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(Reboot) The Cavern (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

Grant chuckled and then helped get the men secured before he started to torture them to learn who had ordered that they be poisoned and how they had gotten in to the castle as well.
Azalea was just winking a bit before she was retreating back farther into the cell, keeping to herself once again. Her thoughts were all over the place, and she was just wondering what was going to happen now.
Azalea was just looking towards him for a moment in time before she spoke, "New prisoners... tried to poison some people."
Azalea was just nodding her head before she was commenting, "One of them tried aiming for you as well... It was terrifying... If the guards hadn't acted when they had..."
Azalea was just shaking her head before she spoke, "I don't know...." Nope while she knew why he was being targeted, well more than likely had an idea, she was pretending that she had no idea.
Azalea was just watching for a brief moment in time although she kept to herself at that point in time. No there wasn't a whole lot that she could do at the time.

Meanwhile in the caverns some of the rebels were gathered - and it was being mentioned to the leader what had happened. About how somebody had attempted to poison the two dancers that were stuck above and their second in command. "I think we should find a way to go and free Robert." one of the rebels was commenting after a moment in time.
Vincent looked at them and then shook his head "if we try to free him we put ourselves at risk Robert will be fine he is stronger then people like to thing he will not betray us"
A woman was walking into the room and just tossing something at Vincent before she spoke, "A new map from my contact in the palace. Although that is the best they can do on the blueprints. Some of the rebels acting out and being stupid makes it difficult for them to be able to travel easily. It seems that not only were the two dancers that are above attacked by so was Robert."
Vincent swore when he learned of the attempted attack on his brother. he wasn't aware that it was his sister and Caera who were the dancers in question at the time.
"It would be best if the rebels just fall back for a bit and stop causing problems. Right now there seems to be a few other kingdoms that are trying to cause problems as well. So let them cause the problems." the woman was commenting with a small shrug before she was pushing some of her blonde hair out of her face. The woman in question wasn't eventually actually from the underground nor was she from the kingdom that was ruled by that of Hayden. She was from another kingdom that was far to the West - and had only gotten involved on accident more or less. She pretty much stayed out of it though.
Vincent nodded his head "we will do that for now things are getting hairy and we need to take time if we are going to take the king down."
"I would advise not getting involved for a while now. Within the next few days... the King will be receiving a visitor that is the King of West. Which means that he will call for his dancers once again... but knowing the King of the West, he will have something else planned." the woman, who had only introduced herself to them as Caly. They didn't need to know that her true name was Calypso, nor did they need to know that she was Western Princess. Yet if any rebels were at the upcoming ball they would learn that pretty quickly since she would be there as part of her father's plan. He was planning to offer her to Hayden in a vow of marriage to unite the two kingdoms.
Vincent frowned and then nodded his head as the leader Vincent would do just that and keep them from all acting as he didnt want to cause more problems.
Caly was just chuckling before she was looking towards a rebel who asking how they knew if they could trust her - that she could be working for the king. "Have I lead you astray with any of my information yet?" she was questioning after a moment in time. No being a visiting royal at the palace, she could pretty easily gather information. Far easier than that of the rebels actually because - nobody would dare tell her that she couldn't enter a place, not even the generals. "Also you all do realize that the king has two generals. There is Grant, whom everybody sees all the time. Then the other is the Black Knight... Be wary of them. Nobody knows who that person is." she was commenting.
Vincent silenced people and then put his hands on the table before looking at her "we will back down for now but we can't wait too long or the king will think he had won"
Caly was just looking towards Vincent for a brief moment in time before she was speaking, "No need to worry . The Western King will keep him occupied for some time. After all.... the two of them hate each other. And the Western King is going to propose a union between the kingdoms." Now that was going to cause quite the drama - right there in the ballroom more than likely.
Vincent sighed and then sat down before dismissing the people there so that he could rest and focus on something other then a rebellion
Caly was wandering over to him before she was commenting, "You know... You could all forgo this rebellion and come back to the west with me." No she wasn't going to tell him how she could make that happen - but no guards dared argue with a noble - which is exactly how she was able to come and go so easily. But as far as they knew - she had conned the guards into letting her down there, promising them gold.
"and what about the others down here a whole kingdom can't just go west" Vincent was doing this for the people to give them back their lives
Caly was just looking for a brief moment in time before she was speaking, "Slowly but surely we work on sneaking people out." With that she was giving a small shrug before she was stating that she needed to get going shortly. "The guards only promised to ignore the fact that I was here for an hour." she was commenting before pulling up her hood once again before she was turning to leave, not even realizing that she had dropped something from her pocket. A handkerchief that had the symbol of the Western royal family on it.
once she left Vincent got up and picked up the handkerchief from the ground seeing this hand him on edge and he was more then a little curious as to what was going on
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