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(Reboot) The Cavern (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

Abby looked at the guard and then nodded and then headed over to where Caly was so that she could speak with the woman. Abby didn't know why she would want to speak to her but she would humor the woman as it was considered rude to tell a princess no.
Caly was just looking at the woman for a brief moment in time before she was speaking, "I just wished to thank you for your actions early. Although I do wish to know your reasoning behind wishing to assist?" Her eyes were flickering towards where her father was still acting rather belligerent and she was letting out a slow breath of air. "I am seriously wondering if he is going to live through the night at the rate he is pissing people off." she was mumbling a bit under her breath. A guard was commenting to her that he had heard from Hayden that he was rejecting the marriage proposal - not because of her but because he didn't want connections to the idiot. Hell at that point in time she didn't even want to be related to him.
"I grew up hearing stories from my mother the women in the western kingdom wore a veil if they were unmarried when out in public" Abby then shrugged lightly as it wasn't that big of a deal for her to act as she had since the king hadn't been able to retaliate. with Grant having been so close it had made her feel more comfortable.
Caly was just nodding her head before she was speaking, "Not many truly know that unless they have visited the West and have actually learned more about the culture. I am grateful though.... There is somebody I've been interested in for some time but, it matters not."
Abby chuckled be glad you have the chance to be interested in someone" Abby knew she couldn't risk finding a partner not until she was no longer a dancer
Caly was just looking towards Abby for a moment in time before she was speaking, "Hmmm.... It would never happen for me. Not with whom I've found myself attracted to. I am sure that he hates me right now... due to the fact that I lied to him. I stated that I was a noble from the West... I couldn't hide the nobility status; as people say I just seem to ooze nobility even when I do not try. But I never stated that I was the princess.... but stating that would have lead to being treated differently." Honestly she hated being a princess - it was rather annoying. Your highness this, my lady that. She was just shaking her head some.
"you never know they may not hate you they may just be mad at you and that could all be fixed with an apology" Abby didnt know who she was attracted to but she was giving some sound advice for her to listen too
"Perhaps although I don't think that I'll be speaking to them for a while. Least my father find out. That will end a nightmare." Caly was speaking after a moment in time. Her cheek was still a bit swollen from where he had slapped her earlier in the evening. His sword had been taken to his room that he was staying in for the night - the general in black straight up telling him that they were taking it and he wasn't getting it back. She was rolling her shoulders a bit before tilting her head back some to look up towards the ceiling for a brief moment in time.
"well I can't help much sadly" Abby knew better then to talk about what was going on in their kingdom out of fear of what would happen if the king found out.
Who would have figured that soon enough Hayden would be coming over and was asking what seemed to be happening. This had Caly just looking for a moment before she was speaking, "I wished for some female companionship and you stated that all of the dancers were fair game to anybody. She was one of the few that I saw wasn't busy with another, so I asked her to come and sit with me for a while. I do hope that that wasn't a problem at all." This had Hayden just looking before he was speaking, "Not at all, my dear princess." With that said he was actually offering the two of them a glass of wine.
Abby declined the wine simply because she had never drank before and didnt know how it would affect her. Abby then looked at her hand and while she wished to ask the princess for her help to free them all there was little she could do and she knew it
Hayden almost seemed annoyed that Abby wouldn't accept the wine but Caly was speaking, "My King... It would be a shame if your dancer were to get intoxicated... and accidentally injure herself next time she was dancing because of said drink. It would be wise for her to not drink - especially if you wish for her to continue performing such beautiful dances." Well the king was agreeing to his and raising his glass to Caly in a cheers before he was downing it without much thought. Well customs were to copy whoever had done the cheers there. No Caly wasn't a huge fan of wine at all but she would survive.
Abby felt horrid but once the dance floor cleared and then dancers resumed performing she stood up "please excuse me I need to join the dancers for the next round of performances" Abby then hurried off so that she could join the others
Caly was downing the wine as well and just giving a light smile to the king, before watching as Abby was leaving. Oh she definitely felt the alcohol that was sure. That was some strong wine and she was glad that the woman hadn't had any. But with the king standing there she didn't show any signs of wanting to just throw up everything that she had just drank. Soon Hayden was dismissing himself and Caly was shuttering with a look of disgust before ordering one of her guards to go get her some water.
soon it was Abby's turn to dance again and she moved to the middle of the floor and then she started to dance her moves flowing like water almost like she wasn't even thinking about the moves.
Everybody was just watching, including that of Caly's father who was making a commenting to somebody that he was wanting the dancer. No shock at all that he was wanting to cause problems still. Caly was rising to her feet after having a bit of water and was moving past some people, wanting to go outside for some fresh air. On her way out though she did end up finding herself colliding with Vincent a bit, which just had her apologizing in a soft voice.
Vincent would definitely be able to smell the alcohol on her when she had spoke to him - yet Hayden was notorious for offering strong drinks to people that he didn't think could stomach it well. She was definitely one of those people. As she was leaving the ballroom there seemed to be a few of the guests that were following her - and they weren't people who had come with their group either.
Vincent didn't like it and then followed after her mainly to protect her. even though he was mad he didnt want to see her harmed either
Perhaps a good thing since the two men were definitely in the process of harassing her at the time. Well one of them actively had her pinned to the wall and was speaking to her, while the other was just pretending to be a guard. "Since the King rejected the marriage proposal... Perhaps you should give me a go." the man was speaking that was standing in front of her, which just had her looking away.
Vincent sighed and then looked at the men "she is a visiting dignitary and the kings guest it would be wise to leave her be if you dont want to get in to trouble"
This actually had the men looking over and they were definitely fleeing rather quickly - having no idea who this man was at all. And they all knew about the other general, and nobody knowing what the general looked like. Best not to upset people they weren't sure about - that and they were quite drunk themselves. Caly was startled by suddenly being let go and was just sinking down to the ground.
Caly was just looking for a moment before she was taking his offered hand to get to his feet before she spoke, "Yeah I'm alright. Thanks."
"your welcome" Vincent looked at her and then looked to see if anyone was listening in on their conversation. when he saw that no one was he spoke "so your a princess huh why did you lie and say you were a noble"
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