibbling lightly at the tender skin.
She wondered suddenly now many women he had bed down with that made him so very talented at this point. It was really not something that one wanted to think about when they were about to engage in such things with a man, but now she really couldn't get the image out of her mind of him... and Ginessa. She cringed a little and pulled back, "Kael... I just... I need to know. I want the truth. I know you said it before, but I need to hear it again. Have you ever, refined your talent, on Ginessa?"
For a moment a look of horror and disgust crossed his face at the mere thought. He sighed knowing that she was feeling very vulnerable right now and needed some reassurance. He brushed his hand over her cheek again. “Ginessa has never nor will she ever enjoy what you are about to.” He smirked a little cockily before kissing her again nuzzling in close before gently drawing her with him over toward the bed brushing the robe up over her shoulders to slip off her body.
Her hands were resting lightly upon his arms so as he pushed the robe from her shoulders, it bunched up at her bent elbows. Her lips curled into the very hint of a smile. She didn't know why knowing that she had something that Ginessa never would made her feel pleased. Perhaps it was because she never did like Ginessa. It could have been a little bit of personal pride, knowing that a man a fine as Kael wanted her over another. Either way, his reply did please her enough to put her once again back into the moment with him as she took his lead towards his large bed.
He smiled moving back till they were standing by the bed his hands rubbing her arms. He kissed at her jaw line and then started to slip down her neck nibbling softly at the tender skin his hands both slipping under her robe and pulling her close against his body. He wasn’t like a hungry animal rough and needy, nor was he timid and too soft with his touches like a shy boy having his first roll in the sheets. He was the perfect blend of the two rough and clearly needing her, but at the same time gentle and slow letting her relax into the moment like a pair of lovers on their first time.
Being pulled against his body was like being pulled against a wall. He was just so... solid. Even with clothing still very much between them she could feel the strength in his big body pressed against her. Kael Sutherland was all warrior. Rough and manly. While she was like the opposite. Little compared to him, delicate and soft to the touch. Her breasts were squished between them, pressed hard against him. Nipping her lip a little, she lowered her hands from his arms, slowly lowering them to her sides. The robe fell away to puddle on the floor around her feet.
He looked into her eyes for a lont moment before he kissed her lips once more gently slipping his arms around her. he knew now what she needed was his strength and his gentleness rolled into one. She was unsure about this he could feel it in her slow movements for such a simple thing as lowering her hands. He gently drew her closer against him before moving down to kiss over her more expose neck slowly kissing out over her shoulder as far as her shift would let him go. His hands brushing over her soft skin as they slowly moved along the edge of her shift to the front where the ties waited for him.
She moved back a little when she realized where his hands were going to, giving him the space to untie them. The silence between them while he warmed things up was a bit maddening to her. "I..." she started, her voice like a whispered when she opened her lips though it was not her original intention. After clearing her throat, she spoke once more, this time her voice a more normal volume. "I'm afraid I don't know much. I don't really know how to... you know... please you in a way you may like."
He smiled and looked into her eyes brushing his hand over her cheek as he slowly untied her shift. Just loosening it allowing him to move her shift a little more off her shoulder his lips slowly moving over the soft skin. “Shhhh you don’t need to do anything to please me.” He smiled softly letting a little of what softness he had developed show. “Except to relax and let me please you.” He pushed one shoulder of her shift down as his lips moved over her collar bone and down over the slope of one of her breasts.
How could she respond to that? She couldn't, that's how. Her mind was completely blank from his reply and there was indeed nothing for her to do but let him keep on doing what HE was doing. The shift slipped down her skin until the front of it hung only by the hardened numb that he had already roused to tantalizing life at the tip of her plump breast. He would be able now to see the rosy color around that area that could very easily be revealed to him if only he nudged the fabric of her shift down just a little further.
He kissed over her breast softly working his way down before moving to her other shoulder growling softly at the constant feel of her soft skin. His hands slipped around her body rubbing over her back and down over her ass. He normally would have the girls moaning and panting for more by now so he was a little worried but he figured it was because she wasn’t used to these feelings. He brushed the other shoulder of her shift down so that it also hung by her hardened nipple as his lips moved over her breasts again. Finally he tugged just a little at the shift making it pull past her nipples and slip down her body.
The moment that he pushed her shift the last little bit, she gasped and swiftly lifted her arms up to quickly cover her bared breasts. He only got a little glimpse of all she had to offer him before his sweet little yet still very naive lover shielded them from his view with her hands. A heated blush flooded over her cheeks. What could he expect? She was not at all use to a man looking at her in this kind of state.
He did only get a glimpse of what she had to offer but that was enough to let him know he wanted more. he may have already thought that he would but seeing her was enough to make him want her badly. He looked into her eyes and kissed her lightly his hands brushing over her arms before they slipped around her and gently lifted her up and moved her to the bed laying her down and moving over her looking down into her eyes, before kissing her again deeply. his lips slowly started to travel over her jaw, her lips, her neck, and on using every trick her knew on her.
Once more she gasped as she found herself lifted into the air as if she weigh nothing at all and then like feather seemed to drift down upon his surprisingly soft bed. The more he kissed her, the limper her hands which still covered her breasts grew. They still rested against the mounds he so wanted to lay his eyes upon, but with a little pushing and prodding he could make her move them as he kissed her into a quite relaxed and silly state.
His lips continued their gently buy urgent kissing and light nipping at her neck and collar bone slowly moving over her soft skin and over what little of her breasts were exposed to him. he gently brushed his hands over her arms staying away from her breasts at first before moving up and lightly moving her hands off of the beautiful mounds. The moment he had her relaxed and intoxicated on his kisses he leaned back and then smirked pulling her shift down off her breast and then down the rest of her body leaving her naked as he knelt back over her taking in the sight of her beautiful body.
By the time he returned to looking down at her, her body was tense once again, yet completely exposed to his view. He had moved so swiftly once he had her shift in his hands she could do nothing to delay him from removing it any longer. Nipping her lip, her hands were at her sides and she seemed frozen as she lay there upon his bed. She felt so sheepish as she lay there naked and he was still fully clothed over her. How would he like what he now saw? What if he didn't like it. She did not know how she could compare to other women he has seen naked.
He looked down at her and smiled softly his hand brushing over her cheek, down her neck, slowly lightl between her breasts before resting on her stomach as he looked into her eyes. “Beautiful,” he smiled and swiftly pulled his tunic off over his head leaving only his breeches on as he leaned back down over her. “Very beautiful, the move perfect body I have ever seen.” He nipped at her neck lightly before moving up to kiss her passionately. He wasn’t lying either, most the women he had bedded were trying their hardest to look as beautiful and perfect as she did in this moment.
Her mind should have been thinking about what he had just told her. He thought her beautiful. Thought her perfect. No one had ever called her either of those things really. But all her mind could think of was how fine he looked without a shirt on. His chest was indeed that of a well trained warrior and her hands were suddenly itching and twitching, desiring to move and rest against his bare skin, seeing just how that fine chest of his felt against her hands when it was skin upon skin.

Now that he was half dressed like her, it did relax her a bit once more as she lay there and softly returned his kiss.
He growled softly into the kiss his lips moving down her neck again his hands moving up her sides lightly. He wanted to take her breasts into his hands and show her just what he could do and give her in pleasure. However he had seen her hands twitching and knew she wanted to get in on this too so he let her. this was the first time for her and she was clearly ready to lay there and let him do what he wanted, unsure if she should let her body react how it wanted. His hands came up to hers and lightly moved them to let her palms rest on his hard muscled chest. “Let your instincts guide you, don’t hold back because you are unsure, you can’t hurt me without really meaning too.”
She nodded very slightly as he instructed her what she was to do. Her hands seemed to small as they rested on his big body. He could feel them still trembling lightly against his skin as they shyly moved over his body. Soft, slowly, she rubbed her hands over him, exploring how he felt under her hands. After a few moments they stopped their trembling and moved more comfortably over his skin.
He smiled letting her get used to touching his skin knowing that it would take a moment. Her warm hands felt wonderful on his skin and he was barely able to hold back till she was comfortable. He growled softly as she started to touch more firmly and lightly moved his hands up her stomach. “Mmmm you touched, now I get to touch.” His hands moved up over her breasts rubbing them softly as his lips kissed over her neck and down her throat slowly.
As he moved his hands, her moved as well, up over his chest to his shoulders and then finding there way to his back where she then started to rub her hands over him there. There were even muscles on his back, good lord! She did not stop him in any way in touching her however he liked. It was part of the deal after all that he could do as he liked. Thought it was nice that he was giving her some liberty as well. She wondered a moment if it would always be like between them as she closed her eyes gently and just rubbed much like how he did. A very soft sound came from her that could have been a moan but had been very quiet.
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