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(Reboot) The Cavern (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

Azalea was eventually coming out of her room although she definitely didn't look like a general at that point in time. No she looked more like a commoner that really didn't have all that much in her life anymore.
Azalea was just looking towards him for a brief moment in time before she was speaking, "Well that was the goal. And it is just a good thing that... nobody really knows who I am." Even in the palace nobody really knew at all - not unless she blatantly told them that she was the Black Knight.
Azalea was just walking with him although once they got down to the cells is when she actually made that show up putting up a fight against him, trying to get away from him.
Grant used his sheer strength to keep her contained and then pushed her in to the same cell as the second in command before closing and locking the door
Azalea did try and fight back against him - mind as well make it seem convincing but in the end she did find herself being tossed into the cell as well. Well being tossed in with the second in command hadn't been what she was expecting at all but hopefully it would work out well enough.
Azalea just acted as though she was afraid and was pushing some of her tears away from her face - well tears from some eye drops that she had used secretly before leaving but nobody needed to know that.
Azalea was just looking for a moment before she spoke, "I don't know... I.... I just started working here in the palace a week ago... and now I'm being accused of being a rebel. I haven't even interacted with the rebels..... I had considered finding somebody to talk to them about joining.... but I never did." There were some who lived down below whose skills were noticed by guards and they were recommended to be taken up above. And obviously she couldn't act like she knew nothing about the rebels if she was from down below... everybody knew about them.
Azalea was just shaking her head before she was speaking in a frightened voice, "I...I've heard stories about how once people are brought down here.... they never leave... not until they hear what they want to hear."
Azalea was just shaking her head before she was speaking "I don't even know what I did to make them think that...." She was just mumbling a couple of things under her breath that would perhaps make him wonder if she knew anybody from the rebellion.
Robert was wondering if she knew someone and that was why she had been grabbed but at the same time he didnt know who she would know as he didnt know who she was
The pair of them would just sit in silence for a bit but it wouldn't be long before a couple of guards were coming down to the dungeon. She was hoping that Grant had said something to them or it was going to ruin everything if they said something about her.
Grant had said something but the two that had entered were known idiots and it was a coin flip on if they would blow her cover or not
Azalea was going to absolutely murder them if they blew her cover but thankfully it didn't seem like they were paying attention to them at the time - no they were going to pull somebody else out of the cell to go torture them. This had her just flinching and looking away at the person's scream.
Azalea was just watching before she questioned, "W...What will happen to him?" She was moving backwards away from the bars a little bit before she was mumbling that she wished she had listened to her sister. Thankfully it wasn't a lie about her having a sister; and her sister had actually voluntarily gone underground many years ago. She had been one of the dancers for a few years - unless illness claimed her life.
Azalea was just shaking her head before she spoke, "That is horrible.... My sister always use to warn me that I should just stay below... that I shouldn't draw attention to myself but I didn't listen."
Azalea was just chuckling a bit before she spoke, "Mine was three years old than me. She was a dancer down below for years.... but then two years ago she passed away from illness. What about your sister?"
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