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(Reboot) The Cavern (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

Hayden was nodding his head before he spoke, "Well then we will call up the dancers again in a couple of days... and we will bring the prisoners out to see them as well."

Azalea was just stating, "I...I'm no fighter....I just... answered their questions... I don't have anything to tell them..."
Grant nodded his head at his kings order and he made a mental note to bring them back up in a few days

Robert chuckled "they dont care"
Hayden was just looking before he was commenting, "See if we can't get information from the dancer about the eldest one in question. If you have to be a little aggressive, go ahead."

Azalea was just shaking her head although just seemed to be shaking.
Grant bowed and then headed to talk to Caera to find out what he could about the other female.

Robert didnt move to comfort her as he didnt know her all that well
Caera was just looking up as the door was opening and saw that it was just the general. She didn't rise from the bed or anything - but she also wasn't really sure how to react to him being there. There was a bit of worry that crossed through her.
"what can you tell me about the eldest of your group the king is interested in her" Grant figured it was better to go this route first
Caera was just looking towards him for a brief moment in time before she questioned, "What exactly are you wanting to know?" No obviously she was being guarded against him, not sure if she trusted him. Even giving a name could be a dangerous thing.
"Her name is Abby. And that is all I will tell you. I don't believe that it is of importance if she has family or not." Caera was speaking after a moment in time. No she knew about Robert and Vincent, she had meet them both. She had also heard that Robert had gone missing recently and there speculation that he was trapped in the dungeons.
Grant nodded his head and while he wanted to get more information a name would give them some wiggle room and it would also give them a chance to see a true startled reaction from her when her name was said
Caera was just watching him for a moment in time before she was just folding her arms over her chest. No she wasn't going to give him any other information other than that, he didn't need to know any more information.
Grant then wished her a good evening and left knowing that she wouldn't tell him anything even if he did use force to get her to tell him
Caera was just watching him for a moment in time before she was just letting out a breath of air and just curling up in the bed. Yet who would have figured that as night fell upon them that she would actually be slipping out of the room and managing to make her way down into the dungeon. "Robert...." she was whispering when she was spotting him and going over to the cell that he was in. Did she realize that the woman in the cell with him was actually working with the king? Not at all.
Robert spotted her and went to her making sure to be quite so as not to wake the woman up "Caera what are you doing here dont tell me Abby is with you" Robert was worried about his sister
Caera was just shaking her head before she explained what had happened and how the other dancers had been sent down below. "I'm being treated as a guest for the time being because of what happened." she was commenting and just pushing a bit of hair out of her face. Nope they didn't need to know that Azalea was awake and listening to the conversation.
"you have to keep Abby safe I dont trust them not to go after her because of me" Robert looked at Azalea and then he looked back at Caera
Caera was just nodding her head before she was speaking, "I will try my best anyways. I should be able to go back down in the morning so I can warn Abby and V as well." Nope she was referencing their brother but she wasn't saying an actual name.
Caera was giving a nod of her head before she was slipping away so that she could return to her room before she got caught. She was getting back to her room and just disappearing into the covers about five minutes before a couple of maids were coming in to check on her. Close timing.
The night went by and the dungeon was being visited by the king himself, who seemed rather cheerful at that point in time. "I have a special surprise planned for all of you later tonight. A special show by my precious dancers." he was commenting in a cheerful voice.
Robert looked at the king but he didnt react as he knew if he reacted then there would be reason to look closer at his reactions when the dancers came out
Azalea was just looking towards the king although she did have a raised eyebrow that was hidden behind her hair so only the king could see it. He just grinned before he was speaking to the guards, "Make sure that they are presentable."
All of the prisoners were taken off so that they could get cleaned up and then they were all dragged to the throne room where the king was standing. At that point in time even Caera seemed to be there as well with a guard standing next to her as though she was going to run.
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