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Laird of the Land (buttefly0408/kolath)

As a virgin, her restraint was low. The things he did to her were swiftly sending her towards the very brink of insanity and control. "K-Kael! AHH!" she found herself moaning and whimpering with such pleasure. As pure and honest as it was loud. Some women had to fake their cries of pleasure with a man but any man could tell that Blair's cries were real and were overflowing with passion and pleasure. The movements of her hips were getting quick and swift as his, rapidly making the growing release within her rise to the point where she lay there on the brink and she did not even know it.
He smirked and continued his hard fast thrusting into her loving that she could disguise her cries of pleasure even if she had wanted too. He thrust had into her again and again taking her hard as he felt his own climax slowly building. He knew he could hold out awhile more even with how tight she was from being a virgin. He growled deeply into her neck nipping it hard as he took her just letting his thrust work her inner walls perfectly.
"OH! AH God!" she very suddenly cried out as it hit her. Sweet release. Her nails ended up digging once more into his back while those very walls her was working so well convulsed and squeezed him even tighter then her fresh body already had been. The rest of her shivered and shock, head tossing back and forth on the pillow as she road the waves of the pleasure he had just help give to her. She swore she saw stars for a moment.
Kael was shocked about how hard she had cum and how tight she was squeezing him and milking his cock inside her. for the first time he wasn’t sure he could out last her first orgasm. He moaned and bit his lip trying to keep his mind focused on not letting go but it was just too good. He moaned and pushed into her once more before he too started to cum hard inside her filling her with his hot seed as she came around him.
Shocked a bit from the feeling of him filling her with his own heated juices, she gasped a little but was already coming back down from her high so could do little more but end up spread limp on his big bed. Blair's chest rising and falling as the sound of her panting now filled the room. She was still not thinking straight yet but soon would start to. Who knew what kind of things would soon be creeping into her pretty little head.
He panted kneeling over her his thick manhood still inside her as he just tried to hurry back to reality. He had learned a long time ago that women loved being touched and held afterwards. He kissed her softly as their breathing eased. His hands moving up to cup her breasts lightly as he kissed down her neck. “Mmmm I don’t think I need to ask if you enjoyed yourself my dear Blair.” He nipped softly at her pulse point. “I think that your screams made that very clear.” He smirked looking into her eyes, “And without the pain it will be even better I promise.”
She blushed, looking a bit guilty over all she had just done, even with the very small smile on her lips. "It didn't hurt. Only a little at first but it didn't hurt that long..." she trailed off a little, not really sure what they did next. Did the leman remain in the bed with him a little while? The rest of the night until morning? Did she leave now that the deed was done? She sighed slightly and meekly asked, "What now?"
He smirked and slowly pulled out of her gently moving up to the head of the bed laying there naked motioning her to come to him. “Well that depends. I want you in my bed for the rest of the night that is certain, but as for what happens now.” He smirked, “That depends on if you are wanting to go at it again or not.” As he said that he reached down and playfully pulled her close to him making her sit in his lap as he held her close kissing at her neck softly.
She didn't really know if she wanted to go again or even if she could go at it again with him. But then again, she only wanted him happy for keeping him happy meant keeping her place here. Nipping at her lip, she shrugged her shoulders a little bit, "Whatever you want I suppose..."
He laughed softly and kissed her lips softly brushing his hand over her cheek softly. “Well, I just had what I wanted tonight. So I think we are good, besides I don’t think your virgin senses could handle much more.” he nipped her neck snuggling her against his side. “you would black out if I kept going, but some day I will have you writhing on the bed for hours at a time begging me not to stop.” he smirked roguishly at her.
She couldn't hide the smile that slowly started to cross her lips nor the little laugh in her voice as she settled against his side, her face hidden against his side. "That sounds.... interesting..." she whispered a little, much to shy to admit that it sounded more then interesting. It sounded tempting. Look at her! Not a virgin for a handful of minutes and already thinking such thoughts! He had corrupted her!
He smirked slightly at hearing her comment and looked down at her hair knowing that he had found someone that could keep him satisfied for life. he kissed her hair and snuggled her closer slowly slipping down to be totally laying down. The fire had died a little down to just little more than embers at this moment just a soft warm glow filling the room. “Mmmm time for sleep, and tomorrow you are moving into my room so I can have you in my bed whenever you and I want.”
Blair took a deep breath. Moving into his room... well... that was unexpected. It was one thing to be his leman but living in his room with him as his leman, that was rather scandalous. Everyone would know it. Well, everyone would know either way but it could be overlooked if it was kept quiet. It was how her father handled his many bed partners over the years. Her voice was not very playful when she at last spoke. "If that's how you'd like it." She had no idea of the actual intent he had for her.
He chuckled softly kissing her hair stroking it softly wondering why she was sounding so withdrawn at this moment. “Of course it is, no matter what the common practice is this is where I want you.” He gently lifted her chin looking into her eyes, “its where you belong.” And kissed her softly before snugglign her close again and slowly starting to let himself drift into sleep.
He certainly was a bold one was her last real thought before sleep overtook her. Thankfully she was out before she could think of all the ways people were going to change how they treated and looked at her as she walked through the keep.


Come morning, Blair had turned in her sleep to her back was to him, a small distance between their bodies now. Her hands hugged the edge of the blanket to her still very naked breasts as she went on sleeping peacefully. The morning light was already shining into the room for an hour when a knock came at the door. Kael would already know who it was. If he was not up and down by now, Angus would come get him himself. The sound did not disturb the sleeping Blair at all.
Kael smiled as he slipped out of bed, his sleep had been filled with wonderful images of Blair and him. Even though he wouldn’t admit it almost none of the scenes were of sex, more of it was times spent doing things together. small things like sitting by the fire, holding hands being out in the sun together. He didn’t even realize it but he was falling hard for her.

He pulled his breeches back on and then went to the door opening and stepping out giving Angus just enough of a moment to see that Blair was in his bed.

Angus sighed and shook his head moving to lean back against the wall opposite Kael. “You know what this means right?”

Kael nodded slowly.

“You know your aunt and sister are going to make you marry her.”

Again nods.

“When you going to tell them?”

Kael sighs softly, “Right now, they will want to have the wedding today so they need all the time they can have.” He started to head down the hall.


He turns.

“Put a shirt on first.” Angus calls over his should chuckling as he walks away.

Kael goes back putting his shirt back on before heading down to tell his sister and aunt what had happened.
His aunt and sister overlooked that fact that he had gone out of order and had the wedding night before the wedding but they were both so thrilled that there was going to be a wedding that he was able to avoid their rage over the details. The priest was sent for at once and the cook staff, whom had just finished with cooking the morning meal, was set into preparing a feast for the early evening. The whole keep was a flurry of activity preparing for the Laird's wedding...

That was everyone but the bride, who still had no idea that it was her wedding day. Rising not very long after Kael left, she found herself alone and perhaps it was for the best as she swiftly dressed herself once more and hurried from the room, thankful that no one saw her as she made her shameful walk to her room. Once there, she laid in bed a bit longer, wondering about if she had made the right choice. Though she was hungry, it was best that she avoid the morning meal at least for the day. She didn't think she could face others, especially in her current rather wild looking state of disarray.

To her surprise though, an hour or so later, Linette came knocking, a breakfast tray in her hands and a smile on her face. "Good morning! It's such a wonderful day is it not? A perfect day really. You must be hungry. Here! Come sit and eat. There is still so much to be done today."

Rising from the bed she did come sit, a confused look upon her face, "You are very chipper today. What is the occasion?" Linette clearly didn't know about what had happened the night before yet.

She smirked like Blair had just asked the silliest of questions she had ever heard, "The wedding of course!"

"There is a wedding today? Who is getting married?"


Not long after, the door to Kael's solar swung open and Blair came storming in, her face twisting in anger. "Who are you to decide that I am going to marry you! Without so much as even ASKING me?! How DARE you!" She crossed her arms, "I will NOT marry you!"
Kael was sitting in his solar with Angus talking over the plans for the wedding and if there was a need for a best man and others to stand with Kael when Blair suddenly burst in with that outburst. Kael leaned back in his chair a little as Angus stood and moved out f the line of fire. “I dare because I asked the one man in your family left and he gave me permission. However should you prefer to become merely my whore after last night I suppose I could do that if you really want. However I prefer that you gain the respect of being my bride, but it is your choice.” He smirked knowing it was no choice really and not really giving her one just trying to drive home his point to her.
Blair looked a little like a mad woman as she stood there. One might thing that if it were really possible, steam would be shooting from her ears at this moment. The knowledge that Flynn had been going behind her back just as Kael was enraged her even more. All she wanted to go was spit him now. Without thinking over how right he was she made her way all the way to his desk here he say, leaning over is and slamming her hands down onto it as she glared. "If the choice is to be your whore or your wife, I take what I thought you offered from the start. I will be your whore though now you will not find me at all agreeable with your needs as I might have been before this morning!" She turned and started for the door with determination.
Angus was having a hard time holding back in laugh at how Kael had just put his neck into the noose and let her have the lever to the door. He was impressed with how strong Blair was being even if she wasn’t thinking clearly.

Kael was pissed at how hard headed she was being and stupid. He came over the desk and slammed his hand into the door stopping her from leaving and pressing her against the door gently but firmly. “Even though I told you that you had a choice in this Blair I was wrong. Because I can’t give you a choice, my family will not let me do anything but marry you after last night.” He growled softly, “So just like me you really don’t have a choice in this, you should have known what would have happened when you came to my bed last night. Its not my fault that your brother didn’t talk to you about it before giving your hand but he did.” he opened the door for her standing there his eyes burning, “I gave you a choice last night to leave, most husbands aren’t that kind.” And walked back to his desk looking out the large window onto the courtyard.
Blair stood there, glaring at the back of his head from across the room. Silence in the air. Angus tried to reach out to comfort her a moment for the look that started to cross her face as she looked across the room. She looked lost, trapped, and like she was all alone. And that's exactly how she felt. No one would understand how she felt about this. Everyone was going to force this on her if she liked it or not. After how very much she had enjoyed herself the night before, this was not how she wanted to go on. But there was no choice.

Seeing Angus starting to reach his hand out towards her, she stiftly stopped him with her own hand, shaking her head before she turned without another word and left.

Angus waited a few moments until she was far enough that she could not hear any longer, "That might not have been the best way to handle the start of your relationship with your soon to be wife. And when where you planning on asking her to marry you? After the first or the second child's birth?"
Kael sighed shaking his head slightly. “I don’t have a choice right now Angus. Besides I already talked to Flynn about it. He has agreed to the marriage, I gave her a choice last night if she wanted this or not. Its not my fault that she didn’t see what my honor code would require of me.” He turned to look at Angus letting out a little of his anger at himself for what he had done on Angus. “I gave her more choice then most men would have, and yet she still gets mad at me. She is just going to have to realize that she isn’t going to get everything she wants.”
Angus shook his head a little, "I think all the lass wanted was to be asked, not told. She's been told to do things all her life. Just when she finally thinks she might have choices in her life," he simple directs his hand toward Kael before he departed out the open door.

Meanwhile, Blair was returning to her room, closing the door behind her and locking it. And it was going to remained locked! He could not marry her from the other side of a door. Turning thought, she found herself facing Linette, who stood beside a filled tub, hands on her hips, "Nice try, but I'll be here in this room until you are walking down the aisle so you can't try and lock yourself in and away from the rest of us..."

Blair just glared at her, "That's not fair."
Kael sighed after Angus left just staring out into the courtyard. He knew that Angus was right but what could he do now? Things were already in motion and after his cold and heartless words there was no way that Blair would talk to him before the wedding. He sighed leaning forward against the window a little just letting the cool wind brush over him. He would talk to her tonight, she wanted to make a choice he would let her tonight, he would let her choose to be his wife tonight…that she make her happy.
"Well," came Flynn's familiar voice from the hall as he leaned against the door frame. "I thought that you'd ask her before the wedding but... you wanted my sister but... now I do not know if you want her any longer." Flynn knew that Kael could still go back on his word. It would prove him to be the dishonorable man, but it could happen. Then his sister would be ruined.
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