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(Reboot) The Cavern (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

Azalea was just looking for a moment in time before she was speaking, "I often thought about following in my sister's footsteps but... I don't have that talent." Well him giving her that information told her exactly who was related to him. She was however just looking for a moment before she questioned in a soft voice, "Did you hear about what happened earlier? I guess some people tried to go after the general and the king.... Some of the dancers were almost hurt in the process. Some dark haired dancer with the general and then some more tan skinned dancer who was next to the king. It was so terrifying..." No make it seem as though she had been in the room at the time when it had happened to begin with.
Robert looked at her "are the dancers ok?" Robert couldn't care if the king and general were ok or not but he did worry about his sister and he wanted to make sure that she was ok and not at any risk of being hurt.
Azalea was just looking for a brief moment in time before she was giving a small nod of her head before she spoke, "From what I saw before us servants were shooed up... they were sent back below."
Robert nodded his head and relaxed some he cared for his sister and he didnt want anything to happen to her. he was however surprised that an attack had happened as one hadn't been planned
Azalea was just shaking her head some before she was stating that it had been terrifying, and was commenting that it had seemed very disorganized.
Azalea was just watching him for a brief moment in time before she was watching as the two idiot guards were bringing back the bloodied rebel and tossing them in their cell again. Lord she hoped that there would be smarter guards that came down... ones that would actually know to keep her secret, that or Grant himself so she could pass on information.
Azalea was giving a startled shriek when they were doing this - nope playing the game of struggling against them and being absolutely terrified at that point in time. Although anybody who did know her... knew that she didn't usually feel much for emotion at all. Not since the death of her sister - that is when she had really turned more into an ice queen.
Azalea stopped fighting against them when they were out of sight of everybody else and was just looking at the two guards from where she was sitting in the torture chamber. Well going the opposite direction would have seemed more suspicious, so this was the best area to come to. "The oldest of the dancers is the younger sister of the second in command." she was passing on the information to the guards - knowing that they would pass it onto Grant and Hayden right away. They were the other two idiots, which she was still concerned about but she figured that it would be fine.

Caera was just looking around the room that she was in before looking towards her legs which were wrapped up in bandages still from where the glass had gotten her. She had been told to keep them on for a few hours after she had been healed, and now she was working on taking them off. It had been a few hours. A spell salve had been put on the bandages to make sure that none of the wounds got infected as they were healing up - since the healer had used slower healing magic since it hadn't been a dire thing.
Abby looked through the cavern for her brothers and when she couldn't find Robert she became worried. her eldest brother Vincent told her not to worry about him but she still did as they were her only family.

the guards looked at each other and then nodded their heads as they would let the general and the king know what she had learned. while it wasn't what they wanted it was something they could use
Azalea was just looking for a brief moment in time before she was commenting, "It is something. May not be much but it can still be useful. Because... As he says... She is the baby of the family. Babies of the family are usually highly doted on." With that she was just shrugging her shoulders for a moment before she was stating that she would figure out what else she could figure out. "Also... the two idiots... tell Grant to reassign them to elsewhere. I really don't want to have to worry every time they come down on if my cover is going to be blown or not."
the two nodded their heads and then saluted her before heading off to do as ordered taking her back to the cell to try and get more information on the rebel leader
Azalea was just looking before she was commenting, "Might want to make it seem like you did rough me up a little bit."
Azalea was just commenting, "I guess I'll have been the good prisoner that just answered all of the your questions because I was so terrified." With that she was hopping up from where she was sitting.
Azalea was following after them although the closer they got she just seemed more resigned but still afraid at that point in time, just sniffling a bit as though she had been crying.
Azalea was just falling into the cell when she was shoved in and didn't seem to move at first, acting more startled and stunned still. But after a bit she was moving and pushing some of her hair out of her face.
Robert looked at her and then welcomed her back. while he did that the guards headed to inform the general and king about what had been learned so they could act on it
Azalea was just speaking in a soft voice, "I was so scared...." She was just shaking her head and drew her knees to her chest.

Hayden was just looking up as the guards were returning from the dungeon and looked towards Grant. He didn't really know what had been decided between his generals, but he also trusted them to know what they were doing.
Grant explained to the king what had happened so that he was aware of what they were doing and why she wasn't going to be around for a bit. the guards then explained what had been learned.

Robert looked at her "well you survived that is good"
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