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(Reboot) The Cavern (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

Grant was standing next to the king like he always did and then watched as the dancers reappeared before the king. all of them bowed and then moved to make room to perform. several of them were shocked to see the prisoners there and others were confused Abby was one of the ones who was confused
Caera was just watching and she was grateful when she was able to return to the other dancers, a few of them seeming to fuss over her and ask if she was alright. This had her reassuring them that she was fine before she was watching as the dancers were performing. The fact that the prisoners were there was a bit weird but it was best that questions were asked. Azalea was just standing towards the back of the prisoners just watching everything at that point in time.
Hayden was just nodding his head before he was commenting, "I can see the similarities now. I was also informed through a guard that the prisoners had a visitor last night. The dark haired dance slipped out of her room and seems to know the second in command as well." Information passed on through Azalea, who was still acting the innocent prisoner.
Grant looked at Caera and then nodded his head "interesting that wasn't something I knew about" Grant hadn't expected her to be so bold as to sneak out of her room
Hayden was just nodding his head before he was commenting, "That woman seems to be a little more bold than credit is given." With that he was clapping his hands before he was looking directly at Abby before he was commenting, "I have decided that... Abby will remain above with me tonight."
Abby paled when he said her name and then when what he had said sank him dread spread through her as she didnt know what was going to happen. Robert was shocked as well and more than a little worried about his sister.
Caera was just looking for a brief moment in time before she was looking as the king was giving Grant permission as well to decide on a dancer for the evening. "After the General as decided... the other dancers are up for grabs by others. But remember my rules." the king was commenting which had some of the guards around looking very excited. Azalea was just watching everybody although it wasn't long before she was spotting movement in the shadows. This had her actually shifting a bit to get Grant's attention, but nobody else seemed to notice her, before her eyes were flickering towards the shadows.
Grant spotted the shadows and frowned a bit before going over and picking Caera sending a maid to take her to his room from the evening. Grant then paid attention to where the shadows were going and what they were up too
Caera was a bit startled when she was being picked and was soon enough following after a maid to head to his chambers for the evening. Nope she was a bit afraid at that point in time but she was keeping calm at the time. The shadows seemed to just be moving at that point in time but they weren't making a move... at least not yet. When they did make a move however; it was the prisoners that seemed to be getting targeted. There were a couple of them that were getting killed and a few of them were being injured; Azalea was one of those that were being injured in the process. Not that it really bothered her much, usually pain didn't bother her but she was like any other normal person when they got hit in the shoulder by an arrow and giving a cry of pain.
Grant moved fast and went after those who had attacked as they needed to be taken down. much like Azalea Robert took an arrow as well and he looked at those that had attacked and glared but he knew what was going on. they were there to make sure that no information was spilled to the general and king
Some of the other guards were on the move as well to take out the shadows, easily taking them down without much difficulty at all. While Azalea wanted to just snap the arrow head and yank it out - she wasn't going to do that. She was just going to act as though she wasn't sure what to do at that point in time.
Robert walked to her having pulled his own arrow out and then he grabbed hers and pulled it out before pressing his hand to her wound "just breath"
Azalea was just giving a pained cry when he was doing that but she was nodding her head before she was pressing her own hand to the wound. Already it seemed like the medical staff were coming over to at least wrap up their wounds - that was nice of them.
Robert let his shoulder be tended too and while he wanted to stop his sister from going to the king she was already guided to the man
Hyaden was just watching for a brief moment in time before he was ordering for the injured prisoners to be taken to the medical wing and actually tended to before they were taken to the dungeon again.
Hayden was just watching for a brief moment in time before he was whispering to Abby, "You had better behave or it'll be your brother that pays." With that he was having her taken away to his chambers while he was heading to the medical wing. No he was mostly wanting to check that Azalea was fine.
Hayden was going into the medical wing and asking how the injured prisoners were. The medical staff were stating that they were going to make a full recovery, that thankfully the arrows hadn't been poisoned or anything like that. This had the king giving a nod of his head before he was assigning a couple of guards to guard the medical wing at the time.
the guards moved to do as the king ordered and guard the medical wing. the men didnt know why they needed to guard them but they didnt argue either
Hayden was just walking out of the room before he was commenting, "One of them is the second in command to the rebels. I need him alive to learn more and the woman near him... Well most of you know who she is." Not like anybody in the medical wing could actually hear him at the time.
the guards nodded their head and learning why the king wanted the man alive made them more willing to guard them to the best of their ability
It wasn't long before Hayden was turning and leaving to return to his room for the night. Caera was within Grant's room just sitting on the edge of the bed at that point in time.
Grant soon arrived in his room and looked at her. before speaking "so I hear you snuck down in to the dungeons last night"

Abby stood in the kings room with her arms wrapped around her
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