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(Reboot) The Cavern (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

Grant nodded his head as he listened to Azalea "we were shot at as well" Grant gave her the location so she could go and check it out if she wanted too. Grant then looked at Caera and nodded again at the announcement that she was to be given a room and treated like a guest. Grant would place her in a room near him so that he could keep an eye on her
Azalea was just looking over for a moment in time before she was commenting, "I'll go and check it out." With that she was just looking towards the dancer for a moment before she was turning to walk away with a wave of her head. No she would go and see what she could find.
Grant watched her go before he looked at the doctor "well how is she" Grant wanted to know just how far he got to torture the man once he was sober and how much pain he got to inflict on him
"good to hear the king would have been very displeased to learn there was more harm then there is" Grant now knew how much to punish the man as there were strict guidelines put in to place on how much someone could be punished. Grant then looked at Caera and spoke "lets go and get you settled for the night"
The doctor was stating "Her legs were too cut up by the glass and it will not take long to heal either." It wasn't long before he was giving her some medications to help with any infection and sending her on her way with Grant.
Grant showed her to a room near his and opened the door for her "you will sleep here tonight and in the morning I'll take you back down below"
Caera was nodding her head and saying a good night before she was closing the door, so that she could rest.
When he did go down there he would find that Azalea was down in the dungeons as well. Currently and was standing with a heeled boot on the chest of a rebel who was begging for their life. "Then tell me what I want to know. That simple." She was cooing with a rather innocent smile.
Grant chuckled when he spotted her and then looked at the rebel who babbled that only the second in command knew who the leader was and that they wouldn't talk.
Azalea was just smiling innocently before she was commenting, "I don't think you know how persuasive I can be." With that she was just gesturing for the rebel to be hauled away before she was turning to look at Grant for a moment. "Well I suppose lets see how stubborn that second in command is."
"I wish you luck I have tried numerous torture techniques and he refuses to talk" Grant looked at the mans cell and spotted the man doing pushups even while beaten and cut up to high heaven "he is one stubborn bastard"
Azalea was just looking over before she was speaking, "Hmm... Maybe I can find a way to get under his skin a bit. After all... I am not really all that known by many at all." She did keep herself hidden even on the battlefield - hiding beneath black armor. Nobody knew that Hayden's other general was a woman. And she was making sure that she stayed out of sight of others before she was commenting in a soft voice, "Lets leave for now... I need to find something different to wear and you are going to arrest me on suspicion that I am a rebel."
Grant looked at her and narrowed his eyes before nodding his head. if she had a plan he would help her but he didnt know if she would get the man to break or not but it was worth a try at this point.
Azalea was just looking before she was heading off back towards her chambers and gesturing for a couple of maids to follow after her - stating that she needed some plain clothes. "Torn up and dirty, doesn't matter."
Grant tapped his lips and then spoke "I think I know where to get something like that the dancers left their clothes when they were urged back below maybe try there for something that will fit"
The maids were just looking over before one of them was commenting, "Umm... We have cleaned those up to have them sent back down below but we can take you to where they all are."
Grant nodded "that would be your best bet" Grant didnt know if they would notice the missing clothes or not but he figured it was the simplest way
Azalea was just shrugging before she was speaking, "I have a few plainclothes that I can dirty and cut up some. Not that big of a deal." With that she was heading off towards her room so that she could get changed.
Azalea was just going into her room so that she could change and was actually pulling her hair out of the bun she had it in and let it fall around her shoulders in waves, before making her hair more of a mess.
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