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(Reboot) The Cavern (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

Azalea was just looking towards him before she was speaking in a low voice, "Keep an eye on those doctors. I don't trust them." With that she was getting up so that they could head back to the rest of the prisoners at that point in time. Nope it was when they got closer that he would more than likely be acting a little more harsh and she would just fall into that helpless prisoner act - helpless prisoner who was in pain and frightened.
Grant walked her back to the cell she had been in and then pushed her in before closing the cell. Grant then turned and left heading to speak to the king
Azalea was just stumbling into the cell and just dropping down to her knees, watching as he left. She did have her hand pressed to her shoulder hard to try and staunch the bleeding.
Azalea was just looking towards him for a moment in time before she was speaking, "I...I didn't do anything wrong in the first place!"
"you still shouldn't have run" Robert looked at her and then stood and walked over and looked at her "looks like your bleeding again"
Azalea was just looking for a moment before she was speaking, "Yeah.... That man applied pressure to shoulder to get me to talk...."
Azalea was just going over so that she could lay down on the ground of the cell that they were in, just wanting to sleep it seemed.

When Grant came back, he would find that Caera wasn't on the bed anymore - but she hadn't left the room. She seemed to be curled up in the corner of the room that she had been sitting in earlier, and she was fast asleep it seemed. Although for her - sleeping on a bed was a strange sensation. She was so use to sleeping on the cold hard ground since they didn't have bedding down below. Straw and fabrics that they could make into something a little softer but nothing like mattresses.
Caera just seemed to resist him a little bit when he picked her up although she didn't seem to fight for long, just curling back up once she was laid down.
At some point during the night though - both Grant and Hayden would get the strange feeling that something was wrong but it would be too late. Somebody had slipped into the room and injected both of the dancers with something - a poison to hopefully kill them. Little did the person know was that they had some resistance to it - but they were going to be quite sick for a short bit. Caera was just waking up as soon as she felt the needle and was lashing out at the person, knocking the needle onto the ground. Thankfully it didn't break and there was still a small amount in the vial, but the damage was still done. She could already feel it running through her system which had her just clutching at her arm where it had been injected; no it would start with that burning sensation as it spread through the system and eventually the fever would kick it.

Another person was even attempting to poison Robert, although they weren't quite expecting to be pinned to the ground by the red head that was in the cell with him. "Shh.... He is sleeping lets not wake him up." she was whispering to the rebel, managing to get the dagger that was in their hand away from them and just had their dagger pressed to their neck. A breath was escaping her lips as she just sat on their stomach at the time, their wrists pinned under their back and the dagger being held to their neck.
the guards rushed making sure not to wake the man and grabbed the man who had tried to kill Robert. they then headed to a free cell and after searching the man they chained him down and locked him up.

Grant heard the commotion and attacked the male who had injected Caera. Grant wasn't pleased to be woken up while sleeping and he wasn't to happy to have what was his attacked either. granted she didnt know the king had given him permission to keep her yet he still wasn't happy.

Abby scrambled away from the person who injected her as she had felt the needle go in and she ended up falling off of the bed and on to the ground
Azalea was just watching for a moment in time before her eyes were narrowing a bit. Man people were getting more desperate it seemed. And if that person had been a rebel... they had no care that they were trying to kill their second in command.

Caera was just watching although she could feel the fever slowly starting to kick in along with the sick feeling. And there wasn't much that she could do since it was in her blood stream. If she had injested it through food she could have forced herself to throw up - try and get it out of her system, but that wasn't the case. The person was actually trying to flee from them and was just commenting that she wouldn't have long to live. This just had her giving a scoff before she was speaking, despite her voice being weak at the time "Shame I'm stronger and more resistant to this poison than you thought."

Hayden was awake as well and the person was being taken down rather easily. A bit of a shock to the person considering many had been under the impression that the king wasn't able to fight at all. That definitely wasn't the case though. He was a warrior - he just didn't act it most of the time.
the guards took care when they removed him from the cell and took his weapon from Azalea as well so that it didnt seem like they let a prisoner have a weapons. they then dragged the male off to interrogate him and find out what he was doing there and who had sent him as well.

Grant caught the male and pinned him to the ground before he looked at Caera "how are you feeling" Grant was worried that she was going to need medical help as he didnt know what this poison would do to her. Grant then handed the man over to guards when they came in after hearing the commotion. Grant made sure to order that he was to be secured so that he could deal with him later. Grant then walked over to Caera to check on her and make sure that she was ok as he didnt know when the poison would reach its peak.

Abby let out a groan when the poison started to kick in first it was a fever and then she started to feel ill. Abby moved to get up and move to the bathroom so that if she did get ill she wasn't getting sick on the floor. when she tried to stand her legs buckled and she fell back to the ground. This had Abby moving to crawl to the bathroom so that she could be sick there
Caera was just looking towards him when he was asking how she was feeling. This just had her looking for a moment before she was mumbling, "Feverish. Sick. It'll pass.... In time..." No it would definitely pass - granted she was going to be miserable the entire time but it would be fine. She could probably just try and sleep it off - sleep was always helpful for the body.

Hayden was just watching and was ordering a couple of guards to take the man away to the dungeons, that he would deal with him later. After that he was sending for a maid to tend to Abby before he was leaving his room.

Azalea was just watching before letting out a small breath of air and pushing some hair out of her face. Nope this wasn't a fun situation anymore... and she had made her arm start bleeding all over again. Fantastic.
Grant nodded his head and then tucked her in to the bed "then rest you will need it to heal but if you get to ill I will be taking you to the medical wing"

Abby felt horrid and sat in the bathroom ignoring the maid who wanted her to go and lay back down.
"It'll be fine... Not the first time this has happened... won't be the last time..." Caera was mumbling after a moment in time before she was just curling up in bed although she was questioning if he would open the window a bit. Not that she was going to try and escape or anything - the cool air was more what she was wanting; despite how she was freezing but sweating all at once.
Caera was just curling up in bed a bit more and it didn't seem like long before she was falling asleep.
When he went down to the dungeon he would see a couple of guards actually struggling some with the mean that had poisoned Caera and even the one who had poisoned Abby. They were definitely putting up a fight, although one of them wasn't quite expecting to be "casually" tripped by the red haired woman in a cell. "Oh... Whoops..." Azalea was speaking in an innocent voice.
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