(Reboot) The Cavern (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

Hayden was just looking towards the female that was brought to him and then looked towards the guard that was returning to let him know where the drunkard had gone with the dancer that he had dragged with him. "General, go and interfere." was all the king said after it was brought to his attention that he had taken her off towards the room that he was staying in that night. Now Hayden had given permission for the men to touch the dancers - but he hadn't given them permission take them anywhere else other than the ballroom and the gardens.
Grant nodded his head and left Abby with the king before he headed off in the direction where the man had taken Caera. Grant moved fast once he was clear of the room and it didnt take him long to arrive where they were and he got between the too and spoke "you have broken the rules the king made it clear where you could and couldn't take the dancers"
When Grant did head up and into the room he would find the man more or less had Caera pinned to the bed with a hand around her neck at the time, the woman was definitely trying to push him away - but he was far stronger than she was. She was coughing some when he was letting go as Grant was getting between them and she was just crawling backwards on the bed a bit, wanting to be out of the way. The other man definitely looked like he was about to get violent, and she really didn't want to get involved in that.
Grant stood to his full height and looked at the man "rats a single hand against me and you will join the people in the cells below" Grant then looked at Caera "are you ok" if she was hurt or there was a mark on her the man would end up at the mercy of the king
The man was just yelling some profanities at him, telling him that he had no right to interfere with him at all. Caera was definitely about to answer Grant although she was giving a startled shriek when the other man was trying to lunge past Grant, towards her.
Grant turned and hit the man with such force that you could hear the males ribs break on impact. Grant looked at the male "you made a mistake in trying to harm her and I have permission from his majesty to interfere in this"
The man was just giving a yelp of pain when that happened and he was going down to the ground, hard. Caera was just watching for a moment before she was cautiously climbing off of the bed on the other side. There were definitely faint marks forming on her neck from where he had grabbed her at, but that was about it.
Grant then looked at her and when he spotted the marks he spoke "go back the ballroom I will come for you soon" Grant would take her to the medical wing to make sure that nothing was wrong but he had to deal with the male first
Caera was just giving a small nod of her head before she was giving a small curtsy before she was hurrying off back towards the ballroom. Yes she was slightly shaken up but she wasn't all that shaken up all at once.
Grant called for guards to come in and take the man to one of the cells and he would go and report to the king what had happened so he was aware
The guards were coming in to take the man away to the dungeons while Caera was just wandering over to where the other dancers were at, a couple of them asking if she was alright. This had her just giving a nod, the marks being hidden behind her hair which was down now.
Grant soon returned to the room and he went over and bowed to Hayden "my king" he then explained everything that had happened and what he had walked in on so that the king was aware of what happened. Grant then looked at Abby who was pale after hearing what had happened.
Hayden was just looking over for a moment in time before he spoke, "Make sure that the man is punished accordingly. Take the dancer to the medics to have them to a full examination."
Hayden was just watching for a brief moment in time then watched as Grant was going over to where Caera was at, currently speaking with some of the other dancers. There were a few that did actually try and stop Grant from getting closer, or would have had Caera not spoken and told them not to be interfering. "The king and the general... they are the only ones that you cannot deny. All other men... unless dictated by the king himself... you are allowed to deny." she was speaking after a moment in time. After that she was following after Grant.
Grant guided her to the medical wing speaking only when he needed too "the king has ordered a full medical exam because of this incident" Grant looked at her to make sure that she was still following him
Caera was just giving a nod of her head but she didn't say anything at all. As she was walking she was just looking around a little bit, taking stuff in at that point in time. She was still following after him, and not falling behind at all. Although she did find herself halting for a brief moment in time and with good timing, having just seen movement out of the corner of her eye before the window near them was shattering from an arrow that flew through and was imbedding itself in the wall between the two of them. Well this definitely had her giving a startled gasp and she was taking a step backwards, falling onto the ground. She had been cut a bit by the glass when it shattered, Grant would have as well but neither of them had been struck by the arrow - which had actually been aiming for Grant.

Even the ballroom would find itself getting a bit hectic as it was actually being attacked - some rebels having actually hidden amongst the guests and they were stupid enough to try and aim for the king. Not like it was going to be that simple at all - he was a much stronger of a warrior than what people gave him credit for. And Grant wasn't his only general either; and with Grant leaving to escort the dancer, his other general was coming out from the shadows. A tall woman with red hair and a pair of striking hazel eyes, a sword being drawn to block an attack aimed for the king. Hayden was already ordering some of his guards to escort the dancers out of there and back down below. Abby was safe for the night.
Abby screamed when the attack happened and she moved to get away from the king and head to where the other dancers were. Abby soon joined them and hugged some of the younger ones to her and then moved with the guards to get out of the ball room. Abby didnt know why the party had been attacked but she had a feeling that all hell was going to break lose down below later on.

Grant looked at the arrow and then at the cuts on his arm and then he looked from where the arrow had come flying from. seeing a person there he drew his sword out and stood his ground waiting for the next attack
The dancers were all escorted away and sent back down below, minus Caera since she wasn't with at the time. She was sitting on the ground still a bit shaken up from what had happened - and despite the fact that the person had been spotted, they were still fleeing after a moment. No they hadn't succeeded in a sneak attack so they were getting the hell out of there. They knew that they didn't stand a chance against the general at all.

"Are you alright, your majesty?" the red haired woman was asking Hayden, who was just giving a nod of his head before he was stating that the party was dismissed. The rebels that been easily taken care of at that point in time, and now everybody was quickly leaving. The king himself was leaving to return to his chambers, the woman following after him. "Find General Grant after his and let him know as well." Hayden was telling the woman. This had her giving a nod of her head before she was escorting him to his room.

The red haired woman was named Azalea and she just so happened to be a general to the king as well - although not many people actually knew that she was a general. More like not many people actually acknowledged it other than those that knew her true skills. But she used the fact that people saw her as just an innocent woman to her advantage on the battlefield. In reality - she was the one person other than Grant who could stand toe to toe against the king in a fight.
Grant then put his sword away when he saw the rebel run away and he looked at her "are you ok?" he then offered his hand to help her up off of the floor so that they could get going.
Caera was just looking for a moment before she was taking his offered hand and getting to her feet shakily. "Y...Yeah...." she was speaking although it was obvious that she was shaken up and had a few cuts from the glass shattering. Although now there was the matter of continuing to follow him - considering she usually didn't wear shoes and now the floor was covered in glass.
Grant noticed that she was bare foot and he reached over and picked her up and carried her over the glass before setting her down in a safe area so that they could get going.
Caera was more than startled when he was doing that, a small squeak actually coming from her without her even realizing it. But it wasn't long before she was being set down again and she was following after him.
Caera was just going over and sitting on one of the beds as directed, letting the doctor look her over at that point in time. It wasn't long before the door was opening and a red haired woman was coming into the medical wing - just going over to Grant right away. "Grant. There was an attack on the ballroom. A few prisoners were taken - nobody was harmed. The king was obviously the target . Rebels by the seems of it..." Azalea was commenting before she was looking at the dancer that was sitting there before she was commenting that the other dancers had been sent below already - and the king had asked her to pass on a message. "The dancer with you is to be given a room for the night, and treated as a guest since it is rather late."
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