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(Reboot) The Cavern (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

It probably wouldn't be any shock to him at all that she was actually slapping his hand away when he got close to her. "Don't touch me." Caera was hissing as she was just sitting up and drawing a blanket up around herself. Her eyes were blazing with a mixture of fear and danger all at once.
Caera was just moving away from him although this only resulted in her falling backwards off of the bed - and just barely missing hitting the bedside table with her head when she did fall.
There probably wouldn't be a shock to him at all that she was up and fleeing away from him - granted she just had a sheet wrapped around her but she didn't seem to care at all. No she just wanted to get away from him. Caera didn't want to be around the man that had raped her at all.

Azalea was just lounging in the medical wing at that point in time although it wasn't long before she was sitting up as she watched some of the doctors, her eyes just studying them for a brief moment in time.
Grant moved fast and caught her pulling her close to him his arms wrapped around her.

Robert looked at her and then spoke "leave the doctors be"
Azalea was just looking towards him for a moment before she spoke, "I haven't done anything. They just seem suspicious. For the time I've worked here... I don't recognize some of them." No she did but she recognized them as servants to another lord that was always trying to bring down the king - which had this whole situation even more amusing. But that also meant that she needed to tread more carefully as well.

Caera was giving a startled gasp and was falling backwards into his arms - although perhaps a good thing that he had caught her when he had. She had just been blinding fleeing at that point in time - and had almost taken a tumble down some stairs.
Grant scooped her up and then carried her back to his room to keep her contained for the rest of the evening. seeing as she decided to sleep him Grant decided to play with her some more.

Robert nodded his head and then flopped back and sighed as he wanted to sleep but he couldn't rest while he knew his sister was with the king
"Let me go!" Caera was whimpering as she tried to fight against him, although it was still very futile. And she was only giving a small whimper of pain anyways as she was moving her arm wrong - which she had only hurt herself earlier trying to get away.

The doctors were coming by and offering them all some shots that would help fight against infection for those that had gotten hurt, and would help them sleep. Most of the prisoners were just giving in and letting them give them the shot - Azalea on the other hand was declining the shot. She wanted nothing to do with it, and wanted to stay alert.
"not happening" Grant carried her back in to the room and then shut and locked the door using a lock she wouldn't be able to reach.

Robert refused as well as something felt off about the shot to him
Azalea was just watching for a moment in time although who would have figured that the doctors were still going to try and be pushy about the whole thing. Even more of an indication that there was something off about it. "Get any closer to me and I will scream. The guards are right outside the door and the King did order for us to be tended to; and not harmed." Azalea was speaking after a moment in time as a doctor got closer to her.

Caera was just moving away from him almost right away and just going over to the corner of the room, to sit with her knees drawn to her chest.
Robert looked at him and then moved between the two of them to keep the doctor from getting close to her.

Grant walked over to her and picked her back up and carried her back to the bed
Caera was just going to push him away when he did that telling him to just get away from her.

Azalea was just a little surprised but she just watched to see what the doctor was going to do. It seemed like the doctor was deciding to stand down at the time.
Grant stroked her face "not going to happen I have taken a liking to you and plan to have you again"

Robert watched the man back down and then he relax as well
Caera was just slapping his hand away and told him not to touch her. Her voice was filled with fright at that point in time and it was evident that she wasn't comfortable with anything that was happening anymore. Although with the sun starting to go down it would probably be ideal for everybody to try and get some sleep as well.

Azalea was just watching for a brief moment in time.
Caera was just looking at him for a moment before she was speaking in a venomous voice, "I would rather die than belong to anybody."
Caera was just glaring at him before she was hissing something else at him, before just looking away from him. It wasn't long before there seemed to be a knock on the door and there was a servant there with food.
Caera was just looking for a moment in time but who would have figured that it was actually her that was moving and grabbing onto the back of his shirt, to stop him from opening the door. About sent her onto the floor again but she recognized the voice. The servant wasn't a rebel but they were definitely up to no good that was for sure. A servant who had tried to poison a number of the dancers so many times - she wouldn't be shocked if she didn't try to poison the general or even the king.

After a bit a couple of guards were coming into the medical wing to escort the prisoners back down into the dungeons. One of the guards would find a hidden message from Azalea telling them to keep an eye on the doctors, that they weren't to be trusted. "Move it. You've been tended to, it is time for you to return to your proper rooms now." a guard was speaking and pushing them along.
Grant turned and looked at her "what is wrong" he figured something had to be off for her to willingly grab on to him

Robert moved slowly from pain but he was moving and keeping pace with the back guard.
Caera didn't say anything at first just shook her head before she was speaking, "Don't trust her. She has tried to poison us dancers enough for us to recognize her voice. We have learned not to eat anything that she brings." Well that would be news to him at that point in time - yet again usually it took a lot for anybody from underground to come over and say something about stuff that happens.

Azalea was just following after everybody at that point in time, just keeping an eye on the guards that were around and the other prisoners that were with. The fact that there were insiders from some of the other lords there concerned her and she didn't have a way to pass on this information right now. Not with subjecting herself to getting into some trouble in order to do so. But... whatever she had to do. They were coming across the courtyard where some of the other prisoners were making a break for it - naturally she was doing just that as well. No she knew that it would get her taken away - but that worked in her favor well.
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