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(Reboot) The Cavern (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

Caera was just looking at him before she went to pull away from him. "N....No... I refuse...." she was speaking after a moment in time, her voice shaky.
Caera was just looking startled when he did that and was shifting to keep herself hidden, but it was pretty evident that she was a bit scared at the time.
Caera was giving a small whimper of pain when he was doing that. Not that she was a virgin - this not being the first time at all, but being forced still didn't feel good at all.
Caera was just sobbing at that the time, still trying to fight against him at that point in time. Although she did know that it was a futile fight at that point in time, and she was only causing herself more harm than not.
"Let me go!" Caera was screaming at him and was actually trying to kick at him, tears streaking down her cheeks at that point in time.
The fight was just a futile attempt to get away at that point in time - and Caera found herself subjected to be forced upon by the general. After a bit she just seemed to give up the fight, realizing that she wasn't going to be able to win at all. Yet she had caused some harm to herself trying to get away from him.
Caera just seemed to be curled up in a ball on his bed at that point in time, just sniffling some. A normal reaction from being raped, just wanting to keep away from everything and everybody at the time. She felt disgusting and dirty at that point in time.
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