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Laird of the Land (buttefly0408/kolath)

Kael had never moved his eyes from Blair and as he saw pain and then forced composure cross her face after what he said he wondered what it was that he had said to make her feel like that. Looking over his words he saw nothing that would have made her feel like that, except that he was looking at what he meant and not what he said. So he missed the key phrase that would make it different and change how she reacted.

Flynn had not missed it like his sister it hurt because he was already feeling totally at home here and wanted to never leave. He glared at Kael for a moment not sure if he should say anything or not. Then he saw how his sister was reacting and knew that it had pained her even more then it had him. he looked at Malise seeing the loathsome man’s gaze on his sister before he slipped an arm around her shoulders and kissed her hair lightly. “It’s ok sis, I’m always here for you.” He smiled brushing his hand over her hair trying to pass on the encouragement that he didn’t feel to her.

Angus only leaned forward placing his hand over his eyes and shaking his head at Kael’s comment. He knew that he would have to explain it to Kael later, and would have to help Flynn see what he had really meant.

Malise was totally lost in the conversation his mind totally focused on Blair and her brother sitting here at the table with his family. And even worse then that at a higher place on the table then him the next in line for the Lairdship. Deep inside he was ready to burst from anger at the clear affront. What was worse is Kael really had no intention of it; it had just happened that way.
Blair sighed and smiled slightly at her brother and mouthed the words, 'Thank you,' to him before sighing and working to pick at her food. Her appetite however soon left her as she glanced in Kael's direction and just happened to catch Ginessa reaching her hand up to touch his hand and run it up his arm a little bit in a brazenly intimate, public gesture.

Before she could see and kind of reaction on his part, her stomach seemed to twist in a knot and she felt much more like she was going to be sick then have any urge to eat more. People came and went from dinner in the hall all the time and so Blair just excused herself from her brother as she rose from her seat and departed the room back to her own.

Linette had been watching the whole time and could not help but rise herself, filling a plate with food and looking to Kael as she departed, "You can be a real fool sometimes..." she told him before turning her nose up and heading after Blair.
Kale had pulled his hand away from Ginessa scowling Kael had seen Blair getting up from the table and walking away and was about to stand and follow her when Linette spoke to him. he looked at his sister in shock not sure what to say in response to that. He just sat there watching the women leave feeling a soft kick under the table and looking over seeing his aunt glaring at him clearly seconding what his sister had said without saying anything. He sighed and leaned back in his chair not caring to eat anymore only trying to figure out what it was that he had done to make Blair so upset his mind completely forgetting Ginessa.
When Linette entered into Blairs room, she found the girl lying in bed, her back towards the door. She put the plate upon the table and looking to see if Blair had looked in her direction at all. She had not. "Are you tired?" Linette asked as she came to sit on the edge of the bed. "You barely ate a thing at the meal. You really should you know..." Blair seemed to just nod her head a little. It made Linette sigh, "He didn't mean it you know. What he said. He doesn't plan to put your or Flynn out. Kael just... don't have a way with words."

"Linette..." Blair interrupted her, still not rolling over, "Don't try and cover for him. He has only confirmed for me what I have thought all along. I have grown far to comfortable here and tonight was just a harsh reminder that it's not my home and the closer I draw this place to my heart the harder it will be upon me when I have to leave it."

"You're not going to leave Blair...." Linette tried to explain but knew that coming from her the words would mean little to nothing. Rising she pulled a key from her pocket and left it on the table besides the tray. "This isn't a master key or anything like that, just a key for your door. I thought you might want to lock it at night."

"Thank you Linette. It will make me sleep a little better."

After leaving her, urging her to eat, she returned to the hall, still looking rather cross at her brother as she took her seat once more.
That night’s dinner had to be the most drawn out and agonizing thing that Kael had been forced to sit through in years. The entire time he was trying to figure out what it was that had set everything on its ear that night knowing it had to have been something that he had said. Finally dinner was over and Kael quickly stood walking over to Linette as she stood placing his hand on her arm. “Linette I..” he wasn’t able to get anything else out.

Linette pulled away from him glaring daggers at him clearly very pissed and not afraid to show it. “Don’t talk to me Kael you can be such an ass at times. You don’t deserve to have a decent conversation tonight.” She pulled away Driscol slipping his arm around her shoulder and shaking his head slowly at Kael. It had been a long time since Driscol had said something that dumb but he remembered the way Linette could get and knew Kael was in for a fight with Blair.

Angus had come around the end of the table moving toward his best friend knowing that he was looking for answers and knowing that no one else was going to be willing to give them right now. He came over about ready to pull Kael aside to talk to him.
But before Angus could get there, Ginessa was at Kael's side once more and linked her arm with his, "Oh Kael, be a dear will you? Walk me to my room? It's been so very lone since I have been in your home I forget my way around. This place is so... so..." she smirked a little, here eyes glancing down at the space between his legs and giggled slightly, "big. You know what I mean, don't you?" She started to tug him along, away from where Angus wanted to intercept them.
Angus sighed and shook his head slowly. “Now is a time of testing for you my friend. What will you choose? And who will you be with?” Angus muttered under his breath before turning to go back to his room knowing that if Kael resisted Ginessa tonight he would come and search him out.

Kael had still been looking after his sister and brother-in-law sighing as he didn’t know what else to say. This was getting very old being at a loss for words when he normally was the one with all the answers. He felt Ginessa take his arm but missed all the suggestive language and looks she was giving him so thought nothing of nodding slightly. “Very well, right this way.” He led her slowly through the hallways heading back toward her rooms.
Ginessa smirked as they made there way to her room in the guest wing of the manor. It was just down the hall from where Blair was staying, in fact, they had to walk right past her closed door to reach Ginessa's room. "Well... here we are..." Ginessa started and before Kael could be the gentleman and just bid her a good night, her arms were around him and her lips were pressed hard against his in a wild and lusty kiss.
Kael had just opened his mouth to say good night and she kissed him on the open mouth. He stood there for a long moment stunned that she would do something so forward. His body reacted on instinct his arms slipping around her pulling her against him but his main asset wasn’t responding as it normally would to this situation. His mind had been so distracted that even as she kissed him he wasn’t even really thinking about it his mind was still on Blair and what he had done.
She went on kissing him a few moments before she pulled her lips back enough to whisper her propsition to her, "Spend the night with me Kael. I'm a woman free of all ties that bind. And my many lovers never complain of the things I give them. Let me show you Kael. Everyone one of them was just practice for you. It's always been your body I've wanted joined with mine." She tugged him towards the door.

Just as her hand touched the knob to open it, the sound of someone opening another door came from nearby. It was not Blair, yet it was just as bad perhaps for it was Flynn, catching them still locked in an embrace. Her glared at the pair a moment before he shook her head, looking very disappointed and bowed his head, "Pardon, I did not mean to walk in on you in the middle of the hallway. I will wait until you are done." Her went back into his room once again after giving Kael once last glare.
As She pulled back Kael started to come out of his daze and realized what had been going on as she suggested they spend the night locked in each other’s arms. For a moment his mind flashed through that concept since he hadn’t been interested in taking any of his normal girls to his bed since Blair had shown up he thought it might be good for him…but only for a moment.

Had Flynn just waited another second to come out of the door he would have seen a totally different scene before him. as Flynn closed the door Kael pushed Ginessa back against her door his hands dropping to his sides. “Ginessa, I think you need to realize that you are wasting your time trying to get me in bed. It will never happen.” He turned on his heel to walk away and leave her.
She was quick to come and walk around him, cutting off his escape, "It's that Ross girl, isn't it? You're taken her as your leman, haven't you?" Crossing her arms, it made her ample chest bulge a bit more in temptation. "She's young, naive, innocent. You know she can't give you the kind of pleasures I could." He hand trailed down his stomach to brush over his cock within his pants still. "Does she take you in her mouth? I know men like that but find it hard to locate a willing woman to do it. I'm more then willing. Is your little maiden?"
His hand grabbed her wrist and twisted it around using his larger body to turn her around her arm high up near the middle of her back. “Listen very closely Ginessa, this has nothing to do with Blair the only reason I don’t come to your bed is because I can stomach the idea of being inside you. It makes me sick to even consider the idea that I could ever get pleasure for anything you could give me. Now if you are here just to get me into your bed then you are wasting your time and should just go home and learn to be a good mother, not a slut that can’t keep her legs closed.” He pushed her away lightly before walking a little farther down the hall and turned back to look at her. “And by the way, I would never touch a lady without her permission, Blair Ross will never be my leman that position would be for someone lower then her, but better then you.” He turned and didn’t look back.
Hearing a bit of some kind of commotion from out in the hall, Blair rose up from the table where she had been picking at her now rather cold dinner while she had blank paper laid out in front of her. She had never been able to look at a page before and not be able to picture the image she wanted to draw upon it before. It seemed like her inspiration had left her.

Crossing to the door, she opened it to look out into the hall. Kael was already gone, but Ginessa still stood huffing and puffing a ways down the hall. She watched as she turned in went back to the door of her room. Opening it and going inside. Blair wondered a moment what had gotten her so mad, but she found a hint of happiness in Ginessa's displeasure.

She was about to close the door again, when a chill ran up her spine and she watched Malise come from down the hall and approach Ginessa's door. He glanced a moment before knocking down the hall spotting her and giving her a wicked smile a moment before Blair shut the door and quickly put the key in the lock.
Angus had gone back to his room and laid down thinking over the events of the night. Kael really was lost when it came to Blair that the only reason he could see him saying something so stupid. Kael really just didn’t think. He only hoped that his friend would think clearly enough to not take Ginessa to his bed. Angus shivered at the very thought as Ginessa had once tried to get Angus into bed as well and it had never left him the sick dirty feeling that woman gave you.

He sat up looking at his door with a raised eyebrow wondering who it was that had just knocked. “Come?”
Kael pushed the door open closing it hard behind him and sighing deeply leaning back against the hard wood drawing strength from its presence. “You have no idea what I have just been through.”

Angus sighed and shook his head slowly. “Oh I think I do, and most of it is your own fault. Now tell me what happened with Ginessa.”

Kael was a little shocked at how Angus was talking to him but just went ahead and told him the story of what had happened outside Ginessa’s door even mentioning Flynn.

Angus shook his head slowly sighing deeply and then coming over and placing his hand on Kael shoulder. “Its bad…with saying that they would only been here for a short while and then that…I will try and talk to Flynn before he tells Blair what happened but I can’t be sure he will believe me.”

“What? What do you mean saying that they would only be here for a little while that is not what I said.” Kael thought back over and then he slumped down and slide down the door sighing softly. “That’s not what I meant to say.”

Angus smiled dropping down to Kael’s level, “I know my friend but that is how it was taken. And then with Ginessa..well it doesn’t look good.” He paused a second and looked at Kael, “Did you really say that too her?”

Kael looked back, “Yes, you know how I feel about Ginessa, and you share my feelings.”

Angus nodded slowly smirking slightly. “Yes but Blair and Ginessa are of the same station if Ginessa isn’t a little higher born. So why would you put Blair on such a pedestal?”

“You know that,” Kael stood back up moving into the center of the room pacing a little, to his friends amusement. “Its how Ginessa acts, she doesn’t act like Blair. Blair just has this…I don’t know this air about her as though she was meant for something more. She just…well you have been around her.”

Angus smirked shaking his head before standing. “I have and I know what you mean but that wouldn’t spark me to say such a thing. And you said that you didn’t even get hard for Ginessa,” he came over touching his friend’s neck. “Yeah still warm, so why didn’t you get hard?”

“Why are we even talking about this?”

“Because I think its important. Have you been having a hard time being hard? You haven’t taken any of the maids to your bed recently.”

Kael scoffed and glared at his friend. “I will have you know that I got harder than ever before just recently when….” He stopped.

Angus smirked, “When?”

“When I had Blair pinned against the stable wall.”

Angus just went over pouring two drinks for him and his friend not saying anything knowing he didn’t need too. Kael was smart and would figure this out for himself.

“Is she a witch?”

Angus just about dropped the glass he was holding in shock. Okay maybe he needed a little help after all. Angus picked up the other glass and handed it too Kael shaking his head. “No she is not a witch. But she has put a kind of spell on you. You have found a woman that consumes you so much that no other woman interests you. You want her, and only her, and until you have her or separate yourself from her you always will.” He sipped his drink letting that sink in a little before continuing. “So Kael Sutherland, do you want her bad enough to face what you know will come after you have her? and will she be enough for you?”

Kael downed the entire drink quickly his face covered with mixed thoughts, he wasn’t sure…but he would find out.
Blair crumbled that paper in her hands and threw it across the room, landing it in the fireplace. Another drawing that just couldn't seem to come out correctly on the paper. A disaster really to the point where it ended up in just a scribble of lines that deserved to only destroyed. What was wrong with her? She had not been able to draw a half decent image for days. It pained her to say it but since the night that she realized this place she had become to comfortable with was not her home. She was a fool to let herself start thinking of it as one. The people here so warm and welcoming, but it wasn't going to last no matter how much she wanted it to. Until she could either figure a way to persuade Kael to let them stay or until they were turned out, she had stopped herself from growing to like this place any further. Linette would come asking to go riding but she always declined. She would slip into the kitchens before or after a meal to steal a few bites to avoid the family meals, and with the key from Linette, it was easy to lock out anyone and everyone.

As for Flynn, he felt more then a little betrayed. Much like Blair, he had started to feel like this place could be a home for them and had fully supported the idea of Blair and Kael possibly wedding one another so this place could be home. But after catching him in the arms of that woman Ginessa... he didn't want a man that would end up seeking his pleasures with any other woman let alone one like Ginessa for his sister. He was no longer so sure he liked the idea of tricking his sister into this. He should have really helped her to escape.
Kael still hadn’t figured out the answer to his questions about Blair and his desire for her. he sighed as he walked along the wall just looking out over the battlements not being able to get his mind to focus on anything else but Blair.
Angus hadn’t been able to get Flynn alone to talk this entire time. Every time that Angus tried to get him to talk the lad just left not wanting to talk. Angus was having enough of it but at the same time he admired the lad’s support of his sister. he came to Flynn’s room and knocked waiting for the boy to answer before pushing the door open more using his larger frame to make it in. “We need to talk Flynn.”

Flynn staggered back from the force of the push sighing softly and moving over to a chair. "I don't really wish to talk, but if we must, we must. What do you want?”

Angus slipped inside closing the door behind him and coming over to stand in front of Flynn. "I think you have gotten the wrong idea about Kael and I'm here as your friend and his to help you understand better"

“You did not see what I did. The man does not have any kind of good intentions for my sister when he's wrapped in the arms of another one. I don't want the kind of man that will sleep with one woman while trying to woe another." Flynn was pissed and his hand tightened on the arm of the chair snarling lightly at Angus, not mad at him but rather at Kael.

Angus was trying to maintain his composure and not get mad at Flynn for making such actuations "You are assuming that it went on from there. You are young Flynn, you don't know everything that happens or how. Kael..."

Flynn wasn;t willing to listen and pushed up out of the chair his ahnds coming up onto Angus’ chest and pushed back the action taking Angus off guard letting him push back a little. "And you are so loyal to him you'll do anything to make him seem like he's without blame. He has promised one thing to me but shown me nothing as proof he will fulfill them. What he has done is been with another woman while he purses my sister and left both myself and Blair feel like we are burdens upon him he wants to be rid of. Blair was right. We are like prisioners here."

Angus had recovered and suddenly grabbed Flynn’s shirt spinning him around and pushing him hard up against the wall pinning him there glaring at him. "Listen closely lad because I'm going to say this once. Kael was in my room not ten minuets after leaving the dining hall. He did nothing with Ginessa, and never would. He misspoke at dinner and you should learn to be careful about speaking ill of the man that has shown you such great kindness. Most Lairds would have thought nothing of killing you privetly dispite the code they all have sowrn too. at the very best you would be out alone in the world with no one to turn too and you sister would be his whore. Though I admire you for standing up for your sister in this becareful to know all the facts before you speak."

Angus released Flynn and stormed out leaving the lad out of breath and a little in shock at what had just happened no knowing what to think.
Deciding that there was just nothing she could do about her artistic block inside her room and just needing that kind of relaxation that it usually brought her, she picked up her paper and items to draw with and left her room. Going in search of some kind of inspiration, she wandered for a time, unable to find anything at all that sparked her interest.

Looking up, she spotted a window of a high tower room she had never really noticed before and thought the view would be great and if anything could inspire her, perhaps a view of the land from there would be it. The question was how to get up there. Spotting a worker in the courtyard, she approached the man and asked, "Is there anyway to reach that room up there?" pointing to the window she had spotted.

The man paused his work to see where Blair pointed and frowned a little, "Why would you want to go up there lady Blair? Its nothing but darkness and cobwebs."

She only smiled back a little, "Perhaps, but the view is likely very nice though from that little window."

Her smile was rather contagious and it had him smiling as well. Everyone here like Blair very much. "Oh, I see, well if you go to the main hall and take the second passage on the north side you will come to a stair it will take you up to a trapdoor in the ceiling just open it and you will find the room. Though it is a long climb my lady."

She gave him a light bow of her head in appreciation, "Thank you kindly," and departed, following his directions. She was spotted by a few servants in the great hall but none stopped her as she went on her way. The climb was rather tiring that when she reached her destination, she had to sit upon the ground a moment to catch her breath. After a few moments, she rose up and went to look out the window. The view was nice and she picked up her paper to try and draw.
Kael saw Blair walking through the hall and changed his mind quickly turning to follow her. he needed to explain somethings to her to help her understand what it was that he had meant to say. He wondered what had drawn her up to this tower. He pushed the trap door open stepping up seeing her by the window with the paper in her hand and smiling guessing why she had come up here. “Having a hard time finding inspiration?”
She heard the trap door at once of course. It creaked after all. As she turned she feared a little that she had possibly be alone now with someone that meant her harm. She had not thought about that until now. She didn't know if it was better or worse that it was Kael that she found when she looked. "Oh... Laird Kael....." she felt like the room was suddenly smaller then it already was and the air was a bit tense. "I suppose I am. I thought maybe a landscape might be a chance of pace I need." She frowned a little, "How did you find me here?"
He looked at her fore a moment and slowly stepped up into the room leaving the trap door open. He smiled softly shrugging slightly. “It helps that I saw you coming up here so it wasn’t that hard to find you.” He continued smiling for another moment before letting it slip slightly. “Blair…we need to talk about some things.” He needed to figure how to say what needed said without having anything coming out wrong like it had that night at the dinner table.
Well there was no way she'd be able to draw anything now. With a sigh, she put the paper and charcoal down, leaning against the window frame when she stood again to face her. Blair was a bit proud of herself that she was able to paint on a sudden stone like look to her face as the conversation she knew would grow serious, "What do you think we need to talk about?"
His face changed with hers in response to the way she was acting and the clear cold sound in her voice. “I thought we could talk about dinner a few night ago and I hoped you would let me explain what you apparently misunderstood what I said.” He had taking a more challenging stance and moved toward her seeing the challenge in her eyes and returning it.
It was suddenly very much like a game between them as she shrugged, "I don't understand. What was it I have apparently misunderstood Laird Kael?" She had not used his title with him in a long time. Since the time she was his mini prisoner with her room and he her only human contact. "If you speak of the dinner the night your cousin returned home with your guest, I though that it was a rather eye opening night that makes total sense to me now..."
Had she not used that one word calling him Lord he could have kept his head and no let his mind develop into slight rage. He was not happy with her and her curt replies his eyes narrowed and he smirked slightly at her. “I see and just what is it that you think you understand, and what do you think is so clear to you now?”
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